For Amazon to be held up as some kind of model of good practice would be hilarious if it wasn’t deadly serious says GMB Union
GMB has responded to the partnership between Amazon and the British Chamber of Commerce to offer advice on how firms can get back to work safely as the lockdown continues to ease.
Mick Rix, GMB National Officer, said:
"Since the start of this pandemic, Amazon workers have been in fear of being infected by COVID-19 after initially being left to work in packed warehouses, in crowds of 200 to 300 people, without hand sanitiser or personal protection equipment.
“They only began to take coronavirus seriously after sustained pressure from GMB Union, coupled with the closure of a facility in France.
“For them to be held up as some kind of model of good practice for infection control would be hilarious if it wasn’t deadly serious. Especially when companies like Unilever, Bidfood and Bestfood Logistics, are showing leading the way with best practice - and as a result bucked the national trend with infection and absence rates.
“The Chamber of Commerce should choose its partners more carefully.”