APPG report backs up what GMB members have always said
APPG report backs up what GMB members – who have provided low carbon nuclear energy for more than 60 years - have always said
GMB – the energy union - has told Ministers ‘no nuclear – no net zero’ as the All Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy releases its ‘Roadmap to 2024’.
The report, out today, says the UK must 'restore nuclear capacity to at least 10GW with deployable technologies, by the early 2030s’.
GMB members working in the nuclear industry have been helping provide low carbon energy since the 1950s, while investment in nuclear supports more jobs than any other large-scale low carbon and renewable alternatives.
Gary Carter, GMB National Officer, said:
“Our members in the nuclear industry have been providing low carbon energy for more than sixty years.
“GMB Union is backing the case for new reactors because the UK needs a balanced energy policy and without new nuclear there can be no net zero.
“Hinkley Point C has already created more than 10,000 jobs since 2016 and will create a further 71,000 . The UK is facing a serious skills shortage and new nuclear projects which train and upskill the workforce are vital to the construction industry in the UK.
“If politicians are serious about climate change - and a green economic recovery - they must invest in new nuclear and the technology of tomorrow, including backing a new supply chain for Small Modular Reactors right here in the UK.
“Ministers need to move beyond the rhetoric and get spades in the ground - starting with Sizewell C.”