GMB NJC Pay Claim 2025/26 - Update
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Dear Members,
Following the NJC pay survey of GMB members, a joint meeting was convened of the
National Local Government and National Schools Committees on Thursday 16 January to discuss the GMB pay claim for NJC 2025/26. After much debate and consideration, the following GMB NJC pay claim for 2025/26 on behalf of GMB members was agreed.
- A £3000 flat rate increase on all pay points. This would ensure that all Local Government and Schools workers receive at least an uplift of RPI plus 2%. (the RPI rate is forecast at 3.5% April 2025)
- School support staff - to be allowed to take 1 day of their current annual leave during term time as a contractual right.
- A reduction in the working week by two hours for Local Government workers.
We would like to thank the joint National Local Government and Schools Committee for their input and work on this.
GMB are meeting with the National Joint Council for Local Government Services Executive Trade Unions (GMB, Unison and Unite) next week to agree the headline claims and arrangements before submitting the joint claim to the National Employers at the end of January 2025.