Hydrogen strategy can create and sustain thousands of green jobs say union
Four of the UK’s biggest unions have called on the Government to bring forward a hydrogen strategy to create and sustain thousands of green jobs.
GMB, Unison, Unite and Prospect have backed calls by cross-industry group Hydrogen Strategy Now for the Chancellor to lay the foundations for a UK-wide hydrogen strategy, which they believe will generate jobs and support economic growth.
The four unions, which collectively represent 200,000 workers in the energy sector, say in a joint letter to Rishi Sunak that they believe hydrogen is key to the UK becoming decarbonised.
They say the adoption of a hydrogen strategy would be a significant contribution towards the UK achieving its net zero targets by 2050, “whilst at the same time sustaining and creating high quality jobs, and supporting economic growth in all parts of the country”.
Signed by the general secretaries of the four unions – John Phillips, Dave Prentis, Len McCluskey and Mike Clancy – the letter states: “We can look across the world and see other nations bringing forward multi-billion pound, job-creating hydrogen strategies. The UK cannot afford to risk being left behind and failure would result in the UK not meeting its net zero obligation and a loss of high skilled and quality jobs.”