Wiltshire Social Workers Vote For Strike Actions To…
Social Workers join long-running dispute over unsocial hours pay cut.
Information for all GMB members working in local government.
Noticeboard for JNC For Local Authority Craft & Associated Employees.
Noticeboard for GMB members who are Chief Officers.
Noticeboard for NJC "Green Book".
Noticeboard for NJC circulars
Social Workers join long-running dispute over unsocial hours pay cut.
Council needs to deal with bullying and release independent report.
Thousands of workers could down tools across the city after council bosses announced further delays…
Councillors will meet next week to discuss options to end the council’s budget crisis.
GMB believes Swindon are failing to properly provide Approved Mental Health Practitioner services.
South Tyneside refuse workers have voted to walk out for four days after being disciplined for…
Workers, unions and members of the public staged a mass protest in opposition to outsourcing of…
GMB, the union for Wiltshire Council, has issued further strike action for traffic wardens who have…