GMB Health Plan
Individual/Family Cover
We've got you covered !
Who can apply?
All GMB members and their families aged 16 up to their 70th birthday can join this health plan. There are no medical questions to answer and you can stay on the plan as long as you wish.
What will I be covered for?
Everyday healthcare costs such as trips to the dentist and optician, plus a wide range of therapy treatments and other cash paying benefits. There are many benefits included, please refer to the Premium and Benefits Table below; you’re covered according to the cover level you choose.
Guaranteed acceptance
No medical questions
Easy to claim
Cover for GMB members
Benefits for all GMB members:
- Optical
- Dental
- Specialist Consultation
- Complementary Therapies
- Chiropody
- Hospital cash
Individual & Famaily Plan
Get 100% of your money back on everyday health expenses*
Free cover for up to 5 children included with every plan
Retired members plan
All pre-existing conditions covered
No age limit to join or to stay on cover