GMB has responded to warnings the energy crisis could trigger a national emergency for millions of older people.
Age UK has urged ministers to take immediate and decisive action on energy bills to ‘mitigate the potentially devastating impact of the escalating crisis’.
GMB calls on the Government to make sure investment in industries that will deliver green jobs in the UK is not cut as a result of the huge increases in fuel bills.
Andy Prendergast, GMB National Secretary, said:
"Cutting investment in new industries that will deliver green jobs in the UK energy is seen as a quick, easy way of cutting fuel bills – but it's ultimately the wrong decision.
“If we are to continue to heat and power the country without adding to global warming, we must invest in new technologies like green hydrogen.
“This will ultimately preserve essential gas jobs, maintain our national energy infrastructure, and meet global warming challenges.
“Making these investments will allow us to not only become the front runner in developing the technologies needed to combat global warming, but also build skills and create jobs in the UK, necessary to developing a key export sector whilst protecting the planet.
“Current green levies are a regressive tax and funding them out of general taxation would ensure that those best able to afford them pay their fair share, whilst poorer households are protected against falling into the eating or heating trap.”