GMB has written to the Secretary of State and the Minister for Care to demand full pay during track and trace self-solation for all NHS staff, NHS contractors and care workers.
The letter to Matt Hancock and Helen Whately says the statutory sick pay rate of £95.85 per week is “not in any way sustainable for individuals”.
It adds: “therefore, it is highly likely that staff will be forced to ignore your Government’s advice and attend work anyway. This would completely defeat the objective of the track and trace programme”.
It is a matter of value and recognition. Our health and social care workforce has put their lives on the line. They were let down on PPE, testing and pay. Now is the time to recognise the true value of the workforce.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer
Under pressure from GMB to improve their sick pay policies are NHS contractors including ISS, Sodexo, Mitie, Interserve and Serco, as well as care providers HC One, Four Seasons Healthcare and Larchwood.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said:
"GMB does not believe any worker should suffer a financial detriment for following Government Covid-19 self-isolation advice.
“The track and trace programme in its current form will just spread either poverty or infection.”
“It is a matter of value and recognition. Our health and social care workforce has continued to work throughout this pandemic, putting their lives on the line.
“They were let down on PPE, testing and pay.
“Now is the time to recognise the true value of the workforce, not just in the NHS but those providing services to the NHS and in social care.
“Their dedication needs to be acknowledged by protecting their pay should they be required to self-isolate for the duration of Covid-19."