Lockdown one year on: GMB calls for NHS key workers…
Everyone is watching and waiting for NHS Pay Review Body to do the right thing.
Everyone is watching and waiting for NHS Pay Review Body to do the right thing.
Mr O’Shea - CEO of British Gas - has unilaterally created an April 1 cliff edge and is driving…
Not many people would be able to sleep knowing they could be called to action at any moment.
Poll of British Gas workers shows safety concerns as company set to fire and rehire workforce.
All services that were outsourced under PFI must be returned in-house to the public sector, where…
Judges have the same rights as others not to be discriminated against, not to be threatened, not to…
Consultative ballot sees 88% of Wilko Employees voting for industrial action following ‘savage’…
Review silent on what matters to defence workers – secure jobs, decent pay and workplaces which…
Intention to move away from ‘competition by default’ is a step in the right direction but more…
Other gig economy companies should take note - this is the end of the road for bogus self employment.
Nurses, call handlers and ambulance workers among hardest hit as GMB calls for end to pay…
Why should Ikea be allowed to flaunt Living Wage status while being too tight fisted to pay a…