The Campaign So Far
For more than a decade GMB has been campaigning for Amazon workers to be treated fairly - with dignity and respect.
GMB members are leading the fight to make work better in Amazon, campaigning for union recognition and a proper pay rise.
Yet Amazon workers earn just pennies above the minimum wage, face brutal working conditions and are under constant surveillance in the company’s distribution centres.
Amazon workers deserve their fair share of the profits they create, and they deserve to be treated with respect at work.
That's why workers at Amazon sites across the country are joining GMB and taking historic strike action in their campaign for union recognition and a proper pay rise.
Amazon workers are one step closer to Europe’s first recognised union at the retail giant.
Workers are escalating their campaign for £15 and union recognition at the online retail giant's…
GMB union has announced further strike dates at two Amazonsites.
Amazon could be on the brink of being forced to recognise a trade union for the first time.
Fresh industrial chaos will hit the retail giant next week.
Workers at Amazon Coventry have voted to back an extension of industrial action.
Workers at the Birmingham warehouse will down tools on Thursday 25 January.
As Amazon workers in Coventry take strike action, GMB also demonstrate in Swindon.