School workers will protest outside North Tyneside Council HQ
Where: North Tyneside Council, Quadrant East, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, Newcastle-Upson-Tyne, NE27 0BY
When: Thursday 15 February 2024, 1700hrs
Contact: Stuart Gilhespy 07739 919633 or GMB Press Office
Angry school workers will protest outside council HQ tonight [Thursday] over the privatisation of school dinners.
North Tyneside Council has said it will no longer provide school dinners– instead outsourcing the service to the private sector.
The local authority will withdraw from school catering from 31 March 2024.
The move will hit hundreds of already low-paid workers, from cutting their hours, to affecting pay rises and pensions.
Stuart Gilhespy, GMB Organiser, said:
“GMB members are up in arms - they don’t want to leave council employment.
“Private companies taking over public contracts in North Tyneside has only led to worse pay for workers.
“The council is penny pinching at the expense of North Tyneside kids and hardworking staff.
“It is a disgrace that GMB will fight all the way. No one should profiteer from feeding children.”