Winter travel chaos looms after gritters vote to strike
More than 75% of GMB members working in Carmarthenshire County Council (CCC) highways department…
Information for all GMB members working in local government.
Noticeboard for JNC For Local Authority Craft & Associated Employees.
Noticeboard for GMB members who are Chief Officers.
Noticeboard for NJC "Green Book".
Noticeboard for NJC circulars
More than 75% of GMB members working in Carmarthenshire County Council (CCC) highways department…
GMB, Unite and Unsion have tabled a pay claim calling for a 10 per cent increase for all staff and…
Boris Johnson needs to put his money where his mouth is and help reverse the last decade’s brutal…
Cruel cuts follow all England Champions League final and ahead of Women’s World Cup.
Agreement shows recognition of the value of city's women.
The government is out of touch with the growing crisis in children’s services and social care.
This year we ‘celebrated’ the 100th year of the first women getting the vote, and although we…