A Durham care home is set to close leaving residents and workers 'stunned’, GMB Union has warned.
Hallgarth Care home, in Durham City, will shut in August leaving at the time of announcement more than 30 residents homeless and 40 staff out of a job.
Durham County Council state that the current landlord, who owns the building, has refused to allow another care provider to take on the lease.
GMB are calling on Durham council to take the facility back in house.
Etain Stobbart, GMB Organiser, said:
“This is a cold-blooded decision make based on profit alone that has left dozens of residents and workers stunned.
“Vulnerable older people and their families are desperately scrabbling around for somewhere to live, while workers have no idea how they are going to keep food on the table and a roof over their families’ heads.
“Durham Council can sort this out – by taking the facility back in house. We urge them to do so and save unnecessary trauma for residents, workers and their families.”