Race Riots Survey

GMB, like thousands of our members, is becoming increasingly concerned that public "debate" around immigration is being used to stir up hate against many UK communities.

GMB understands how racism harms and divides workplaces, communities, and our society. Trade unionism is about standing in solidarity with members and their communities, whoever and wherever they are, if they come under attack again.

No worker should have to choose between their safety and their income. Yet last year we saw workers being attacked by racist rioters, because of their ethnic background or faith. This must not happen again.

This also demonstrates why GMB believes that protections for drivers and couriers need to be included in minimum industry standards – if licensing can protect riders, then why not workers?

GMB has long campaigned to end violence facing our members in other industries such as Security, taking your issues up with Government, Licensing Authorities and Operators to build an industry-response, but to do so, we have understand more about the extent of this issue.

That’s why we are reaching out to you, the members, to work together to build solidarity and support, and asking you to share your thoughts below.

Race Riots Survey

  • If yes, are you worried about the impact of the riots or similar acts of violence:
  • On you?:
  • On family/friends?:
  • On your livelihood?:
  • Do you believe that Platform Operators should have a health and safety plan to protect you if riots happen again?:

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