Strengthen 'do not resuscitate' laws to protect carers,…
GMB care members threatened with dismissal if they don’t ignore existing DNR order, GMB Congress…
GMB care members threatened with dismissal if they don’t ignore existing DNR order, GMB Congress…
Hundreds of thousands more jobs are under threat if the furlough scheme is wound down too soon,…
Energy sufficient and socially prosperous country entirely compatible with saving the planet, GMB…
Unions have called on trust to change procedure seeing ambulance workers called anywhere across the…
We will be different, we will be better, and we will win together, says new GMB General Secretary…
The introduction of body cameras is a welcome step, but without prosecutions members are still at…
GMB union has called on Britain’s Water companies to invest ‘bumper profits’ in cleaning up…
Government sink to a new low, as free car parking for NHS and social care workers secretly removed.
Eight trade unions, which collectively represent the majority of school and college staff, have…
With Uber deal providing blueprint for digital organisation, future of trade unions looks strong.
Companies trousering huge profits while almost 2 million households unable to pay water bills shows…
Health and care workers were ‘put in the line of fire as the government squabbled and lied to…