Gas levy 'massive step in wrong direction'
GMB, the energy union, described a proposed gas levy to fund low carbon heating as a ‘massive…
GMB, the energy union, described a proposed gas levy to fund low carbon heating as a ‘massive…
GMB, the steel workers union, has responded to a promised £50 million cash injection by the owners…
Once again this Prime Minister swans off on jollies as workers desperately worried.
Goodfish have doubled down in a bad tempered dispute with workers at the company’s St Aspah site…
Manufacturing, construction and ceramics set to carry can for Ministers’ failures.
We must invest in realistic technology, keep supply chains on shore and invest in new nuclear.
Dozens of staff working at a scandal hit care home have been left unpaid sparking threats of legal…
Goodfish plc is facing strike action after GMB and Unite unions members voted to take Industrial…
GMB refuse collectors, school staff and council workers have overwhelmingly rejected a…
More than 100 workers at Serco Sandwell will walk out tomorrow [October 6] after the firm failed to…
Responding to the Scottish Government’s announcement this afternoon to uplift care workers pay to…
Brighton’s city clean refuse, recycling, commercial waste, and com-bin HGV drivers will walk out…