Why Join GMB?
The GMB union is a powerful organisation of workers who have come together to protect and improve their job conditions.
Our organisation is dedicated to supporting and protecting the interests of our members.
We believe that everyone deserves to work in a safe and fair environment, and we are committed to advocating for workers' rights and improving the standard of living for all employees.
We also take an active role in negotiating collective bargaining agreements with employers, ensuring that our members have the best possible wages, benefits, and working conditions.
GMB’s job is very simple: to get the best deal possible for you.
- Better pay, terms and conditions
- A decent work life where workers are safe and treated with dignity
- Better work / life balance
- Fairness – making sure working people have their rights at work and are treated fairly and legally when there’s a problem.
When you’re at work, it’s always good to know that someone is on your side - that’s our job.
What is a trade union?
A trade union is an organisation made up of employees who join together to preserve and progress their conditions of employment.
By working collectively, and through a trade union, employees of a company can bargain for better pay and terms and conditions for all workers.
A trade union campaigns for better circumstances for its members and also provides individual assitance and services to their members around legal support and workplace advice.
More than six million people in the UK belong to a trade union.
Reasons to Join GMB
Our family includes over 500,000 members who work in every type of job imaginable across public services and in private companies too. Our members work full-time, part-time or work while they study.
We offer a range of benefits and services to our members, including legal support, learning opportunities, and access to exclusive discounts and deals.
From having someone on your side for if there is a problem in the workplace to campaigning for better pay, rights and terms & conditions
Every worker has a right, by law, to choose to join GMB. Any action by an employer aimed at preventing a worker from exercising this right is unlawful.
Better pay and conditions
On average trade union members earn more than non-members.
A 500,000 strong family on your side
When we work together to fight for better we are always stronger than when we fight alone.
Discounts and benefits through GMB
With discounts off amusement parks, travel, insurance, cinemas and more. GMB offers members many benefits.
Better maternity, paternity and care leave
We negotiate better terms of maternity, paternity or care, often winning you more than the legal minimum.
Safety at work
Unionised workplaces are safer work places. In fact, on average, workplaces with a union presence have half as many injuries.
Learning and development opportunities
From free accredited qualifications to bursaries for study, as a GMB member you're entitled to many learning opportunities.
Free legal advice
Support on personal injury and employment claims as well as advice on a broad range of legal issues through our law firm UNIONLINE.
More holidays & control your working life
The trade union movement brought us the weekend. GMB campaigns to protect your controls over your working life.
Join Us Today!
Full Time
GMB member working full time for than 20 hours
£14.88 per month
Part Time
GMB members working part-time for 20 hours or less and GMB members under 18 years.
£8.48 per month
GMB members underrtaking an accredited apprenticeship
£3.00 per month
For non-working students only
£1.00 per month
GMB working for members
Just some of the ways that GMB supports our members in making work better.