Craft Workers "Red Book" Noticeboard

Last update: 14 Feb 2025
Latest Update

Local Government Craft Workers Pay Claim 2025/26

Posted on:

Dear Members,

Please see below the Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authority Craft and Associated Employees pay claim for 2025/26:


Local Government Craft Workers Pay Survey 2025/26

Posted on:

Dear Members,

GMB is consulting Local Government Craft Workers on their aspirations for the forthcoming pay award. Please complete the pay survey in order to inform us of your view; simply follow the link and answer a few simple questions!


Posted on:

GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in March. In response the National Employers made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) offer in respect of those employees whose pay is determined by contractual reference to the Craft JNC National Agreement (‘Red Book’):

“For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2023 pay agreement circular (dated 16 November 2023), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of £1,290 on basic salary

With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of 2.50 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 JNC pay agreement circular dated 16 November 2023)

For those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2022 pay agreement, the Employers’ full and final offer is as follows:

With effect from 1 April 2024:

£1,290 on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to SCP2 on the NJC spine)

£1,290 on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)

£1,290 on Building Operative grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)

£1,290 on Plumber grade (equivalent to SCP4 on the NJC spine)

£1,290 on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to SCP5 on the NJC spine), and

2.5% on all allowances

These increases would continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.”

Other elements of the claim - a reduction in the working week to 35 hrs (34 in London), an increase in annual leave and payment for the use of technology - were rejected by the employer

Despite members initially rejecting the offer in an indicative ballot, further discussions and meetings with members and reps at our respective craft worker depots made it clear that there was no majority view to pursue the matter to a formal industrial action ballot at this stage.

We have therefore advised the employers of our acceptance of the offer.


Posted on:

Dear GMB Craft Worker,

Further to the recent ballot in respect of this year’s pay offer you will recall that the GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in April 2024.

Our claim was for

  • A 10% or £3,000 increase in pay
  • A reduction in the working week to 35 hours
  • An additional 2 days of annual leave
  • Increase in Tool insurance
  • Charging/responsibility payment for tools, phones, tablets etc.

In response the employers made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) offer:

  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of £1,290 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of 2.50 per cent on all allowances
  • All other elements of the claim were rejected

In an indicative ballot of members that closed on 12th July 2024, 60.5% of members voted to reject the offer and 39.5% voted to accept – the turnout was 36%.

On 23rd July we held further talks with the employers advising them of our rejection and asking them to revisit their offer. They simply reiterated that the offer was full and final and they will not improve it.

Your officers and representatives are therefore asking you whether you are prepared to take industrial action to pursue the claim and a ballot paper is enclosed for you to complete and return.

In order to take lawful industrial action we must achieve a 50% Yes vote by at least 50% of those entitled to vote. If we do not meet this threshold we will have no option but to accept the offer

It is very important that you have your say on pay so make sure you use your vote.

The ballot closes at 12 noon on Friday 27th September 2024

The ballot is being run by your Regional Office, please contact them directly for further details


Posted on:

Further to my bulletin of May 2024 you will be aware that the GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers to employers in April.

Our claim was for

  • A 10% or £3000 increase in pay (flat rate to increase with inner and outer London figures as a %)
  • A reduction in the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay
  • An additional 2 days of annual leave
  • Increase in Tool insurance
  • Charging/responsibility payment for tools, phones, tablets etc.

In response the employers made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) offer:

  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of £1,290 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of 2.50 per cent on all allowances
  • All other elements of the claim were rejected

GMB held an indicative ballot of members with a neutral recommendation which closed last Friday 12th July 2024.

On a 36% turnout GMB Local Government Craft Workers have 60.5% of members voted to reject the offer and 39.5% voted to accept.

I have advised the employers of our position and we will be holding further talks with them next Tuesday 23rd July. I shall advise you of the outcome of the talks as soon as practicable after that date.

Local Government Craft Workers Pay 2024

Posted on:

GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in March. In response the National Employers have made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) offer in respect of those employees whose pay is determined by contractual reference to the Craft JNC National Agreement (‘Red Book’), as follows:

“For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2023 pay agreement circular (dated 16 November 2023), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of £1,290 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of 2.50 per cent on all allowances (as listed in the 2022 JNC pay agreement circular dated 16 November 2023)

For those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2022 pay agreement, the Employers’ full and final offer is as follows:

With effect from 1 April 2024:

  • £1,290 on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to SCP2 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,290 on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,290 on Building Operative grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,290 on Plumber grade (equivalent to SCP4 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,290 on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to SCP5 on the NJC spine), and
  • 2.5% on all allowances

These increases would continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.”

Other elements of the claim:

Working week (A reduction to 35 hrs (34 in London))

The Employers rejected this element of the claim stating that such a reduction would be out of line with norms in local government and would result in an increase in costs that would adversely affect local authority services.

Increase in Annual leave

The Employers have rejected this element of the claim stating that all Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 22 days’ leave, plus two extra statutory days, with a further four days after five years’ service (28 days). This is equitable to NJC employees’ minimum annual leave entitlement of 28 days (after five years’ service). Many councils have a more generous basic leave entitlement for both groups of employees.

Tool Allowance and Tool Insurance

The Employers’ offer is set out above i.e. that tool allowance is increased by 2.5% with effect from 1 April 2024. Similarly, in relation to tool insurance, the Employers’ offer is that it is increased by 2.5% with effect from 1 April 2024.

Use of Technology

The Employers consider the use of technology to be an increasingly common practice in the modern workplace that does not merit additional recompense nor a new national agreement. Therefore, the Employers reject this element of the claim.

GMB will commence consultation on this offer as soon as practicable

Local Government Craft Workers Pay Claim 2024

Posted on:

Following a recent survey of GMB Craft Worker members we have worked with other Trade Unions who represent Local Government Craft Workers and compiled the attached joint pay claim

We have submitted the claim to the employers and we are expecting a response in the first week of May

We shall course advise you as soon as we receive their response



Posted on:

Further to my earlier bulletin please find via the link below the revised pay scales for Local Government Craft Workers following our acceptance of the offer.

Employers have been encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible.


George Georgiou

GMB National Officer


Posted on:

You will be aware that the GMB submitted an above inflation pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in February 2023.

We also asked for:

Recruitment and Retention Payment (RRP)

  • A 35hr Working Week (34 in London)
  • An additional day of Annual Leave
  • Payment for Use of Technology

In response the Employers made a one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer of;

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88% on all allowances

They rejected all other elements of the claim.

We advised the employers that this was not acceptable to us and at a second meeting we urged them to improve the offer. They did not do so, simply confirming that this is a full and final offer.

We therefore carried out an indicative ballot of our members who, on a turnout of 57% rejected the offer by 59% to 41%. However, in the formal disaggregated ballot for Industrial Action that followed the indicative ballot we only reached the threshold for action in one depot.

Following a meeting on Tuesday 13th November representatives and officers took the view that action by one depot alone would not provide enough leverage to force the employers to improve the offer. Also the current cost of living crisis and the impending festive season had led to members wanting early payment of the award and arrears.

The meeting therefore agreed that the ballot had presented us with a welcome organising and recruitment opportunity, but the time was right to now advise employers of our acceptance of the award. We did so earlier today.

The meeting also agreed that pay talks and organising opportunities should commence earlier in 2024 and we agreed therefore to meet again in January to discuss our approach.


Posted on:

You will be aware that the GMB submitted an above inflation pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in February 2023.

We also asked for:

  • Recruitment and Retention Payment (RRP)
  • A 35hr Working Week (34 in London)
  • An additional day Annual Leave
  • Payment for Use of Technology

In response the Employers made a one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer of;

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88% on all allowances

Regarding the other elements of the claim they stated:

  • RRPs are a matter for local determination.
  • A shorter working week is out of line with local government norms and would increase employer costs.
  • All Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 22 days’ leave, plus 2 statutory days, with a further 4 days after 5 years’ service. Many councils have a more generous basic leave entitlement.
  • The use of technology is common practice in the modern workplace and does not merit additional recompense.

We advised the employers that this was not acceptable to us and at a second meeting we urged them to improve the offer. They did not do so, simply confirming that this a full and final offer.

We therefore carried out an indicative ballot of our members who, on a turnout = 57%, rejected the offer by 59% to 41%.

Next Steps

We will now move to a disaggregated industrial action ballots of GMB craft workers following the same timeline as the National NJC Ballot i.e. the Ballot will open on 12th September and close on the 24th October. More details are available from your Regional Office.


Posted on:

You will be aware that the GMB submitted an above inflation pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in February 2023.

We also asked for:

  • Recruitment and Retention Payment (RRP)
  • A 35hr Working Week (34 in London)
  • An additional day Annual Leave
  • Payment for Use of Technology

In response the Employers made a one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer of;

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88% on all allowances

Regarding the other elements of the claim they stated:

  • RRPs are a matter for local determination.
  • A shorter working week is out of line with local government norms and would increase employer costs.
  • All Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 22 days’ leave, plus 2 statutory days, with a further 4 days after 5 years’ service. Many councils have a more generous basic leave entitlement.
  • The use of technology is common practice in the modern workplace and does not merit additional recompense.

We advised the employers that this was not acceptable to us and at a second meeting we urged them to improve the offer. They did not do so, simply confirming that this a full and final offer.

We therefore carried out an indicative ballot of our members who, on a turnout = 57%, rejected the offer by 59% to 41%.

Next Steps

We will now move to industrial action ballots of GMB craft workers. More details and a timeline will follow in the coming weeks.

This is another organising opportunity where we can utilise the ballot to enter workplaces and build Red Book membership.


Posted on:

GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Craft Workers in February. In response the National Employers made a full and final one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer of:

With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary

With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances

We put this offer to our members in an indicative ballot that closed on 28th April 2023

The result of that ballot is as follows:

Ballot Papers Sent - 313

Ballot Papers Returned - 178 (Turnout = 57%)

Those voting to Accept - 73 (41%)

Those voting to Reject - 105 (59%)

Unite members have also rejected the offer and called for further talks with the employers whilst also advising that they are preparing for an industrial action ballot, I will seek further information from Unite regarding their ballot timelines.

I have also advised the employers that GMB have rejected the offer and we are awaiting the employer's response.

On aggregate we have clearly passed the threshold for an industrial action ballot and a meeting will be held shortly to discuss next steps bearing in mind any proposed action for the national NJC Ballot.

Noticeboard Bulletin - 27-03-2023

Posted on:

GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Workers in February. In response the National Employers made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer:

“For all Craft JNC employees the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances

These increases would continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.

With regard to the other elements of our claim the employers have responded:

Tool Allowance and Tool Insurance – both to be increased by 3.88% with effect from 1 April 2023.

Recruitment and Retention Payment – The employers have stated that this is entirely a matter for local determination, rather than the JNC and therefore the reject this element of the claim.

A 35hr Working Week (34 in London)

The Employers have rejected this element of the claim stating “Such a reduction would be out of line with norms in local government and would result in an increase in costs that would adversely affect local authority services.’

An additional day Annual Leave

The Employers have rejected this element of the claim stating “All Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 22 days’ leave, plus two extra statutory days, with a further four days after five years’ service (28 days)...Many councils have a more generous basic leave entitlement… “

Payment for Use of Technology

The Employers have rejected this element of the claim stating they consider the use of technology to be common practice in the modern workplace that does not merit additional recompense…”

GMB Craft Worker members have considered this offer and in the light of the ongoing cost of living crisis have agreed to recommend REJECTION of this offer in an indicative ballot.

Ballot papers are being issued by GMB Regions with the ballot set to open on Monday 27th March and close at noon on Friday 28th April 2023.

Once all ballot papers have been received and counted, in the event of us reaching the threshold for industrial action, we will then seek views on what form of industrial action members are willing to take and proceed to a formal ballot for action.

Craftworker Pay 2022/23

Posted on:


GMB submitted its pay claim for Local Government Workers in February. In response the National Employers have made the following, full and final one-year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024) offer:

“For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2022 pay agreement circular (dated 10 November 2022), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of £1,925 on basic salary
  • With effect from 1 April 2023, an increase of 3.88 per cent on all allowances

For those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2022 pay agreement, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

With effect from 1 April 2023:

  • £1,925 on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to SCP2 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,925 on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,925 on Building Operative grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,925 on Plumber grade (equivalent to SCP4 on the NJC spine)
  • £1,925 on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to SCP5 on the NJC spine), and
  • 3.88 per cent on all allowances

These increases would continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.

With regard to the other elements of our claim the employers have responded:

Tool Allowance and Tool Insurance – both to be increased by 3.88% with effect from 1 April 2023.

Recruitment and Retention Payment - This is entirely a matter for local determination, rather than the JNC and therefore the Employers reject this element of the claim.

A 35hr Working Week (34 in London)

The Employers reject this element of the claim stating “Such a reduction would be out of line with norms in local government and would result in an increase in costs that would adversely affect local authority services.’

An additional day Annual Leave

The Employers reject this element of the claim stating “All Craft employees currently receive a minimum of 22 days’ leave, plus two extra statutory days, with a further four days after five years’ service (28 days)...Many councils have a more generous basic leave entitlement…

Payment for Use of Technology

The Employers reject this element of the claim stating they consider the use of technology to be common practice in the modern workplace that does not merit additional recompense…

In line with the policy for NJC Green Book staff we will be seeking further negotiations with the employers as soon as practicable.

Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authority Craft & Associated Employees

Posted on:

To: Chief Executives in England and Wales (N Ireland for information) (copies for HR Director, Finance Director and DLO Manager) Members of the Joint Negotiating Committee 

Dear Chief Executive,


Employers are encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible.


Agreement has been reached on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2022.

For Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in Annex 1, but which is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by this JNC, the pay award is as follows:

From 1 April 2022: £1,925 on basic salary and 4.04 per cent on allowances

However, for those employees who are currently paid the specific annual salaries as set out in Annex 1, the pay award is as follows:

From 1 April 2022:

• £1,925 on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to NJC SCP2)

• £1,925 on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to NJC SCP3)

• £1,925 on Building Operative grade (equivalent to NJC SCP3)

• £1,925 on Plumber grade (equivalent to NJC SCP4)

• £1,925 on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to NJC SCP5)

• 4.04 per cent on all allowances

These increases continue the principle agreed by the JNC in the 2016-18 agreement to align the five Craft Grades to current pay points 2, 3, 4 and 5 on the NJC ‘Green Book’ pay spine.

Backpay for employees who have left employment since 1 April 2022

If requested by an ex-employee to do so, we recommend that employers should pay any monies due to that employee from 1 April 2022 to the employee’s last day of employment.

When salary arrears are paid to ex-employees who were in the LGPS, the employer must inform its local LGPS fund. Employers will need to amend the CARE and final pay figures Page 2 of 10 (if the ex-employee has pre-April 2014 LGPS membership) accordingly. Further detail is provided in section 15 of the HR guide which is available on the employer resources section of

Yours sincerely,

Naomi Cooke, Unite


George Georgiou, GMB

GMB Local government Craft Workers to prepare for local disputes after national offer reluctantly accepted

Posted on:

GMB members working under the red book rejected the local government employer’s final offer as it fell short on a number of key points, with a majority of members voting against the offer. However, as the larger local government ‘green book’ membership have accepted the offer, it was reluctantly decided that it should be accepted for red book workers also. This will ensure that members receive a much needed pay boost and prevent employers from simply imposing the offer, especially on those working under hybrid red/green book conditions.

GMB Members are now focussing on local disputes to improve terms and conditions and are actively pursuing them. We will target council’s where red book workers are well organised and are fully prepared to undertake disputes to improve their terms and conditions. Where local members have clear issues and are willing to take industrial action, they will have our full support.

Many members remain disappointed that the offer nowhere near matches the requirement to match RPI nor does it address many other aspects of our claim. GMB members remain angry and will continue to fight to improve their working conditions in the light of the worst economic situation for decades.

Local Government Craft Workers Pay Offer

Posted on:

Local Government Craft Workers have voted overwhelmingly to reject the employers 2022 pay offer.

On a 46% turnout, 64% of those who voted have voted to reject the offer.

The offer was:

  • A one off increase of £1,925 on all SCPs
  • A 4.04% increase on tool allowances

We will now consult with reps and officers to discuss next steps and advise ASAP.

Not a GMB member? Join today Join 

Want information about being a GMB Rep in your workplace? Email

GMB are moving forward on pay!

Posted on:

We've been consulting our Craftworker members in Local Government, and the results are in. This is what members told us they want to campaign on:


5% payed in April, 5% payed in October


No loss of earnings, leave, or benefit.


For members with over 10 years service


The weekly rate (between £3.21-£7.25 depending on profession) has not icreased in line with inflation.


The cost of maintaining and replacing tools has skyrocketed! Employees should not take a financial hit replacing the tools they need for work.


For all Red Book Operatives

If that sounds like something you can get behind, welcome to GMB!

Craftworkers are rebuilding this country, getting it back on it's feet after more than a decade of neglect and chaos. To get that job done, they need the right tools, they need the resources, and above all they need paying properly! To find out how you can get more involved in the fight for better pay, join GMB today!

Past Bulletins

Noticeboard Bulletin - 24-04-2020

Posted on:

FAO: GMB ‘Red Book’ Craft Worker Members within Local Government in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Dear Member,

As you will be aware the recognised trade unions have been in on-going pay talks with Local Government employers regarding ‘Red Book’ Craft Workers’ Pay for some time. Talks started well before we moved into this unprecedented Coronavirus pandemic. Whilst GMB’s priority has been to support all of our members across Local Government through the pandemic we have continued to hold talks with the Local Government Association (LGA) on the pay claim which the trade unions submitted last year. The LGA employers have now tabled their offer.

For the avoidance of doubt, the offer relates to Craft Workers on ‘Red Book’ terms and conditions only, and not Craft workers who are covered by NJC ‘Green Book’ arrangements.


Headlines of the one year offer are as follows:

For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2018-20 pay agreement circular (dated 4 July 2018), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

  • With effect from 1 April 2020, an increase of 2.75 per cent on basic salary and allowances

For those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2018-20 pay agreement, the Employers’ offer is as follows.

  • With effect from 1 April 2020: • 2.75% on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to SCP2 on the NJC spine) • 2.75% on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine) • 2.75% on Building Operative grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine) • 2.75% on Plumber grade (equivalent to SCP4 on the NJC spine) • 2.75% on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to SCP5 on the NJC spine), and • 2.75% on all allowances
  • With effect from 1 April 2020, an increase of one day to the minimum annual leave entitlement as set out at Part 2 Para 7.2 in the National Agreement. This increase would apply just to those employees whose leave entitlement at 1 April 2020 is twenty one days (plus extra statutory and public holidays). The entitlement as expressed applies to five day working patterns. For alternative working patterns an equivalent leave entitlement should be calculated.
  • Craft roles to be included in the NJC’s discussions concerning a comprehensive joint national review of the workplace causes of stress and mental health. 
  • An agreement to recommend that representations are made to government in order to seek funding for an additional amount to be awarded to employees in recognition of their exceptional hard work.

GMB is acutely aware of what a vital role craft workers are playing across local government, right now, in fighting the coronavirus, to keep public services working and our country on track. The government should recognize this and fund a substantial additional increase for these committed staff, who have seen their pay drop substantially in real terms over recent years. We wish to resolve this pay negotiation as soon as possible so that our members get their pay rise, but we need more clarity on the money available, as well as some agreed timescales for the joint discussions on the non-pay elements of the claim, before we can move to consult our members.

Now is the time for employers and unions to call for the government to step in and properly reward these critical roles within our vital local government services.



In GMB our members always have a say on their pay so a full pay ballot for you to have a vote on the offer will follow but please note the initial next steps are as follows:

A timetable for the ballot will be worked out but we do not anticipate the ballot to open until we have exhausted the push to government to top up the 2.75% . We will continue to carry on with the pay negotiations on the areas that need further talks until we conclude to a final pay offer.



GMB appreciates how difficult the current working environment our members are operating under and we will continue to ensure we make full representation on your pay. Once we reach a conclusion the final offer will be put to every member to a vote to have their say on pay.



GMB appreciate that key workers are on the frontline but please note now is the time to build our union power so if you are aware of any work colleagues not in a union please encourage them to join at  We appreciate you may have a number of questions on the next steps but please be assured we will continue to provide regular prompt updates in the coming days and weeks. If you need to raise anything on pay please contact your local GMB Rep/Officer. Finally can we take this opportunity to thank you for all that you are doing to keep us safe and also for all you are doing in getting us through this pandemic.

Full details of the offer can be found here:

Download Full Details of Offer (pdf)

The Trade Unions’ response can be found here:

Download TU Response (doc)

Please stay safe.

Best Wishes,

Karen Leonard - National Officer - Public Services Section

GMB submits 10% pay claim for Local Authority

Posted on:

Our members pay claim is:

  • A 10% increase across all pay rates and allowances
  • An increase in grade and recognition for craft operatives that regularly use additional skills to support employer business needs.
  • A substantial increase in stand-by payments
  • Reduction in the working week to 35hr with no loss of pay
  • Extra day of Annual Leave
  • Recognition of the increased use of technology
  • Modernisation of tool allowance and increase in tool insurance
  • Maintenance of the Red Book Agreement
  • Commitment to insourcing of work and implementation of the Construction Charter


Local Authority craft workers undertake highly skilled work, which is both physically demanding and carries a high safety risk. Therefore, their remuneration and terms and conditions need to be comparable with those in other collective industry agreements.

If rates of pay continue to lag behind those paid to similarly skilled tradespeople in the private sector, and below the Real Living Wage (See Table 2) this will undermine Local Government’s ability to undertake high quality craft work and create recruitment and retention issues, contribute to skills shortages, impact on staff morale and reduce productivity.

JNC pay rates*

JNC Grades Hourly pay rate 2020 Weekly pay rate 2020 Annual pay rate 2020
Building Labourer £9.43 £349.00 £18,198
Heating & Ventilation Mate £9.62 £355.98 £18,562
Building Craft Operative
Plumber £10.01 £370.36 £18,312
Engineer & Electrician £9.81 £363.10 £18,933

* These are minimum national agreed rates and may be varied by local agreement.


Craft workers have support communities during the Covid-19 crisis providing an essential service to make homes habitable, carrying out essential and emergency repairs and stepped up to provide vital services.

On a daily basis they put themselves on the front lines of this crisis. It is only just that their contribution to the national effort is recognised.

Local authority workers have been the unsung heroes of our communities for far too long and they deserve better pay and working conditions.


Following a decade of pay restraint, many staff working in local government have seen up to a quarter of the value of their pay wiped out through substantial increases in the cost of living (See Tables 3, 4 and 5 and Graph 1). Morale of staff is also at an all-time low, with members feeling overworked, put at risk and undervalued.

Average pay settlements across the economy have been running ahead of those received by local government staff for a decade. Only a significant and appropriate pay award can begin to redress a lost decade of cuts, austerity and crisis.

An increase in local government pay would reduce government expenditure on benefits, tax credits and Universal Credit – and increase revenue from National Insurance and income tax while also providing a much needed spending boost to local economies.


Local government craft workers ever increasing workloads, deteriorating pay and conditions, and persistent job insecurity. Against the odds, they have delivered efficiency savings year-on-year but have reached the limit; no more can be squeezed from an exhausted and demoralised workforce.


Posted on:

The NJC pay survey closed in November 2020. The headline results are as follows:

45% of respondents would be willing to accept a 10% pay increase to at least maintain standard of living, with the mean settlement across all responses being 7.4%

81% respondents think GMB should continue to campaign for a minimum £10.00 starting rate.

55% respondents said there are conditions beyond a percentage increase they would like GMB to submit on the claim. There were a range of suggestions, from a 35hr week with no loss of pay or additional annual leave, to percentage increases in allowance and tool insurance. GMB have agreed to supplement this year’s pay claim with a conditions pay claim.

1 in 3 respondents work regular unpaid overtime

None of the respondents have taken time off due to Covid-19

Due to pandemic and restricted access to workplaces 1 in 4 respondents requested socially distanced workplace meetings.


GMB are meeting with NJC Unions to agree the full staff side pay claim. GMB NJC meetings have already taken place with the majority view that we move to a pay claim that asks for a substantial pay increase but that this pay round we include a condition’s claim as there are several areas NJC unions want to discuss with the employer in the next pay round.

TIMELINE (subject to change please visit this page regularly as it will be updated)





MARCH 2021

APRIL 2021+


Posted on:

Pay Negotiations and Ballots have concluded on the 2020 pay deal for Craft Workers in Local Government.

The full details are available in the Joint Negotiating Committee's letter to Chief Executives, here.

In brief, the pay settlment for the year is:

  • 2.75 per cent on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to NJC SCP2)
  • 2.75 per cent on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to NJC SCP3)
  • 2.75 per cent on Building Operative grade (equivalent to NJC SCP3)
  • 2.75 per cent on Plumber grade (equivalent to NJC SCP4)
  • 2.75 per cent on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to NJC SCP5)
  • 2.75 per cent on all allowances


Posted on:

The National Employers have now made a final offer to employees whose pay is determined by the Craft JNC National Agreement, the ‘Red Book’.

This offer applies only to those craft workers whose pay is determined by the above agreement, and does not apply to members whose pay is determined by NJC ‘Green Book’ arrangements.


GMB expressed dismay at the opening offer of 2% tabled by your employer earlier this year, and rejected it. The employer has since considered the rejection and tabled a revised offer, as detailed below. 

Headlines for the offer are as follows:

For all Craft JNC employees (regardless of job title and designation) whose rate of pay differs from the salaries set out in the Craft JNC 2018-20 pay agreement circular (dated 4 July 2018), but is still contractually linked to the annual settlement reached by the Craft JNC, the Employers’ final offer is as follows:

With effect from 1 April 2020, an increase of 2.75 per cent on basic salary and allowances.

For those few Craft employees who are paid the specific annual salaries as set out in the Craft JNC 2018-20 pay agreement, the Employers’ offer is as follows.

With effect from 1 April 2020:

• 2.75% on Building Labourer grade (equivalent to SCP2 on the NJC spine)

• 2.75% on Heating & Ventilation Mate grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)

• 2.75% on Building Operative grade (equivalent to SCP3 on the NJC spine)

• 2.75% on Plumber grade (equivalent to SCP4 on the NJC spine)

• 2.75% on Engineer & Electrician grade (equivalent to SCP5 on the NJC spine), and

• 2.75% on all allowances 

With effect from 1 April 2020, an increase of one day to the minimum annual leave entitlement as set out at Part 2 Para 7.2 in the National Agreement. This increase would apply just to those employees whose leave entitlement at 1 April 2020 is twenty one days (plus extra statutory and public holidays).

This element of the offer would increase the minimum leave entitlement whilst retaining the ‘Red Book’ current long-service entitlement at 26 days.

Further details including the employer's response to other elements of the pay claim can be found in the previous bulletin below.

GMB are disappointed that the pay offer doesn’t reflect the pay claim and have made strong representation to your employers for months that the pay offer falls short of expectations.   
Now it’s time for you to have your say – in GMB only members have the final say.

So GMB is now asking members to vote on the pay offer of 2.75%.  We need you to tell us if you want to accept or reject the pay offer.

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Date: 29/07/2020


For background information and context to the current flat rate 2.75% pay deal which we're balloting on, we're providing the previous deal and it's Pay & Conditions:


Join us and become a GMB
member today.