Water Noticeboard

Last update: 18 Mar 2025

Further Links

Thames Water Bulletin - 2025 Pay Claim - 18 March 2025 Thames Water - Update - 6th February 2025 Thames Water Update & March for Clean Water - 21 October 2024 Thames Water Bulletin - Member Update Thames Water Bulletin - Thames Water Credit Rating Update - 26 July 2024 GMB National Water Forum - Thames Water - OFWAT Draft Determinations - 15 July 2024 Thames Water - OFWAT Draft Determinations - 12 July 2024 THAMES WATER BULLETIN - 21/6/2024 - GMB BALLOT RESULT Thames Water Bulletin Improved Final Pay Offer - GMB Ballot - 6 June 2024 Thames Water - Company Final Pay Offer 2024 - Joint Unions Ballot Results - 24 May 2024 Thames Water Joint Union Bulletin - Pay 2024 Offer THAMES WATER BULLETIN - PAY 2024 - FINAL OFFER - 7 May 2024 Thames Water - Joint Union Pay Claim 24/25 - 23 April 2024 Thames Water - Shareholders' Investment Update - 28 March 2024 National Water Forum - 15 March 2024 - Water Forum Bulletin Thames Water - Joint Union Bulletin - Thames Water Pay Ballot 2023- Results - 23 November 2023 Thames Water Bulletin - Revised Final Pay Offer 2023/24 Thames Water Bulletin - Final Pay Offer 2023/24 - Ballot Result - 15 September 2023 Thames Water - Joint Trade Union Update - August 2023 Thames Water - Joint Trade Union Update - July 2023 2023 PAY CAMPAIGN BULLETIN THAMES WATER - PROJECT SKYE AND PAY BALLOT 4 - BALLOT RESULTS Thames Water Pay & Project SKYE Ballot Update Thames Water Terms & Conditions Changes – Project Skye Noticeboard Bulletin - 05-09-2022 NST Working Patterns Noticeboard Bulletin - 11-07-2022 THAMES WATER REDUNDANCIES Thames Water - 2022 Pay Survey Results NSTs SOUTH LONDON -Tier 3 Update Infrastructure Alliance (IA) - Insourcing Noticeboard Bulletin - 20-09-2021 Noticeboard Bulletin - 14-07-2021
Latest Bulletins

Thames Water Bulletin - 2025 Pay Claim - 18 March 2025

Posted on:


Dear member

The joint Union pay claim for 2025 has been submitted and we have the first pay negotiations meeting with the company on Thursday, 20th March 2025. The pay claim reflects the results of the pay survey and comments made by GMB members.

Summary of the Pay Claim

  • One year Pay Settlement which values employees continued contributions.
  • A CPIH (currently @ 3.9%) + 1.5% increase on basic pay and associated allowances.
  • A Timebound commitment to fully resolve ALL outstanding Salary Band issues Ref Project Skye.
  • A further Timebound commitment to implement a robust resolution for ALL Red Circled employees impacted as a result of " Allowances In " Ref Project Skye.
  • Full clarity on the structure and integrity of this year’s Company Bonus scheme as per Project Skye.
  • A further 1-year extension to consolidated pay rises for Red Circled employees.
  • A commitment to implementing a fair and practicable Pay Progression matrix for ALL applicable roles.
  • A commitment from the Company to properly consider the reinstatement of Pension Contributions for Contractual Overtime (Standby and Call-Out).

The claim is set at a level that we believe is affordable and recognises the current inflationary costs and volatility, including rises in energy and water bills, council tax, housing costs and food prices.

GMB members have been at the forefront of keeping Thames Water going and the assets together through all the financial turmoil that has engulfed the company. We believe that all these efforts need to be properly rewarded, and the bonus scheme and salary bands should be sorted out if the company wants to attract, recruit and retain its employees.

We will keep you informed of developments after each pay meeting.

If you are not yet a member of GMB and want to have your say on pay, you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk .

In Solidarity



Thames Water - Update - 6th February 2025

Posted on:


Dear member

Just before the Christmas break and on 22nd January 2025, GMB and other joint trade unions met with senior management to discuss Thames Waters finances, OFWAT's final determination and the future of the company.

There has been an ongoing dialogue with the company, and we have met with Government and had regular meetings with OFWAT.

GMB wants to see Thames Water on a stable and secure footing and we are extremely worried about short term loans at high interest rates placing even more debt on the company. Thames needs investors which are in it for the long term and want to invest in its assets, infrastructure and the workforce.

Following news that Covalis were interested in buying Thames, selling off the assets and splitting up the company, we were inundated with calls from members worried about their jobs, pay, and pensions. We do not want Thames to split up, it would not be in the best interests of our members or customers.

Since we last met with management the speculation about the future of Thames Water has intensified in the press and this will continue through and beyond the court hearing. Reports suggest some potential investors want Thames to go into Special Administration Regime (SAR) so the debt can be reduced. The Government has approached potential administrators as a contingency and the ratings agency Moody’s has further downgraded Thames debt rating.

Thames also has until 18th February to decide whether to appeal against OFWAT's final determination and go to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

GMB will continue to talk to management and make representations to Government and OFWAT in the interests of our members, who deserve certainty and long-term job stability and good pay and conditions.

OFWAT is allowing bills to rise by 35% during the next AMP period, which will provide money for large scale investment. As part of this Thames will need to increase its workforce and retain skills if it is going to deliver on reducing leaks and stopping sewage spills.

GMB will be pressing Thames for more directly employees, improved training, and better rates of pay.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk

In Solidarity



Thames Water Update & March for Clean Water - 21 October 2024

Posted on:

Dear member

Thames Water

GMB reps and officers have had meeting with Thames management, Ofwat, and Defra in recent weeks to talk about the company's finances, the final PR24 determinations and ownership.

In this bulletin we would like to update you on what we know and have learned from these discussions.

What the future holds for Thames Water remains unclear. The shareholders in Thames have said that the company is un-investible. Thames says it needs at least £3.5 billion in equity and is looking for new investors. In discussions with Thames attracting new investors hinges on getting a good final determination from Ofwat for PR24.

Ofwat criticised TW for its PR24 submission. In its draft determination Ofwat gave Thames £16bn of the £18.7bn that Thames had asked for. Ofwat put Thames in special measures and the company has submitted a revised business plan in which it is seeking £24bn, more money than in its original submission.

Thames has also seen its credit rating downgraded to Junk by the ratings agencies, so in effect in breach of its operating licence. Ofwat has put an independent expert on Thames’ Board and is giving Thames time to find new equity and investors.

Thames has said to us that they have enough money to go into second quarter of 2025, having agreed funding with its creditors. Before the money runs out Thames should know if they have got enough money in the Ofwat PR24 final determinations.

Because of the election putting back draft determinations, Ofwat consulted on whether the announcement of the final determinations should be put back from December 2024 to January 2025. Ofwat said to us that they were confident final determinations should be out on 19th December.

In our meeting with Defra, officials said that water sector was a top priority for Government as outlined in the Special Measures Bill with the prospect of further reform to come. Defra said they were ready for all eventualities and that water is an essential service. There will still be a company, with the workforce and terms and conditions. We are seeking a meeting with the Secretary of State, Steve Reed.

Ofwat said that it had met with Thames and its creditors and stressed that need for a solid turnaround plan. We talked about what might happen if Thames does not get new investors and the equity it needs. Ofwat officials explained there were two routes into special administration financial or performance (the latter being a very high bar) and that special administration might not be benign.

In discussions GMB has stressed the importance of the workforce and that investment is required to repair aging assets, stops leaks and pollution. Central delivering investment is having an operational plan and workforce plan. The workforce must have a say in this plan and Thames like other water companies must be accountable to stakeholders, which includes its employees.

Whether Thames Water survives through a financial restructuring or ends up in special administration is still uncertain. Thames provides an essential public service which will still need to be delivered. GMB members are the backbone of this service, and we will fight for workers jobs, pay, pensions and terms and conditions.


GMB is joining the March for Clean Water in London on Sunday 3rd November. We want you to come along. Water workers provide an essential public service and care about the work they do, and the environment. The Water sector and water companies must change.

The March assembles at 11.00 on Albert Embankment SE1 7SP. Look out for the GMB Flags.

Please see the link for further details marchforcleanwater.org/march

In Solidarity



Thames Water Bulletin - Member Update

Posted on:

Dear member,

On Tuesday, GMB reps and the National Secretary attended a joint union meeting with Chris Weston, Thames Water Chief Executive. The meeting had been set up at the request of GMB in order to get an understanding as to the latest developments that many of you will have read about in the press. We wanted to understand the possible impact these would have on your jobs and terms and conditions.

The meeting was open, frank and honest and covered the latest developments since the last staff update, in particular the OFWAT determination which covers the amount that bills can be increased by. This is a lot less than has been requested by the company but it was stressed that the published position was only the initial finding of the Regulator and that there was some way to go before this process is finalised. Should the company not receive the outcome they want, they would have the opportunity to challenge this via the CMA procedure.

In terms of the position for members, it was stressed that this would be very much a case of business as usual and that even if a special administrator was appointed, members jobs would continue without interruption. The simple reality is that the work you do relates to an essential piece of national infrastructure and whilst there may, as a worst case scenario, be a change of administration, this is not going to change the need for members to continue doing the vital work you do. Whilst in the longer term there is always the possibility of a change of structure or new technology having some impact on roles, this is not in reality any different as a result of the company’s current financial position. It goes without saying that whatever happens, your GMB reps will be working tirelessly to protected jobs and terms moving forwards.

GMB are in a process of setting up a meeting with the Minister in order to get further clarification and will report back to your once that meeting has been held. In the meantime, we will continue to update you of developments as they happen.

Your sincerely

Your National GMB reps

Thames Water Bulletin - Thames Water Credit Rating Update - 26 July 2024

Posted on:

Dear member,

You will have seen that Thames Water credit rating has been downgraded to junk, which breaches the company's regulatory licence. This is obviously serious and comes shortly after the OFWAT draft determinations and this week's environment agency water company ratings.

The joint unions are meeting with OFWAT on Wednesday 31st July and subsequently meeting with the company in early August.

The credit rating downgrade is no reflection of the hard work you do for Thames Water, day in, day out. GMB members keep the water flowing despite the turmoil at shareholder level.

We know people are worried about job security, pay and pensions and you deserve future certainty and stability. GMB is seeking answers and assurances from Thames, the regulator, and a meeting with the Environment Minister.

Thames needs investment and if the current shareholders won't put money in and new investors cannot be found then the Government needs to step in.

People need water and there is a future for Thames and GMB members. What's required is certainty, stability and investment, which will provide good quality, well paid jobs long into the future

If you're not yet a GMB member, you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk 

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

GMB National Water Forum - Thames Water - OFWAT Draft Determinations - 15 July 2024

Posted on:

Thames Water – OFWAT Draft Determinations

Dear member

On 9th July, GMB reps and the other joint unions met with senior Thames management to discuss the company’s end of year figures.

The company reported improved operating figures, in line with its budget. Debt has increased to £15.2 billion, and Thames has 11 months liquidity left. The company is looking for new investors to inject £3.25 billion equity into the business.

On Thursday, 11th July, OFWAT announced its draft determinations and Thames has been awarded under half the money it was seeking and OFWAT has put the company in a “turnaround oversight regime”.

GMB wants to know what this will mean for the future of Thames and will be seeking meetings with Thames, OFWAT, and politicians in the next few weeks.

What we do know is that GMB members continue to keep water flowing into people’s homes and providing a vital public service. Whoever the owners are, we all still need water and workers to maintain the assets and provide the service.

GMB believes there needs to be investment in assets and the workforce and we’ll be pushing for this with Thames, the Regulator, and Government.

If you’re not yet a member of GMB Union, then you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk .

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Thames Water - OFWAT Draft Determinations - 12 July 2024

Posted on:

Thames Water – OFWAT Draft Determinations

Dear member

On 9th July, GMB reps and the other joint unions met with senior Thames management to discuss the company’s end of year figures.

The company reported improved operating figures, in line with its budget. Debt has increased to £15.2 billion, and Thames has 11 months liquidity left. The company is looking for new investors to inject £3.25 billion equity into the business.

On Thursday, 11th July, OFWAT announced its draft determinations and Thames has been awarded under half the money it was seeking and OFWAT has put the company in a “turnaround oversight regime”.

GMB wants to know what this will mean for the future of Thames and will be seeking meetings with Thames, OFWAT, and politicians in the next few weeks.

What we do know is that GMB members continue to keep water flowing into people’s homes and providing a vital public service. Whoever the owners are, we all still need water and workers to maintain the assets and provide the service.

GMB believes there needs to be investment in assets and the workforce and we will be pushing for this with Thames, the Regulator, and Government.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, then you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk .

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer


Posted on:

Dear member

The GMB Union pay ballot closed on Friday, 21st June at 12 Noon. The result of the ballot is as follows:

76% Accept

24% Reject

We have notified the company that GMB members has accepted the improved pay offer, as have the other trade unions.

Thank you, to all GMB members for making your voices heard during the pay campaign. This undoubtedly made a difference, and the company came back to the negotiating table with an improved final offer.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union and you want a say at work, then you can join GMB Union online at www.gmb.org.uk

Joint Union Bulletin

Please find below the link to the Joint Trade Unions Bulletin for your information:


In solidarity,



Thames Water Bulletin Improved Final Pay Offer - GMB Ballot - 6 June 2024

Posted on:


Dear Member

Following the overwhelming rejection of the company’s 3% pay offer by GMB and the other Unions, we had further negotiations with the company on Monday, 3rd June 2024.

The talks were productive, and progress has been made. The company asked for feedback on why members had rejected the last offer, which we gave them.

Following an adjournment to consider the points we made, Thames Water tabled an improved 4% offer. We considered this, but felt that it still fell short of what the water sector is paying and the continued impact of the cost-of-living crisis.

There were further discussions around improving the percentage pay rise and a cash lump sum payment which led to the following final offer from the company:

  • A 4.2% consolidated and pensionable increase to base salaries for all eligible employees in Grades A&B effective from 1st July 24. This also includes colleagues who are “red circled” i.e. above the top of their pay bands.
  • For this pay deal, employees paid above the maximum for their pay band (i.e. Red Circled employees) will receive a pay increase in line with all other employees paid within the A&B pay bands. We are committed to making sure our pay bands and red circling approach in future is fit for purpose and will continue to review this.
  • The protection for red circled staff in relation to annual pay reviews will be extended to cover the financial year 2026/27.
  • A 4.2% increase to standby, shift and call-out allowances effective from 1st July 24.
  • A guaranteed final non-consolidated lump sum bonus payment for 2024/2025 of £1250, to be paid in the earliest possible pay period after 1st July 24. This will not be pro-rated for part-time staff. This will conclude the bonus scheme for 2024/25 and we will share the scheme rules for 2025/26 with our Trade Union partners at the earliest opportunity.
  • Graduates and Apprentices will receive the bonus payment.

Eligibility for pay increase:

Employees in grades A&B will receive an increase to their basic salary with effect from 1 July 2024, with the following exceptions:

  • Employees who have resigned or are serving notice to leave the Company.
  • Employees on graduate/apprenticeship/Kickstart programmes, as their pay is reviewed separately.
  • New starters from the 1st April 2024.

As part of the offer the company have also offered the following commitments:

  • Commitment to ensuring, as per Project SKYE, the bands will extend 20% below and 20% above their midpoint – giving a range of 80% to 120% of our market benchmark. Upon implementation, no employee’s midpoint will reduce, and the majority will increase. All employees’ range maximums increase. We commit to resolving this matter by 31st October 24.
  • The company re-commit, in line with the Project Skye Agreement key principle, ‘to review pay bands annually against market data and discuss with our partnership unions as part of the annual pay review’.

The trade union side feel that this is a significant improvement and the best achievable through negotiation and therefore we are recommending our members accept this offer.

GMB Ballot

Regions will distribute the full offer details and the  QR Code or the link to cast your vote.

The ballot will close Noon on Friday, 21st June 2024.

If you are not yet a GMB Union member you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk.

In Solidarity



Thames Water - Company Final Pay Offer 2024 - Joint Unions Ballot Results - 24 May 2024

Posted on:

Dear Members

Please click the link below to view the Joint Trade Unions Ballot Results Bulletin.





Thames Water Joint Union Bulletin - Pay 2024 Offer

Posted on:


Please click the link below to see the Joint Trade Union Bulletin on the Thames Water Pay 2024 Offer.



Posted on:

Dear member

There have been two pay meetings with the company to discuss the 2024 pay claim. At the initial meeting the Joint Unions outlined the pay claim for an average CPI (inflation) 6.3% + 1% pay rise.

We also emphasised the need to implement the company’s commitment on salary bands as agreed in SKYE, which includes tackling red circling.

At the second meeting on Thursday, 3rd May 2024, the company tabled a first offer of 2.8%. This was rejected and after an adjournment the company tabled a 3% offer. The joint trade unions discussed the offer and informed the company that it was not acceptable and that we are a considerable way apart.

The company then said that it was their final offer and they wanted us to ballot our members. The joint unions said they would ballot members, but they would be asking members to reject the offer.

The Final Pay Offer

a) 3% consolidated pay increase on basic rates from 1st July 2024, including to those employees that are red circled.

b) 3% consolidated increases on standby, call out, and out of hours allowances from 1st July 2024.

c) Principle that anyone green circled will be increased to a minimum of the bottom of the job grade.

d) Thames Water will not be increasing the pay bands. They will review the bands again at the end of the calendar year. Thames Water are committed to making sure the pay bands and red circling approach are fit for purpose.

e) Thames say they will not be adjusting the mid points without reviewing the pay bands.

Thames Water say they will communicate their plans to review the reward framework in the coming months. Thames Water says that no colleague will be financially impacted because of the above.

Trade Union View

The joint trade unions believe that the final pay offer falls below our members’ expectations.

It is the lowest offer that any water company has made to its employees. The average is above 5%. Thames Water has raised customer bills substantially this year (12.1%) and has the ability to pay. The company’s greatest asset is its workforce, and they should offer more than 3%.

The company has not implemented the SKYE agreement on salary bands.

For these reasons the Joint Trade Unions are asking members to reject the company’s pay offer in the forthcoming ballot.

If you're not yet a GMB Union member you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk 

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Office

Thames Water - Joint Union Pay Claim 24/25 - 23 April 2024

Posted on:


Dear Member

The pay claim for 2024/25 has been submitted to Thames Water by the Joint Trade Unions.

We believe the pay claim is set at a level which is affordable and reflects the feedback from our membership surveys.


We are seeking:

  • A one year pay deal.
  • A 12-month average CPI% (Currently at 6.3%) +1% increase on basic pay and associated allowances.
  • Full implementation of the commitments made in Project SKYE, reference salary bands. We are therefore seeking a resolution for red circled employees, most created through the incorporation of allowances, in advance of the implementation of the pay deal to ensure that staff continue to receive reasonable consolidated pay increases.
  • Further commitment that no employee should be “green circled”.


Following feedback from members; the aspiration remains that the proposed all-staff bonus scheme, as agreed in Project Skye, is successfully implemented as agreed in consultation with the Joint Trade Unions.


Several dates have been set for pay negotiations and we will keep you up to date on developments. Dates for pay talks – Monday 29th April, Thursday 2nd May, & Tuesday 7th May 2024.

If you're not yet a GMB Union member you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk . In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Thames Water - Shareholders' Investment Update - 28 March 2024

Posted on:


Dear member

You will have seen the announcement from Thames that their shareholders will not be putting £500 million investment into the business this month.

This will cause more uncertainty for the workforce which has kept the company going through all the turmoil.

GMB and other Unions had a meeting with the company this morning and have meetings about the turnaround plan and with the CEO next week. In mid-April we will be meeting with OFWAT.

GMB believes that Thames Water shareholders should put in the investment and give a long-term commitment to the future of Thames Water and its workforce.

If you're not yet a GMB Union member you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk 

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

National Water Forum - 15 March 2024 - Water Forum Bulletin

Posted on:

GMB National Water Forum - Bulletin

Dear member

The first GMB National Water Forum this year took place in Yorkshire on 5th & 6th March 2024. The forum is made up of GMB senior reps from across the water companies.

Pay talks are happening across the water sector so it was an opportune time to get together, share information on current pay offers and discuss strategy to improve pay and conditions during 2024.

GMB membership in the water sector continues to grow. The union has been at the forefront of campaigns to improve pay and conditions, tackle pollution, and clean up the water industry.

There was also a wide-ranging discussion on what’s happening in each employer. Not surprisingly there were common themes, on pay, ways of working and health & safety.

There was also a focus on the next regulatory period (PR24). In the recent GMB survey, GMB members top priorities are as follows,

  1. Terms & Conditions of Employment
  2. Improving assets & infrastructure
  3. Having enough people to carry out the work.
  4. Excessive chief executive pay.

We will be putting these items on the agenda for when we meet OFWAT in April 2024.

The water companies need to invest in their workers and the assets & infrastructure.

Results of our recent survey showed that at least 35% of members have suffered from Verbal or Physical assault in recent past. The majority of GMB members believe that reports of sewage being dumped and increased pollution have contributed to an increase of abuse. We are challenging employers in relation to this concerning trend.

We will keep you informed of developments and there will be more from the National Water Forum during the year.

In solidarity

Gary Carter 

National Officer Chair (GMB national water forum)

Thames Water - Joint Union Bulletin - Thames Water Pay Ballot 2023- Results - 23 November 2023

Posted on:

November 2023

Thames Water Pay Ballot 2023

Dear Member,

The results of our ballots on Pay are now in and members of all three Trade Unions have voted to accept the offer.

These results have been communicated to the company. We anticipate that you will receive further communication from the company shortly, along with confirmation that any back payments and the bonus payment will be made within Decembers Payroll.

The Joint Trade Unions have received considerable feedback throughout the duration of the ballot which we will continue to work through and discuss with the company.

As always, if you have any burning questions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.

On behalf of Trade Union Side                                                                                                                                

Jay Williams


Gary Carter


Shereen Higginson


Thames Water Bulletin - Revised Final Pay Offer 2023/24

Posted on:


Dear Member,

The company only sent us revised details of the final pay offer thirty minutes before they sent out communications to all employees. We would have liked to have sent out a GMB bulletin at the same time, but we had no time to do so. This approach from the company continues to be extremely disappointing.

Pay talks with Thames Water were held on Tuesday 10th October, following members’ rejection of the company's previous offer. There was a subsequent follow up meeting on Thursday 12th October, and further conversations up to 19th October, when we received the company’s new offer set out below.

1. Pay Offer

    • A 7% consolidated and pensionable increase to base salaries for all eligible employees in Grades A&B, back dated to 1 July. This also includes colleagues who are “red circled” i.e. above the top of their pay bands.
    • Overtime rates will also increase in line with the base salary increases. Any overtime worked after 1 July 2023 will be recalculated at the new rate and any back-payment made in December.
    • A 7% increase to standby and call-out allowances, also backdated to 1st July 2023.

    2. 2023/24 A&B Bonus

    • A guaranteed final non-consolidated lump sum bonus payment for 2023/2024 of £500, to be brought forward and paid in the next available payroll. This will conclude the bonus scheme for 2023/24 and we will share the scheme rules for 2024/25 with our Trade Union partners at the earliest opportunity.
    • Graduates and Apprentices will receive the bonus payment.

    3. Eligibility for pay increase.

    Employees in grades A&B will receive an increase to their basic salary with effect from 1 July 2023, with the following exceptions:

    • Employees who have left the company since 1st July 2023 or are serving notice to leave the Company (i.e., resigned or been given notice).
    • Employees on graduate / apprenticeship / Kickstart programmes as their pay is reviewed separately.
    • Anyone with an ad hoc pay increase processed with effect from 1st July 23 is not eligible for a pay review (if increase higher than the pay review).
    • Anyone with a future dated pay increase since 1st July 23 will have pay review slotted in and their subsequent agreed salary will remain as is (exception if their subsequent increase is less than pay review).

    4. Red Circling

      In line with the 21st August 2023 addendum to the '2022 Revised Pay and Condition Proposal with Principles' document, employees who are red-circled (i.e. have a base pay above the maximum for the salary range) are who are eligible to receive an increase, will be treated in the same way as other eligible grade A and B employees and will receive a consolidated increase of 7% back-dated to 1st July 2023.


      The first offer made by Thames Water back in July was 5.25%. This increased to 6.5% through negotiations, but that offer excluded an increase in allowances and backdating of overtime. Thames Water says it’s listened to the feedback from members and has moved on the headline increase and is offering to uplift allowances and back pay overtime. This is a welcome shift.

      You will remember in the Skye agreement that the bonus put forward by the company is non contractual, discretionary, and dependent on targets being met. These targets have not been set or communicated by the company, though we have regularly pushed for these to happen. During this time Sarah Bentley has resigned and the company’s financial situation is precarious. The company is offering a guaranteed £500.00 bonus brought forward for both A and B grades respectively.

      The improved basic rate offer, backdating of overtime and increase to allowances is progress. It may not be where we would have ideally liked to get but the new offer is closer to other settlements in the water sector and current rate of inflation.

      GMB believes the Final Pay Offer is the best that can be achieved through negotiations.


      We will be balloting members in the next few weeks. More details to follow.

      If you want a say on your pay, join GMB union www.gmb.org.uk or complete a membership form and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

      In Solidarity

      Gary Carter

      National Officer

      Thames Water Bulletin - Final Pay Offer 2023/24 - Ballot Result - 15 September 2023

      Posted on:

      FINAL PAY OFFER 2023/24


      Dear Member

      Thank you to GMB members for taking part in the pay ballot. It is important that you have your say on the company pay offer.

      The ballot result is as follows.

      Accept 11%

      Reject 89%

      We have informed the company of the result. We hope Thames Water will acknowledge the strength of feeling amongst GMB members and come back to the negotiating table with an improved offer.

      If you are not yet a member of GMB and want to have a say on your pay, then you can join online www.gmb.uk or complete the form overleaf and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

      Be part of the GMB Union campaign for better pay.

      In Solidarity

      Gary Carter

      National Officer

      Thames Water - Joint Trade Union Update - August 2023

      Posted on:

      Please click the link below to the latest Joint Trade Union Update  File

      Thames Water - Joint Trade Union Update - July 2023

      Posted on:

      Please click the link below to the latest Joint Trade Union Update.   File


      Posted on:

      Dear Member

      We had a really good response to the recent GMB pay survey. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey and let us know what you would like to see in the 2023 pay claim. We used the results of the survey to inform the discussions with the other trade unions and come up with the joint union pay claim.

      The cost-of-living crisis, high inflation, especially high food and energy prices continues to dominate, and was reflected across the survey results. Making further inroads into red and green circling was the number two ask from members, and one we’ve tried to capture in the claim with our sister trade unions.

      The pay claim has been submitted to the company and is as follows:

      2023 Pay Claim

      • A one year pay deal.
      • A CPI+% increase on basic pay and associated allowances.
      • Further commitment to fix the “red circled” employee’s salary bandings, some created through incorporation of allowances, to ensure staff continue to receive reasonable consolidated pay increases.
      • Further commitment that no employee should be “green circled”.
      • Full recognition of the TU’s bargaining agreement for *all* A&B grade staff.

      Our campaign for the 2023 pay claim starts now. With everything that’s happened in the last year at Thames, within in the wider economy and the water sector, GMB members deserve a good pay rise.

      The next step will be to get some dates with the company to start the negotiations. We’ll keep you informed and up to date throughout.

      If you’re not yet a member of GMB Union and you want a say on your pay, then you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk

      In solidarity




      Posted on:


      Dear member

      The 4th ballot on Skye and Pay has closed and the results are:

      Pay Offer

      Accept – 74%

      Reject - 26%

      Skye Proposal

      Accept - 67%

      Reject – 33%

      We have informed Thames Water of the result. Back pay on the pay offer will be paid in December payroll.

      This has been the fourth ballot we have run and during this we had several meetings with the company to address red-circling, salary bands and the mid-point. Thames has said they will address the mid-point and salary band issues, and make sure they are in line with Skye proposals. The matter of red-circling may take longer to sort out, but this needs to happen.

      If you have discrepancies with salary band and midpoints, then please speak to a GMB workplace reps.



      Thames Water Pay & Project SKYE Ballot Update

      Posted on:

      Dear Member

      We have been inundated with complaints from members regarding the personal illustrations they have received from Thames Water not being in line with the Skye proposals.

      In many cases the midpoints and salary bands have been reduced. This goes against what is in the Skye proposals and we have urgently raised this with senior management. We asked the company to alter the salary bands and midpoints and bring them in line with the commitments within the full and final Skye proposals.

      This challenge has now been acknowledged by the company and is reflected in the company announcement ‘Pay and Conditions offer 2022 – update’. In this announcement the company recognise that the rolling out of the new job families has produced pay bands that are counter to the Skye proposals. The company have committed to rectifying this, specifically that nobody’s mid-point should reduce and that maximum pay ranges will increase.

      We have continuing concerns about the robustness of the process that is in place, and we will continue to challenge the company to ensure this commitment is adhered to.

      This announcement also includes elements on pay and red circled employees. The company have committed to consolidated pay increases for all employees – including those red circled – for a minimum of 3 years. The joint trade unions strongly welcome the company’s position and feel that this allows all employee’s pay to increase, especially in a time when costs are all rising.

      We also welcome the fact that the company have listened to our concerns around the non-consolidated cost of living payment next April, and have agreed to pay this if full to pro-rated employees and will now pay this to apprentices and graduates as well. The current cost of living crisis is unprecedented and is hitting all members regardless of the hours they work or the development plan they might be on, this is a true victory for equality. As a reminder the Pay and Project Skye ballot closes on the 28th November 2022.

      Please ensure that you have voted and get in touch with your local rep if you have any specific queries.

      On behalf of Trade Union Side

      Gary Carter (GMB)

      Jay Williams (UNISON)

      Shereen Higginson (UNITE THE UNION)

      Thames Water Terms & Conditions Changes – Project Skye

      Posted on:

      Dear Member

      It came to the Joint Trade Union’s attention on Tuesday 27th September that changes had been made to the Bank Holiday section of the detailed SKYE proposals.

      The Joint Trade Unions feel that the change made to the detailed Project Skye proposal, without agreement and consultation, forms a material proposal change for our members. This means that we cannot continue with the current ballot arrangements.

      This clearly sets a consistent entitlement for all employees and would have covered the shift workers and contact centres working over the bank holiday periods.

      The new text now excludes generic roles using an additional paragraph.

      The wording can be seen on the Joint Trade Union Bulletin that has also been circulated to all members.

      When this came to our attention, the joint trade unions immediately raised this with the Company and asked them to take the additional non-consulted bank holiday paragraph out. They have refused to do so and went as far as to claim a “Consistent Bank Holiday Entitlement for all Employees” was never tabled as a formal proposal.

      This is backed by the original proposal document, presented to the Joint Trade Unions in negotiations, which highlights that the topic was discussed including the proposed change for shift workers.

      As the company are maintaining their current position and are refusing to move on what we consider a “non-negotiated” material change, we have no recourse but to close and void our existing ballots. This is to ensure that our members are voting with all of the information required to make an informed decision.

      We feel that the company Inserting an additional clause without the knowledge of the Joint Trade Unions, or our members, is totally unacceptable.

      All existing ballot links or slips have been voided and we intend for you to receive a new link or vote slip by 7th October 2022. This ballot will run until 21st October 2022.

      We encourage all of our members to consider the information contained in the new detailed proposal carefully and to vote accordingly.

      We will keep you informed of any developments.

      On behalf of Trade Union Side

      Jay Williams


      Gary Carter


      Shereen Higginson


      Noticeboard Bulletin - 05-09-2022

      Posted on:

      Dear member

      GMB Ballot Results for Pay 2022 & SKYE

      The ballot has closed the results are as follows

      Pay 2022

      Accept 32%

      Reject 68%

      SKYE Proposals

      Accept 36%

      Reject 64%

      We would like to thank GMB members for taking part in the ballot.

      We have informed the company that GMB members have rejected both the Pay Offer and the SKYE proposals, and that GMB members are looking for an improved pay offer to reflect the cost of living, and changes, and improvements to the SKYE proposals.

      We hope that Thames Water will listen and come back with improvements to both.

      It's our intention to hold meetings with members over the next few weeks and we'll keep you informed of any developments.

      In Solidarity




      NST Working Patterns

      Posted on:

      Dear member

      As part of the Skye negotiations, Thames Water has put forward proposals to change NST working patterns.

      Thames Water regarded these discussions as confidential, but we are now at a point where we need to get feedback from GMB members on the proposed working patterns.

      It is worth saying nothing has been agreed, we need the input of GMB members. It is vital for us that GMB members have your say on the proposed patterns. We will be doing this over the next few weeks and then going back to management for further discussions.

      If you are not yet a GMB member, you can join online www.gmb.org.uk/join





      Noticeboard Bulletin - 11-07-2022

      Posted on:

      Dear member

      Project Skye

      GMB and other trade unions have had a series of meetings with Thames Water to discuss the company’s pay structure and working hours proposals (Project Skye). The negotiations were over two-week period. We are setting up setting up further meeting with management to go over the detail. As soon as we have firm details, we will send out further comms and arrange meetings with GMB members.

      Pay Claim

      The joint union pay claim for an inflationary pay increase was submitted shortly before the Project Skye negotiations started in June. The cost-of-living crisis has hit people hard, and Thames Water needs to recognise this. We discussed the pay claim at the back end of the Skye negotiations, and we are hopeful that we will have an offer to bring back to you shortly.


      We have been pushing Thames Water to arrange collective consultation meetings, as there have been none since the redundancy announcement on 20th June. Thames Water has a duty to collectively consult, with the aim being to minimise redundancies. Two meetings on 12th July and 2nd August have now been arranged with management and we will continue to challenge the redundancies and raise the issues you have brought to our attention.

      If you have any questions or need representation, then contact your local GMB rep.

      If you are not yet a GMB member you can join online www.gmb.org.uk.


      In Solidarity




      Posted on:

      On Monday, 20th June 2022, Thames Water announced they were proposing to make 151 compulsory redundancies.

      Those at risk were informed at the same time as Trade Unions.

      A further meeting with the GMB and other unions has been arranged for Monday, 27th June 2022.

      From the information we were given, many more people will be put at risk, than the proposed 151 redundancies.

      If GMB members have any questions or want representation at meetings going forward, then please contact your GMB rep as soon as possible.

      The company has a duty to mitigate and reduce redundancies and GMB will be challenging Thames Water on all aspects of the redundancy proposal.

      If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, then you can join online www.gmb.org.uk




      Thames Water - 2022 Pay Survey Results

      Posted on:

      Dear Member

      We would like to thank GMB members for taking part in the recent GMB pay survey. There was a very good response, and the results will help formulate what goes into the 2022 joint unions' pay claim.

      The key results from the survey are that GMB members are finding it harder to pay for day-to-day essentials and they want an above inflation percentage pay rise for all.

      Pay talks with the company have been scheduled for June and, with prices rising rapidly and inflation set to hit 10%, this year’s pay negotiations will be of particularly significance.

      The company has said it wants to discuss changes to the pay and grading structure. We will share this with you, when we can, and we will keep you informed of any developments.

      There has never been a more important time to be a GMB member.

      If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, you can join online www.gmb.org.uk



      National Officer

      NSTs SOUTH LONDON -Tier 3 Update

      Posted on:

      1. Thames Water has 295 vehicles on order for Water Networks of which 14 of these are Automatics. They have a few Electric vehicles being trialled at present but they are not fully kitted out yet. We are still trying ascertain where they are being trialled and by whom.
      2. Thames Water are in a leakage drive until the end of the financial year.
      3. Digital update, there are 4 depots at this moment in time where Hub Analysts & support Connectivity Techs will be attending on various days throughout the coming weeks to assist with I.T. issue's (dates and locations to follow when confirmed).
      4. There will be several depots where pool vehicles will be located for use when vehicles go into garages for servicing and/or MOT. The names of F.O.M.'s in those depots that will have the keys to these vehicles will be circulated to everyone shortly (F.O.M.'s will ensure they are kept maintained and in working order), if you happen to use one of these vehicles and there is a defect, please inform that FOM.
      5. Thames Water are still recruiting at all levels and departments across the company.

      Lastly, and on a separate note, if you hear a rumour from a work colleague, please ask where they heard that, then call your Union Rep for clarification. We hope to stamp out ‘scaremongering’ by ensuring that your GMB Reps have the opportunity to clarify, research or question any rumours that abound within TW.

      In solidarity,

      Your GMB Rep Team

      Infrastructure Alliance (IA) - Insourcing

      Posted on:

      Dear member

      On Tuesday 9th November, Thames Water announced they would be exiting the Infrastructure Alliance contract. The IA are a group of contractor partners that provide multiple functions to the company, predominantly within Water Networks.

      Bringing essential works back in-house is welcomed by the GMB union and is an initiative the joint unions have been lobbying for, within that business unit, for a number of years.

      The GMB, along with the joint unions, have been working with the company over the past 12 months within the Water Networks Transformation project. We are currently fully committed to continuing with this dialogue, where our focus will be ensuring a smooth transition both for existing employees/members and those who will be joining the company within this restructure.

      In Solidarity


      National Officer

      Noticeboard Bulletin - 20-09-2021

      Posted on:

      Dear member

      The GMB pay ballot on the company’s improved 2.25% pay offer has now closed and the votes have been counted.

      The result is

      73% to Accept

      27% to Reject

      The GMB has informed the company that our members have voted to accept the improved offer.

      We would like to thank GMB members for taking part in the pay campaign and voting in the ballots. It made all the difference and got Thames Water to increase the pay offer.

      In Solidarity


      National Officer

      Noticeboard Bulletin - 14-07-2021

      Posted on:

      Dear Member

      The pay ballot has now closed and the result is in. GMB member have voted to reject the 1.75% pay offer.

      14% Accept

      86% Reject

      We have communicated the result to Thames Water and hope the company will take time to reflect, take on board the strength of feeling amongst its employees, and come back to us with an improved offer.

      Thank you for taking part in the ballot and having your say. We will keep you up to date on any developments.

      If you’re not yet a GMB Union member and want to be part of the GMB better pay campaign, you can join online at www.gmb.org.uk.

      In Solidarity


      National Officer

      Join us and become a GMB
      member today.