ARK Academies

Last update: 15 May 2024
Latest Bulletins

Ark Schools Trust Pay Claim 2024/25

Posted on:

Dear GMB Member,

The Joint Union pay claim has been submitted to Ark Schools Trust for their consideration. You can read the pay claim here: ark-support-staff-pay-claim-2024-final.pdf

This pay claim is for all Ark Schools Trust members not covered by TUPE arrangements, this means those members who are contractually employed on ARK pay and conditions.

Ark Schools Trust and the Joint Trade Unions will be meeting to discuss the claim in the coming weeks and any further updates will follow in due course.

If you have received this information in error, it might be because we do not hold accurate data.

Please complete this short survey to tell us what contract you are on:

In order to keep our records up to date please can you update your details if there have been any changes by logging into your GMB account

If there have been changes to your employment, please update your details by contacting your GMB regional office.


Stacey Booth

National Officer

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