Bus drivers on the Translink network are set to strike from 25 April for one week, GMB Union announced today.
Drivers will down tools from 00.01 25 April to 23.59 on 1 May – with a further one day strike planned for 6 May to mark the Assembly Election count beginning.
In a successful industrial action ballot conducted in Translink, 82 per cent backed strike action.
Unions submitted a pay claim of 6 per cent to help the bus drivers, cleaners and shunters cope with rampant inflation.
Inflation has now hit 8.2 per cent and with further price hikes in energy costs announced, the struggle for working people to cover essential bills will only worsen.
Translink management have refused to budge from their offer of 3% - a real terms pay cut – an offer rejected four times by workers.
Peter Macklin, GMB Organiser, said:
"Every worker deserves fair pay. With rampant inflation, this real terms cut is a slap in the face and will leave many struggling to cover their bills.
“Translink fails to recognise what workers went through during the pandemic.
“They kept transport running so other essential workers could get to and from workplaces to perform vital roles.
“Our members were proud to carry out their duty in delivering the service, potentially putting themselves and their families at risk.
"When we clapped every Thursday night, we said the essential workers would not be forgotten or left behind.
But during this cost of living crisis, Translink is forgetting their own workers.
“The dispute, which affects bus drivers, cleaners and shunters will close the entire bus network within Northern Ireland. It will be a complete shutdown.”