Following a series of pay talks, GMB have now received an updated offer from G4S for 2024-25.
The first offer would have resulted in the gap to the minimum wage shrinking again – a situation that was attacked by the GMB Reps – saying members had not gone through 40 days of strike action to go backwards.
The Company withdrew the offer, returning with a revised offer that included paying ASO’s the London Living Wage or Real Living Wage for the first time, and also reinstates the gap between ASO’s and Team Leaders.
ARO’s will also be paid mileage after 15 miles each way, an improvement from the current 20 miles each way (which applies to every other G4S Secure Solutions guarding contract); their parking expenses will be reimbursed and they will not be placed on standby on a scheduled non-working day.
The Company has also agreed to conduct a holiday pay audit and is supporting a GMB request to meet DWP regarding the new DWP contract – please note that this meeting is in addition to the health and safety meetings we are re-starting with both G4S and DWP.
While the offer doesn’t meet all our members claim, the offer exceeds the Government funding they have received and taken overall, your GMB LNC Reps are prepared to recommend the offer to members.
As we have constantly said, there are no final steps, just steady and strong progress to better pay, terms and working conditions. Please ensure you take the chance to have your say on pay in 2025 and encourage colleagues who aren’t members to join so they too can have their say on pay:
Yours in union,
GMB National (LNC) Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
We have held our second meeting in this year’s pay talks.
As a reminder, at the first meeting your National GMB Reps (LNC Reps) told the Company that in light of last year’s dispute, they needed to listen to members concerns and take their pay and conditions claim seriously.
Some areas of discussion focused on pay differentials above the National Minimum Wage, pay differentials for Team Leaders and the limit on mileage paid to ARO's.
Reps also explained GMB's policy of seeking £15p/h and how the Real Living Wage would be a step towards that.
We met again on Monday where the Company tabled further proposals for negotiation.
The Reps welcomed movement in some areas, where it appeared the Company was seeking to address Reps concerns about differentials for Team Leaders and ARO's, during the discussions your Reps tabled a counter proposal for ARO mileage.
Questions were also raised about the new DWP guarding contract and when that is likely to take effect, especially if it meant a new anniversary date for pay.
Based on this your Reps have called on G4S to facilitate a meeting with DWP to brief Reps on any potential changes that the new contract might have on members.
The Company has also proposed to pick up our call for a Holiday Pay audit in a separate process.
The meeting concluded with the Company agreeing to take our counter-proposals away, including the DWP meeting request, with a view to preparing a final offer to your pay and conditions claim for your Reps to consider.
Once the offer is received GMB Reps will review it, and in all likelihood move to ballot members.
As per GMB's longstanding policy this will be primarily conducted face to face at members' workplaces.
We look forward to being able to share an offer with you soon.
Yours in union,
GMB National Officer GMB LNC Reps
Posted on:
Dear members,
We hope you are well.
We want to update members about GMB’s upcoming meeting with G4S and DWP on health and safety.
Last year before strike action started GMB surveyed members, asking about your experiences with violence at work.
The results were shocking with 16% of members telling us that they’d been physically attacked at work and 83% saying they’d been verbally abused at work during the past 12 months.
What also became even clearer during the strike action was the inconsistency status surrounding the use of body cameras, the regular failure of PMRs, leading some members to use their own mobiles for basic site safety reasons.
At the time we raised all of these key health and safety issues with G4S and DWP, both of whom refused to discuss while strikes were taking place.
We are now restarting the formal meetings, the first one is next week, and will be taking these issues up with them.
We will keep members updated on the outcome as we go.
GMB and G4S are due to hold the second meeting on pay on Monday 24th, and again we will share any updates afterwards.
We still do not have any further information on the next DWP contract, but will obviously share any information that we receive as soon as possible.
We’ve previously told members about our concerns with PCS.
We can update members that the Trades Union Congress (TUC), who set the rules by which Unions like GMB and PCS conduct themselves, have convened a dispute hearing into PCS’ actions during and after the strikes.
This dispute hearing will take place in March, and GMB has submitted evidence in support of our position.
“No union will commence organising activities at any company, in respect of any group of workers, where another union has the majority of workers employed in membership, and/or is recognised to negotiate terms and conditions, and/ or is actively engaged in significant organising activity.”
We will update members on the outcome once it has been received.
Yours in union,
GMB National Officer GMB National DWP Reps
Posted on:
Dear members,
We have now had the first instalment of pay talks for 2024/25.
The meeting was mainly focussed on discussing the current economic environment and GMB’s member pay and conditions claim.
We also went into detail about our concerns with ARO roles and the failure to pay mileage for their trips despite having to have business insurance. We are looking at a specific piece of work here that we will reach out to ARO members about.
The Company provided an overview of their finances and the current status of the contract, claiming that a decision is still pending with Treasury, and it was likely that the new contract would commence from 1st September this year.
We also discussed the Government funding index that will underpin any final settlement on pay, and were advised that there are still some outstanding issues with DWP that G4S was negotiating and that these would be resolved soon.
On that basis we agreed to reconvene the talks on February 18th.
We were also advised in the preceding DWP LNC meeting that Managers now have access to all the information necessary for members to check their back pay. Therefore members can request this from their Managers now, and not Payroll.
Yours in union,
Eamon O’Hearn, GMB National Officer
GMB Local Negotiating Committee (LNC) Reps
Posted on:
Dear members,
Firstly, happy new year to you all, we hope that you and your families had a safe and merry festive season.
2024/25 PAY TALKS
This is a short update to notify members that we are holding the first pay talks meeting for 2024/25 pay in late January.
We have previously shared a copy of the claim that has been submitted on behalf of members following the pay surveys completed by members. It can be found on the web board in a previous post.
Following the talks we will look to update members.
There are fresh elections being held in some Regions for the National Committee, so once they are completed members will be updated accordingly.
We also want to remind members that there are still two outstanding national collective grievance appeals. One is into the issue of unpaid training and the other relating to the treatment of members on picket lines.
Once we have results of these, we’ll share them with members too.
We want to apologise for the disruptions to the previous online meeting by a small number of participants.
It was very disappointing that this minority could not act maturely, professionally and with courtesy to the vast majority who participated.
It unfortunately means that future meetings will need to be heavily monitored and controlled to ensure that we don’t experience the same disruptions.
We have fielded many questions regarding PCS and the position with GMB.
PCS have acknowledged on multiple occasions that they are not recognised by G4S on the DWP contract.
“No union will commence organising activities at any company, in respect of any group of workers, where another union has the majority of workers employed in membership, and/or is recognised to negotiate terms and conditions, and/ or is actively engaged in significant organising activity.”
PCS is not recognised and so according to the rules above it should not have organised and recruited during the dispute last year.
However, PCS has been very public about its organising and recruiting activity which we consider a clear breach of the rules.
So, we are now moving towards a formal dispute hearing with PCS which will hopefully resolve the matter.
Many thanks again for your continued support, as we have always said, this is just the first step forward.
Yours in union,
Posted on:
Dear members,
We hope that despite the apparent failure of G4S today to process the remaining back pay, you are all well and looking forward to the festive season.
GMB wants to say upfront that we share your anger and utter frustration at G4S around your back pay.
G4S is fully responsible for processing this and for having systems in place that can cope with what thousands of other companies are able to do without a hitch.
We are taking advice on what, if any consequences, G4S could be liable for, and with a meeting with DWP Minister Andrew Western in the pipeline, this will be the perfect chance for us to raise this issue, amongst the many other outstanding issues from the last 12 months and your pay claim.
In terms of the back pay, it was only late yesterday that GMB received a series of screenshots from a member, whose manager said that back pay wasn’t necessarily happening.
This was the first GMB was aware, and we immediately contacted the Company, who replied this morning claiming they were working hard – to date we have still not had any formal position from G4S on this issue.
We suspect that the payments may still be made, and pay slips adjusted, but that G4S does not want to commit either way until closer to the 15th.
We will continue to monitor this and hopefully we will have a more formal position from the Company in time for our members meeting next Wednesday where we’ll go through the next steps in our push to improve pay and conditions.
Once again, we share your frustration and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Once again thanks to all the members who contributed to the 2024/25 pay claim.
After the details were shared with members we submitted a copy to G4S and will also send one to DWP.
As we have previously outlined, this is the next step in securing improvements in your pay and conditions.
We’re hosting a meeting on Wednesday morning to go through the claim and discuss the process from there.
Please join us on the link that we send to you via email and/or SMS shortly.
The update below this one has details of the claim that has been submitted if you’d like to review it again before the meeting.
Look forward to seeing you all online next week.
Yours in union,
GMB LNC Reps GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
We want to thank you and the hundreds of members who have completed GMB’s 2024/25 pay survey.
While GMB members accepted the pay offer for 2022/24, we have always said that the pay dispute was the first step in further building our confidence, strength and unity, with the ultimate aim of improving your working conditions.
It was never the last step!
That’s why it’s important to reflect on the steps taken by GMB members last year.
In 2023, GMB took G4S to ACAS, initially for conciliation talks to try and secure an improved offer.
We then pushed for arbitration – to let the ‘umpire’ make the decision – but when G4S effectively tied the hands of the ‘umpire’ it made arbitration meaningless.
In response, for the first time, GMB members voted to take industrial action over your pay on this contract.
Throughout the dispute members were brilliant and the action resulted in hundreds, if not over a thousand days of site closures, however we were unable to stop DWP protecting and supporting G4S throughout the dispute, especially by allowing them to use agency labour during the strikes.
This remains a key concern for GMB, and as a union affiliated to the Labour Party, we are pursuing DWP politically, looking to expose the extent of closures and whether G4S were ever actually fined for service failures. There is also still an ongoing investigation in response to evidence submitted by GMB, into the use of agency labour during the strikes.
Then as per longstanding GMB policy, we balloted members face-to-face, on an offer that was accepted by a significant majority of members.
We all know the offer was not perfect, but it is the reason we say this is the first, not last step, and we are now preparing to enter negotiations again with G4S.
2024/2025 PAY CLAIM
Via the pay survey hundreds of members have detailed the improvements to your pay and working conditions that form the next step of our campaign for dignity and respect.
Members overwhelmingly sought:
Progression to £15p/h, which is also longstanding GMB policy;
Restoring the differentials between roles that have been compressed, particularly ASO – TL roles;
Provide greater job security for ARO’s and ensure they are paid full mileage for travel;
Increases to holiday and sick leave, including sick pay from day 1 & extra holidays based on service;
The introduction of both weekend and overtime premiums and;
Better equipment, particularly given the issues with PMR’s.
In addition to the claim above, at Hinkley Point, GMB have submitted tribunal claims relating to the underpayment of holiday pay, and while that issue is still live, we will be seeking a formal holiday pay audit from G4S for all members working on the DWP contract.
Lastly In addition to the claim, we spoke on many occasions during the dispute about using the strength created during the dispute to pick up wider issues on health, safety and quality of equipment.
GMB Reps meet regularly with G4S and DWP to monitor health and safety throughout the contract and we will use this forum to pursue issues that are impacting on members across the sites.
We will shortly be submitting the pay claim to G4S management with a view to commencing talks once the Government contract indexation is finalised and we know exactly how that relates to the new national minimum wage of £12.21 in April 2025.
Once the pay claim is submitted, we will recommence Wednesday meetings to keep members updated.
Lastly, we want to thank members again for your strength, solidarity and support over the historic past months.
This is the first step towards securing improvements to terms and conditions of members on the DWP contract.
It has not been easy, but GMB Reps and Officers have been proud to do our best to support members throughout.
Posted on:
Dear members,
We know that many of you are contacting Reps to ask what are the arrangements for pay now that the ballot has concluded.
We have been in constant contact with the Company regarding the arrangements for back pay on the recently accepted offer.
There are three main elements that have to be assessed:
First is the changing of the rates to reflect the new ones;
Secondly is the calculation of the basic back pay (based on members basic contracted hours/work pattern) and;
Thirdly is analysing where members have worked in excess of contract hours, have allowances etc and to ensure that the back pay is calculated correctly on those hours.
The Company has now confirmed that:
New Pay Rates
Your new rate of pay will be applied from 1st October 2024 and you will receive this in the pay run for 15th November 2024.
Back Pay
Back pay payments will be split into three phases as outlined below:
1. Members will receive backdated pay for all scheduled duties on site since the 1st of December 2022 (or your employment start date if you joined after this date) in your 15th November 2024 pay. For the vast majority of you this will reflect the amount listed against your grade/role outlined in the pay offer.
2. Back pay related to activities such as site based training, first aid training, sickness or other paid absences, is expected to be paid in your 15th December 2024 pay. If it is possible to expedite this payment faster within your 15th of November 2024 pay we will endeavour to do so.
3. Holiday pay - Calculating holiday back pay is a complex and time consuming process, which is why this is the last phase in the back pay process. At this time we are still working through the activity required to calculate and load the holiday pay and we will advise colleagues on the expected date as soon as possible.
This is a complicated process and we are particularly focussed on ensuring members who have worked excess hours receive the correctly calculated back pay, and want this to be done accurately rather than rushed.
If you contact your Rep for support please appreciate that they may be dealing with multiple enquiries and we’d ask for your patience in our work.
Finally we are conscious that 2025 pay talks will commence later this year and we will make the appropriate arrangements to consult members on next steps once the back pay process has settled.
Your LNC Reps are clear that this is the first step in rebuilding terms and conditions, and not the end.
We look forward to continuing to work with members, old and new, across the DWP contract.
Yours in union,
Posted on:
Dear members,
Your GMB National Reps (LNC) want to thank members for participating in the recent ballot.
We are pleased to report that members have returned a 65% vote in favour of the offer, with over 91% of members voting in the ballot.
We know full well that the offer wasn’t perfect, and that it impacted members differently across the country.
However this is a positive result that draws this chapter of negotiations to a close.
The activism, energy and passion of members throughout the dispute has been amazing, and the growth in overall members and those wanting to stand up to represent GMB members on their site has been brilliant.
Members have also proven that they are prepared to stand up and be counted in pursuing better pay and conditions, an unprecedented step in both this employer and industry.
We are clear that there still remains much to do to continue to raise pay and conditions on the contract, and our focus will now turn to building wider pressure on DWP.
That work begins including preparations for 2025 pay talks.
Once again thank you to members for your patience throughout the dispute and we look forward to continuing to represent you all.
Yours in union,
G4S DWP 2022/23/24 Pay Talks - New Offer - Members to Decide
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We again want to thank members for your ongoing resolve and patience regarding 2022/23/24 pay.
Following talks convened by ACAS on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, an Offer was received on Thursday. Your National Reps considered the Offer late on Thursday and agreed to ballot members on the Offer and suspend industrial action whilst this voting takes place.
£0.32p differential to National Minimum Wage (up from £0.23p in last Company Offer)
20% increase to wage rates £9.80 (Dec 2022) to £11.76 (April 2024)
Backpay has been reinstated for the entire Offer and backdated to Dec 2022
As can be seen from the table, the new Offer increases the rates of pay and backpay that members would receive. It increases the differential with the Minimum Wage to £0.32p, an improvement on the previous Company Offer of £0.23p and in excess of £0.30p differential in that members had in December 2022.
Dec 2022
April 2024
% Increase*
Est Backpay
Dec 22 – Aug 24#
ASO Standard
ASO Enhanced
ASO Premium
ASO TL Standard
ASO TL Enhanced
ASO TL Premium
Reception Standard
Reception Premium
ASO Asst Mgr Standard
ASO Asst Mgr Enhanced
ASO Asst Mgr Premium
*Percentages rounded to nearest figure #Based on a 42.5 hour week
Your National Reps also wanted to give members the chance to vote given the present uncertainty and rumours surrounding the current DWP contract.
Whilst we understand that no formal decision has been made, we did not want members to risk backpay and rate increases in the event that G4S loses the contract.
Also given the time of year, we will soon be preparing to consult members on pay for 2024/25, so we know that potentially another pay rise is not far away – dependent on talks.
GMB also wants to apologise for any confusion caused this morning with our message regarding the Offer. We are aware that members are extremely keen to see the Offer, but we have a huge logistical task ahead as we now have members in hundreds of Job Centres and we want to ensure that they have their say on pay over the coming weeks.
We initially sought some time to get our arrangements in order so that we could ensure a consistent set of information but also ensure we were best placed to answer questions members may have, and to respect that many members may also be on holiday.
However, member feedback has been clear so we have produced this bulletin for members ahead of voting in your workplace over the next few weeks. Each Region will advise their members of their likely timeline so that they have an idea of the process for them to vote.
Only GMB members will be entitled to vote on the offer, if any colleagues aren’t already a member then they can join here:
We want to thank members again for your strength, solidarity and support over the historic past months. While no Offer is ever perfect, this is the first step towards securing improvements to terms and conditions of members on the DWP contract. It has not been easy, but GMB Reps and Officers have been proud to do our best to support members throughout.
Yours in union
GMB National Reps GMB National Office
GMB DWP - VOTING PROCESS - 23 August 2024
Posted on:
Dear members,
We have received many calls about the Offer received on Thursday, voting and the decision to suspend next week’s action, which was taken late Thursday.
We have a huge logistical challenge to visit hundreds of sites to ensure that members can vote in person on the Offer – which is GMB policy.
We have only been able to brief GMB Officers who, along with Reps, will be leading on the voting this afternoon.
To do all this we need to get our bulletins, ballots, communications, membership lists and Officer colleagues in place as soon as possible, and updated on the details etc.
Our experience has taught us that patience and consistency are very important when starting such large scale voting operations and we would ask for your patience until early next week when each GMB Region will be in contact with members about the voting timelines in each Region.
We want to run this as smoothly as possible but also ensuring as many members as possible get the chance to speak with Reps and Officers directly and vote too, takes a little bit of organisation.
Please accept our apology for the delay, but we are aiming to kick it all off very soon.
Yours in union,
GMB National Reps GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Members,
Firstly, as with all our communications, we want to thank you for your patience, support and solidarity.
GMB membership has held strong and grown throughout the dispute, the amazing pictures and videos of the picket lines clearly show this.
We updated you this week that G4S had been brought back to the table at ACAS and following talks on Tuesday and Wednesday a new offer was submitted yesterday.
Your National Reps (LNC) have now had a chance to review the offer and have unanimously agreed to ballot members on the offer.
At the same time as a sign of good faith they are also prepared to suspend the strikes so that workplace balloting on the offer can take place.
So can members please note that the strikes proposed for next week are now suspended and that members should attend work as per normal.
Details of the offer will be shared with members once balloting commences in your workplaces, which will give you a chance to assess the offer, how it impacts you and how you would like to vote.
Due to the significant growth in GMB membership across the UK, the balloting will take a number of weeks, but we believe that it is vital that we speak directly to as many members as possible during this process.
As per normal, non-members will be given the chance to join GMB and vote on the offer, but this will not include members of PCS.
There will be a communication that is prepared along with the ballot that will explain the offer in more detail and provided during the visits.
Once again we want to thank members for their patience, support and solidarity.
We have never been here before and we see this as the first step towards building a stronger union.
Yours in union,
GMB National Reps and GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Once again we want to congratulate you on the ongoing solidarity and commitment being shown across the UK on picket lines.
Members continue to join and pickets continue to be vibrant and active.
There have been well over a thousand days of site closures since the dispute began, without even taking into the vast numbers of partial closures.
We have always made ourselves available to participate in talks, and we are hoping that G4S approaches the ACAS talks with a constructive attitude.
G4S has now received over £250 million in funding from DWP, with £190 million for security wages alone since the dispute started.
On that basis we still believe that G4S can afford to offer a back-dated cost of living increase that members deserve.
Obviously we will update members on any developments as soon as we are able to depending on the progress of the talks.
In addition to the restarting of talks, please see below the details of two national collective grievances submitted in response to the actions of the Company.
We have also raised these via external solicitors such is our concern.
We will keep members updated on the progress of both of them.
They were due to have first stage hearings next week but they have been postponed to facilitate the ACAS talks.
Lastly thank you again for the support and solidarity.
The GMB LNC Reps wish to make a formal national collective grievance on behalf of our members currently involved in a legitimate industrial dispute as follows;
There has been intimidatory and bullying behaviour towards our members from the start of this dispute, with managers and agency security guards consistently antagonising picketers at sites across the DWP estate.
Members have been accused of bringing the company into disrepute by their actions on the picket line without any justification or yourselves producing any evidence whatsoever that would hold water in any Court if this matter proceeds.
As previously noted where the police have been called by DWP, G4S or another, there has been no cause to take any further action.
They have also been threatened and their employment contracts have been changed unilaterally by yourselves in relation to the loan repayments for the obtaining of the SIA amongst other matters.
For the sake of clarity, we say the changes are a fundamental change to our members employment contracts and not a matter that you can decide upon unilaterally and without any negotiation with ourselves. We regard this conduct alone to be intimidatory and bullying behaviour.
Collectively these actions are intimidatory, discriminatory and are being used as a form of inducement to try bring about an end to the dispute instead of trying to negotiate in a proper way to bring an end to this long standing dispute.
Can you please respond within the normal procedural time limits?
National Collective Grievance – Breach of Minimum Wage Requirements
GMB DWP LNC Reps are submitting this collective grievance on behalf of GMB members employed on the DWP guarding contract, on the grounds of a breach of UK Employment Legislation with regards to our pay at work, specifically the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, as well as a breach of the G4S Operational Contract of Employment.
We submit this for the following reasons:
In the course of employment with G4S, guards are expected to undertake work outside of working hours, specifically training modules that they are not given the time to complete whilst working on rostered shifts. As a result, guards are completing training during their unpaid weekly rest periods.
The 2021 G4S Contract of Employment states:
If you are required to undertake mandatory training on day(s) when you are not rostered to work you will receive the National Minimum Wage applicable to your individual circumstances.
G4S is fully aware of the dates and times when guards are completing this training, as E-Learning modules log this information upon completion for the purposes of notification to the G4S Licensing Team and others.
As such G4S can reasonably be expected to be aware that training is taking place on non-rostered days and times.
There is no evidence that G4S is making the appropriate payments to compensate for the training, so we therefore submit that the company has breached this contractual obligation for those guards on this contract, and therefore have further breached the below points of legislation.
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 states:
1 Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour
1. A person commits an offence if—
a. the person holds another person in slavery or servitude and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is held in slavery or servitude, or
b. the person requires another person to perform forced or compulsory labour and the circumstances are such that the person knows or ought to know that the other person is being required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
(2) In subsection (1) the references to holding a person in slavery or servitude or requiring a person to perform forced or compulsory labour are to be construed in accordance with Article 4 of the Human Rights Convention.
Article 4 of the Human Rights Convention, and subsequently the Human Rights Act 1998, states:
2. No one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour.
By expecting guards to undertake work outside of rostered working hours, during unpaid personal time for which they are not reimbursed, we put forward that this constitutes forced or compulsory labour which falls outside of guards’ contracts, and therefore is in breach of the above legislation and convention.
Such an offence constitutes a criminal act, and could result in a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for those that committed the offence.
The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 states:
31 Offences.
If the employer of a worker who qualifies for the national minimum wage refuses or wilfully neglects to remunerate the worker for any pay reference period at a rate which is at least equal to the national minimum wage, that employer is guilty of an offence.
The act goes on to state:
(9) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable
a. on conviction on indictment, to a fine, or
b. on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum.
As the overwhelming majority of guards are paid the National Living Wage (Minimum Wage), any unpaid work would consequently reduce the rate at which they are paid for the pay reference period to below the minimum wage, constituting an offence under the legislation.
As the act states, such an offence could result in significant fines for the employer. It also brings the employer’s name into significant disrepute as one which fails to pay the national minimum wage.
The above issues have had not only a financial impact on all the subjects of this grievance, but also an emotional impact upon many through having to undertake this work during their personal time, where they should be resting and spending time with their families.
It is unacceptable to us that a global employer with the experience and resources of G4S should have to resort to expecting its employees to undertake unpaid training work.
As an outcome to this collective grievance, we are seeking the following resolutions:
All work and training that was completed by G4S Officers which has not been paid for should be reimbursed to comply with the above legislation and contractual obligations, and to prevent fines or convictions being made against senior G4S management for forced compulsory labour, failure to pay the national minimum wage, and breaches of contract.
A commitment should be given from G4S that going forward, all training undertaken by officer should be paid, as per the company’s legal obligations under legislation and contracts of employment, and a mechanism should be put in place to ensure that any such training is paid for.
More flexibility should be given to officers to allow them to choose to undertake training during their rostered working shifts if they lack time outside of work to complete the mandatory training. Failure to do this could mean that G4S continues to breach the Modern Slavery legislation.
A commitment should be given from G4S that all work undertaken in the role of an officer will be paid, and that no further unlawful deductions of wages will be made going forward.
A formal apology should be issued to us by G4S for the expectation of undertaking unpaid work, and for failing to pay the national minimum wage for the training.
Posted on:
Dear members,
Thank you for the continuing support and strength being shown in this dispute.
We have put together a short video to update you on G4S’s changes to the repayment of SIA Licence loans, which were not subject to any negotiation.
G4S has not yet provided any rationale for the changes, and in the absence of any critical issues, we believe that it is fundamentally a vindictive move, designed to almost exclusively impact on members who are taking industrial action.
This is particularly the case when we compare it to Securitas, who pay the licence fee for their workforce, and is only repaid if you leave the Company within a certain timeframe.
We have sought urgent legal advice and will update members as soon as we have more feedback.
The video also shows details of the original offer letter from G4S in October 2022, including its own admission that the ‘offer’ was disappointing.
You can watch the video below:
In it we show how G4S’s ‘offer’:
Is below inflation in 2022/23 (what is called a ‘real terms pay cut’) and;
Shows how for 2023/24 they are proposing to hold back pay in December 2023 to make the ‘offer’ look better in April 2024 i.e. what is called a ‘self-funded’ pay increase.
We have also added the letter and ‘offer’ to our web board here:
We are now reaching out to the new Ministers for DWP, Security and Business to raise the dispute, including our concerns at the conduct of DWP and G4S, directly with them, including our call for all parties to meet at ACAS to secure a resolution to the dispute.
Lastly once again thank you for your ongoing solidarity and strength.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
As we head into further action next week it is important to report – and reinforce – that the resolution to this dispute lies solely with G4S.
Throughout the pay talks G4S claimed that it was contractually restricted by DWP from paying any more money to guards.
We challenged this and wrote to the Government months ago seeking clarification.
However we have now recently received confirmation from DWP that G4S is not restricted from paying guards above the Government funding:
Just a brief note to confirm to you that….
G4S’ ability and preparedness to go beyond what we legitimately fund them is their decision.
This response proves that G4S are not restricted by the DWP contract as they have claimed in the talks.
This means that they are making a conscious decision to prolong this dispute.
They are claiming that they cannot afford a cost of living increase for 2022/23, yet they are prepared to pay agency staff at significantly higher rates of pay (especially when you take Agency fee’s into consideration).
Members have seen their proposal and know that it would mean a partial increase, in order to delay your own pay rise later in the year.
As we enter the last weeks before the General Election, it is worth noting that the Labour Party is committed to Fair Work standards, similar to what exist in Scotland and Wales, and at present G4S is clearly nowhere these standards.
We will continue to raise this on behalf of members as perfect example of where higher standards are necessary.
Members are being asked to complete the following survey.
London Region are leading on the issue of members increasingly having to complete training in the own time.
If the reports are correct then members are effectively working for less than the minimum wage, and is a key issue.
If members hadn’t had the chance please see below a message of support from the GMB General Secretary, Gary Smith. He used to represent G4S members so is very familiar with your struggle.
They have advised that they are convening a meeting for further talks, however DWP are still refusing to participate. As we have pointed out to ACAS and DWP, is that all the Company offers have been ‘agreed’ with DWP, so we believe that this means that they should be around the table too.
GMB has also sought confirmation from DWP that G4S is subject to fines, sanctions etc for service failings. We are raising it because we are hearing reports that DWP is waiving the fines to support G4S in its attempts to offset the impact of the strikes. If this is correct then it would represent a serious misuse of public funds.
At present DWP are refusing to answer this direct question despite it being a relatively simple question.
Lastly we hope that the pickets next week are as vibrant and lively as they have been throughout – members continue to join in the same fight for dignity and respect that you all deserve.
The pictures and videos are amazing, and many have been sent to fellow trade union members across the world who are also in dispute with G4S.
Yours in union,
GMB LNC Reps GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
The strength of members resolve and determination continues to grow.
Members continue to join and support the strikes and picket lines are springing up at sites across the UK.
We have written to G4S offering to meet at ACAS, including with DWP. We are yet to hear back from G4S, but DWP are claiming that they are not involved.
We don’t believe that this position from DWP is accurate or sustainable.
As we have shared with ACAS, the pay offers received from G4S have explicitly stated that the offers had been agreed with DWP, which raises the obvious question, if they’re not involved, why does G4S need their approval to submit a pay offer?
Secondly as the dispute has grown increasing numbers of sites are closed and services restricted which fundamentally impacts on DWP.
Lastly we have asked DWP if G4S is subject to any sanctions relating to closed offices, impacted services and failure of officers to wear body cams.
We are yet to receive a reply - this is crucial as we are concerned that DWP may waive the sanctions to support G4S in the dispute.
Following widespread reports from sites of Agency Staff not wearing body cams (BWC) we raised this with both G4S and DWP as a safety breach.
We received the following response from G4S on May 23rd that did not copy in DWP:
"The BWC do not form part of the STRA nor do they form part of the security plan for each site. They are only an additional security tool for capturing evidence should an incident occur." and
"BWC is an additional security tool ONLY. "
This reply suggests that BWC are not essential and that raises concerns for any member who has previously been disciplined for not wearing one. We have sought clarification from both G4S and DWP, but we would advise members to raise questions at your sites next week about the status of wearing BWCs. Regarding PMRs, again we had received reports that Agency staff were using mobile phones. Again G4S responded not including DWP to say: "I am not commenting on the use of personal mobile phones. The PMR’s are functioning and operational"
The claim that PMRs are functional will surprise many members who know from daily experience the failure level.
We believe that DWP may not be fully aware of the extent of the failures, so we are exploring how we can establish a 'whistleblowing' system for members to alert GMB when there are failures (as well as submitting incident reports) so that we can provide an independent report to DWP.
Thank you again to all members for your continued strength, resolve and action. The pictures of solidarity and support are amazing, and they are happening all across the UK.
Yours in union,
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Firstly want to wish everyone solidarity and support ahead of next week’s action.
Members continue to join in support of a fair and decent wage rise, knowing that the fight is a vital one for dignity and respect.
It is unprecedented and members are showing brilliant resolve and strength.
We’re aware that G4S has issued ‘advice’ claiming that if you were not balloted then you are not able to take industrial action.
This is fundamentally incorrect and a blatant attempt to intimidate members from taking part in the strikes.
It is also because the level of members has grown throughout the dispute, in the face of G4S’s actions.
The successful legal ballot in April provides protection for all GMB members, old and new, when they take action within a window of 6 months.
If you are advised otherwise by a Manager, please alert your local Rep or Officer.
We’ve had lots of reports regarding the use of Agency across the past few weeks.
We know that it has been frustrating for members, particularly where there are no vacancies/leave requirements to address.
However following our formal complaint to the Employment Standards Inspectorate, reference to the SIA and further warnings regarding the upcoming action, we can report that in the last week we have received confirmation from Black Star, Leon and Maxipower have pulled all their staff from shifts next week.
We’ve also had reports that 2012 is also taking similar action.
We will be still asking members to inform us of any agency usage next week in order to maintain our pressure on any Agencies still providing staff.
Now we have also been alerted that G4S have been offering free car parking to Events staff who are prepared to work as strike-breakers.
This is a move that smacks of desperation, as does the incorrect ‘advice’ that G4S have issued.
We are also receiving reports (that we are trying to confirm) that Agency and Events staff are being paid in excess of £12p/h to break your strike.
If correct then it would seem that G4S is prepared to put money into the pockets of Agency and Events staff, but not those guards who are the backbone of this contract.
We have been in contact throughout this dispute with Local and National politicians, a number of whom have attended picket lines in solidarity.
We are in the midst of an election campaign and GMB has welcomed the release of the Labour Party’s Manifesto, and ‘Plan to Make Work Pay’.
The latter describes how ‘Fair Work’ standards will be form part of a National Procurement Plan that an incoming Labour Government will apply to future public sector contracts.
We are building on that by liaising with elected Mayor’s across the Country regarding the dispute and the implications of being minimum wage workers on a lucrative Government contract.
In addition we are looking to engage with the devolved Governments in Scotland and Wales regarding their Fair Work standards that apply (or are proposed) to public sector contracts in the areas.
We are waiting for ACAS to return back to us with a meeting date. Once we have secured a date we will update members as soon as possible.
Once again, we are proud to stand together with you all at picket lines across the Country.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Thanks to all of you who attended rallies on Wednesday across the UK.
There were brilliant scenes in London, as GMB Members from London and Southern Regions came together in Parliament Square.
They then marched from their to Caxton House, a key DWP site and then a few doors down to the G4S Corporate Headquarters.
Many members were unaware how close the two buildings were and in such a narrow street the members’ voices were loud and proud.
The noise and chanting was amazing, with many passers by asking about the dispute, taking flyers and wishing members all the best in their fight.
We continue to get stronger and members are taking the lead in this dispute, which is brilliant to see.
We have now submitted further dates for action in order to reinforce to G4S that we are serious about dignity, respect and decent pay.
Notice has been given for a full week of strikes commencing the week of Eid, from Monday 17th June to Sunday 23rd June, with a week off, then another full week and so on.
The dates are as follows:
Week of strikes from 00.00 (AM) on Monday 17th June 2024 to 23.59 on Sunday 23rd June 2024
Week of 24th June back to work for the week.
Week of strikes from 00.00 (AM) on Monday 1st July 2024 to 23.59 on Sunday 7th July 2024
Week of 8th July back to work for the week.
Week of strikes from 00.00 (AM) on Monday 15th July 2024 to 23.59 on Sunday 21st July 2024
Week of 22nd July back to work for the week.
Week of strikes from 00.00 (AM) on Monday 29th July 2024 to 23.59 on Sunday 4th August 2024
We are still pushing to meet at ACAS with DWP too, in order to resolve this dispute, and have offered to even hold discussions at our GMB Congress if that suits the Company.
We will continue to keep you updated and we’ll shortly be able to circulate a link to all the messages of solidarity that we have received.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Once again thank you for your continued support and solidarity.
Across the country members are standing together in this dispute and colleagues continue to join, seeing the solidarity everyone is showing each other as you all pursue a common goal.
We’ve also included a series of letters we’ve received from all over the world expressing solidarity with you in your fight.
Next week will see a number of demonstrations across the country as we continue to raise the pressure on G4S and now DWP to come back to the table at ACAS.
We have now submitted our formal complaint to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate on the use of agency labour during the dispute, calling for a formal investigation.
We have also had agencies advise us that they will no longer be supplying labour for future dates too.
The LNC have also proposed moving to a series of week-on/week-off strikes, starting from June 17th to continue to increase the pressure for a resolution. We'll update members next week on those proposals.
As we've said before, "you're worth more, than £11.44" and we'll continue to fight together for respect, dignity and a fair wage.
Have a good bank holiday weekend and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the demonstrations.
Yours in union,
GMB LNC Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
The strength and resolve of members continues grow.
The pictures and videos from the picket lines and demonstrations all across the country, and around the world, are amazing.
This week we have issued cease and desist letters to the key agencies that you have notified us of.
Already one agency, SGS, have replied to say that they have reviewed the requests from G4S for staff on strike days and given their concerns, are no longer going to be providing those staff.
We expect that as the dispute continues the remaining agencies will reconsider their position too.
We have also been asked to supply further information to the Employment Inspectorate to support an investigation into the supply of staff on the strike days past.
The SIA have also been contacted about the use of agency staff and we will continue to hold agencies accountable.
Separately we are also calling on DWP to join the negotiations at ACAS as this issue now impacts them directly – they can’t avoid their responsibilities to be a part of the solution.
This also extends to the health and safety breaches that members are alerting us to across the sites.
Members continue to join GMB to secure a better pay offer and win back dignity at work!
We will continue to stand together in solidarity and strength.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
to you and your fellow members for taking action for the first time ever in G4S.
This huge step cannot be underestimated and the level of closures and impact on operations was significant across the UK.
We have also received nearly 60 messages of support and solidarity from unions across the world who represent G4S security guards.
Agency Staff
We know that many members reported the use of agency labour at sites across the Company, and if you haven’t already, please complete this very short survey on this topic here
The use of agency labour to break strikes is illegal and we are actively pursuing all the Companies for whom we have been advised supplied labour on the days.
In the first instance we are required to write to them asking them to cease and desist, which we have done again today.
Should they continue to supply labour on Monday the Employment Inspectorate and SIA will be notified.
We are notifying the SIA because we believe any breach of the Agency regulations should also constitute a breach of the ‘Fit and Proper Person Test’ that applies to every SIA Approved Contractor.
Unfortunately, this does not happen overnight but the process of holding them accountable is underway.
We have also requested that ACAS convene further negotiations with G4S and including DWP now that they are being impacted by the dispute.
We have made it clear we are always willing to talk, which puts the onus back on G4S who have refused to continue talks.
Next Steps
The action will continue and the possibility of a mass demonstration is being looked into as well.
It is worth remembering that we are getting reports of Agency staff being paid as much as £13 an hour, and that this reflects on what G4S thinks of you.
This is about respect and dignity for you all as a committed and professional workforce, and we will stand with you all the way.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps and GMB National Officer
Solidarity With GMB Union Members At G4S Security - Michala Lafferty
Posted on:
Dear Colleagues,
As the Head of property services for UNI Global Union, I am writing to express my unwavering solidarity with the members of the GMB union as you prepare for strike action against G4S Security this month.
We stand with you in your fight for safer work and better wages, for improved working conditions, and respect for your rights as workers. It is clear that G4S Security has failed to address the legitimate demands raised by GMB Members and we commend the GMB union for taking this stand to fight for good and safe jobs.
The decision to strike is never an easy one, but it is often necessary to bring about meaningful change. Your willingness to take collective action sends a powerful message to G4S Security and to employers everywhere: workers will not accept exploitation or injustice in the workplace, but your action inspires workers everywhere that when we fight, we win.
We urge G4S Security to re-engage in good-faith negotiations with the GMB union and to work towards a fair and equitable resolution to the issues at hand.
In the meantime, know that you do not stand alone. The international labour movement stands with you in solidarity, you may need as you continue your struggle for justice and equality in the workplace.
In solidarity,
Michala Lafferty
UNI Property Services
Solidarity with GMB Union Members at G4S Security
Posted on:
Dear Member,
The UNI-APRO Property Services Sector recently learned from our Head of UNI Global Union Property Services about your industrial action and strikes against G4S Security this month. We are also following your media and handle at,000-job-centre-security-guards-to-strike . On behalf of the sector, I want to express our unwavering solidarity with the GMB union members in your fight. We stand with you in your demands for a safer work environment, improved wages and working conditions, and respect for your rights as workers. It's clear that G4S Security hasn't addressed your legitimate concerns. We commend the GMB union for taking a strong stance to secure good and safe jobs for its members. The decision to strike is a difficult one, but often necessary for meaningful change. Your collective action sends a powerful message to G4S Security and employers everywhere: workers will not tolerate exploitation or injustice. It also inspires others, demonstrating that united action leads to progress.
We urge G4S Security to return to the negotiation table with the GMB union in good faith and work towards a fair and equitable resolution. In the meantime, please know you are not alone. The international labour movement stands firmly in solidarity with you as you continue your struggle for workplace justice and equality. I also would like to inform you that our affiliates in the APRO region from Property services are preparing their solidarity message and they will send to you to support your action from today.
In solidarity,
Tilak Jang Khadka
UNI Global Union
G4S DWP Strike - Letters to Security Agencies
Posted on:
Dear Members,
We hope you are all well.
We know that G4S is doing everything it can to undermine your
action, and we are getting reports that Agency staff are being trained at a
handful of locations.
Do not be worried, this is merely for show and to try to
intimidate members.
G4S knows, and has acknowledged in writing to GMB that the use
of Agency Staff to break strikes is not lawful.
This has also been recognised and communicated by DWP too in its
own communications to SRO’s a few days ago:
We have now also written
to a number of Agencies (2012, Anubis, Black Star, City Group Security, Leon,
Static Security and Uni Guard) today to remind them that the supply of Agency
staff is illegal. Please see an example letter here:
We have also formally
advised the SIA of this, as we believe that should an Agency supply staff under
these circumstances it should jeopardise their SIA licence.
The SIA have acknowledged receipt of the notices too.
Finally, we are aware that managers have been approaching
members about participating in the strike.
We warned G4S that this was not the correct approach, and that
there should have been a simple notice to all guards. However
they chose to take a different approach and we all know why they did that.
If you are aware that only GMB members have been asked
about participating in the action, can you please alert your local Rep or
Lastly, we would have wanted to be able to recommend to
members a pay offer that addressed the cost-of-living crisis you experienced in
2022/23, and taking action is the last resort.
Please ensure you send a strong and powerful message to those
that doubt you and would seek to undermine your strength and solidarity.
You are the first GMB members in G4S Secure Solutions to ever
take industrial action, which in itself tells you how important this campaign
We wish you all the best for the action next week.
Yours in Union,
GMB DWP LNC Reps and GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Members,
On Tuesday your LNC met the Company in our ongoing efforts to find a solution to the pay dispute.
Once again the Company referred to affordability limits but this argument does not stand scrutiny now, or at any stage.
According to these reports since December 2022 G4S has received over £211M in direct payments from DWP for guarding and related services/equipment – but not including facility management.
To then claim that they cannot afford a payment to members to address the cost-of-living crisis, a crisis that they acknowledged was impacting on members in 2022, does not stand up at all.
They again tabled an offer that contained no additional funds to address their ‘disappointing’ offer for 2022/2023.
Again for this offer to actually work, members would have to self-fund a pay increase by delaying pay increases in this pay year.
We have calculated that based on information provided at ACAS, it would cost DWP and G4S appr £3M each to resolve this dispute, which is entirely affordable when the scale of payments is taken into account.
The Company also stated that the UK&I Leadership had determined that your back pay would be spent on mitigating the strikes – we took this to mean that they would use Government funding for your wages to pay any sanctions that they incurred from DWP.
When asked to confirm this position in writing they backtracked and claimed not to have made any statement.
We believe that this could constitute a potential misuse of public funds, and immediately reported this, which has been passed to the Chair of the DWP Select Committee.
Lastly we again offered to meet however the Company is now refusing to meet any further, something we believe is not appropriate. We have approached ACAS for their support and will ask them to assist in convening meetings to continue the negotiations.
Thank you again to members for your strength and solidarity,
Yours in union,
Posted on:
Dear members,
In yesterday’s email from G4S you can now see for yourselves the pressure G4S have been putting your GMB Reps under in negotiations.
G4S claims to care about you, yet at the same time are also proposing to withhold backpay unless you do what they want.
G4S has already admitted that the original one-year offer was ‘disappointing’, yet the two-year proposal is only ‘affordable’ because it combines that 'disappointing'
offer and uses members backpay to fund the second year 'rate'.
Members can see for themselves the significant reduction in backpay in the table below when you compare the offer rejected in December and the two-year proposal.
That offer is only ‘affordable’ because by staggering the increases over the two years G4S save on backpay, but it still leaves members just £0.23p above the minimum wage, down from £0.30p, meaning G4S still expect members to go backwards.
The offer also does nothing to address the cost-of-living crisis that G4S admitted they knew members were experiencing in 2022/23.
Your LNC were unanimous that it was not appropriate to expect members to forgo money just to fund a 'rise' that DWP and G4S should be paying for.
We remain committed to negotiations and are expecting G4S to return next Tuesday with a response to our position.
At the end of the day, G4S is clearly worried about the impact of your strike action, if it wasn't it wouldn't be acting in a manner that smacks of desperation.
Once again thank you for your continued support.
Yours in union,
GMB LNC Reps and GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to reiterate again our thanks to members for your patience.
We have now served the formal legal notice of the following strike dates in May:
From 00.00 on Tuesday 7th May 2024 to 23.59 on Wednesday 8th May 2024
From 00.00 on Monday 13th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 13th May 2024
From 00.00 on Monday 20th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 20th May 2024
From 00.00 on Tuesday 28th May 2024 to 23.39 on Wednesday 29th May 2024
These dates have been identified by your GMB LNC as looking to have maximum impact on operations in May.
As previously discussed members who participate in the strike action will be eligible for support, and it has been agreed that this will be £70 each day. Each Region will determine the eligibility for this support and they will also lead on the location and operation of pickets in your GMB Regions.
To support this, on Wednesday 1st May a number of GMB Regions will look to host online meetings with GMB members to discuss and outline their regional plans – you will receive specific invites to each meeting direct from your Region.
It is also important to note that it is not appropriate for Company representatives to question members on whether they are participating in the strike action – you are not obliged to answer any questions and if you are asked please ensure you notify your local LNC Rep and/or GMB Officer.
As you can see below, in October 2022 the Company described their pay offer as “disappointing” and actually sought additional funds from the DWP, however when that was rejected, the Company began to describe the offer as ‘great’.
Since then almost nothing has changed, with the Company refusing to contribute any meaningful additional funds to secure a settlement, and instead constantly using virtually the same pot of money in different ways.
Both DWP and G4S now need to come back to the table with a proper offer that addresses the cost of living crisis that members experienced and was acknowledged at the start of the talks, and this must involve additional funds.
We also need to reinforce that only GMB members will have a say in resolving this dispute and securing a settlement. If you have colleagues who are not in GMB – regardless if they are members of another union – ultimately they will not have a say in this dispute – if they want a say then they need to join GMB here:
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC and GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Today we served another formal legal notice, advising G4S of the dates that we intend to take strike action, as required under law.
The proposed strike dates are as follows:
From 00.00 on Tuesday 7th May 2024 to 23.59 on Wednesday 8th May 2024
From 00.00 on Monday 13th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 13th May 2024
From 00.00 on Monday 20th May 2024 to 23.59 on Monday 20th May 2024
From 00.00 on Tuesday 28th May 2024 to 23.39 on Wednesday 29th May 2024
We’ll circulate a bulletin shortly as well as link to the next online members meeting for this Wednesday 23rd, 9-10 am.
I can also confirm that £70 strike pay will be paid to members who take part in the strike action. These details will be determined by GMB Regions over the course of the next fortnight.
On Wednesday 30th, GMB Regions will look to host online Regional meetings for members to outline specific Regional arrangements.
Many thanks again to members for your patience and support as we seek to resolve this dispute.
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC and GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Please see below details of the recent ballot.
Industrial Action Ballot at G4S Secure Solutions (UK) Limited
The results of this ballot for industrial action are:
NUMBER OF “YES” VOTES – 503 (94.37%)
NUMBER OF “NO” VOTES – 30 (5.63%)
Thank you to all members who voted in the ballot – your GMB LNC will now convene to agree next steps.
Yours in union,
GMB National Officer
G4S DWP Industrial Action
Posted on:
Dear Members,
The industrial action ballot for GMB members at G4S DWP is taking place from Wednesday 20th March 2024 till 12:00 noon on Friday 5th April 2024.
CIVICA, an independent balloting service, are conducting the ballot for us.
Your ballot paper will arrive by post in an orange envelope, from Thursday 21st March onwards.
Here is a picture of the envelope below so you know what to look out for.
Please make sure that you complete the ballot paper, ticking yes to strike action, and return your ballot as soon as possible, and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
Please do not take your ballot into work, it needs to be completed and returned by post away from your workplace.
If you have not received your ballot by Monday 25th March please contact GMB urgently either via your local Rep, Regional Office or via FAO G4S Ballot – so that we can request a new ballot for you from Civica.
The last date Civica can realistically issue a replacement ballot will be Tuesday 2nd April – as anything later will unable to be received/returned in time.
Non-members who want to join so they can vote, can do so up to midday Monday 1st April, so that a ballot can be issued the following day.
Please remember that this it is crucial that you vote in support of securing an enhanced wage offer for 2022/23.
Yours in union,
Online Members Meeting - 13th March 2024
Posted on:
Q. Why is it taking GMB nearly 18 months to get this sorted?
A. GMB offered to fast track the talks but G4S refused. They have then tried to drag out negotiations to wear members down over the last 18 months. This is the first time we have ever balloted for action, and there is a very thorough legal process we have to follow which has legal timeframes we have to adhere to.
Q. Why do we keep having meetings when G4S have already played their hand it’s just going round in circles?
A. The meetings are being held to keep members updated as best we can, the work required to meet the legal requirements regarding industrial action has been ongoing. As described in the meeting, the legal paperwork is 32 pages long so it takes time to prepare.
Q. Why don't GMB say to G4S were not doing any more courses online until we get this sorted once and for all?
A. If GMB were to advise members to refuse to participate, it could be characterised as taking ‘industrial action’ and without the protection from a legal ballot, members could be disciplined for refusing to participate. That is why a legal ballot is required before any action can take place.
Q. Why is GMB taking so long ? Seems like you guys don’t want to strike? You want a deal with G4S
A. As per a previous answer, G4S refused our offer to fast track talks in order to try and delay, and wear down members. We have moved as quickly as possible, and as described, the legal process has minimum time lines built in that we have to comply with. Ultimately it will be members who decide what offer they accept from G4S, not GMB Officials.
Q. Is the G4S intentionally delaying the contract renewal, considering the uncertainty surrounding it, especially since the guards, who constitute the main income stream, are being treated poorly?
A. This is a good question and while we’re not certain of the status of the renewal, the process is driven by DWP, who may be waiting to see how this is resolved.
Q. Do we need to contact the AUS control room to inform them that we will be in for duty - due to being on strike?
A. No. If members vote to take action, you are not required to inform G4S or AUS of your intention to take action, that is for G4S to address.
Q. The main question we have is we did not agree to get paid our back pay on a monthly payment, when the deal is done this is money owed. Can we request full payment? I have checked this and found out we can request full payment. If not can we take it to a tribunal for £70 to get it?
A. At this stage it’s our expectation that any back pay is paid as a lump sum as per usual practice, not via monthly instalments.
Q. If we did strike, can AUS management invite us in for disciplinary action.?
A. No. If members vote to take strike action in the legal ballot, you are protected when you do strike.
Q. How long do we Protest "Picket" for?
A. If members vote to take strike action then the LNC will in conjunction with GMB Offcials look to agree the number and timing of strike dates, picket lines and expectations for members participating.
Q. Will GMB provide banners?
A. Yes, where we establish picket lines there will be a very visible and strong GMB presence like banners, placards etc
Q. Is there the possibility of more strikes going forward?
A. Firstly it is crucial that all members vote to take strike action, this enhances our bargaining position and gives us the flexibility to call strikes when needed.
Q. If we get any Press engagements are we allowed to speak to them, if so should AUS invite us in for disciplinary action?
A. Our advice is to pass any press queries to your GMB Officer or GMB nationally to ensure that members are protected from any retaliation if they speak on the matter. We don’t want to give G4S or AUS any reason to try and target members.
Q. What is GMB’s target date for first strike date should G4S continue to show disregard for its employees
A. Members have to vote for strike action first, so that is our focus and priority. Following a successful ballot result we can then determine dates for potential strike action, bearing in mind that legally we are required to give G4S over two weeks’ notice of the strike dates.
Q. How many processes and ballots do you need ? This has been going on over 18 months
A. GMB has been following its industrial policy of balloting members directly on offers, and on the previous ballot we asked members – for the first time – whether they would be prepared to take industrial action. Once members gave GMB a mandate we have been able to follow the legal industrial action process which we do not control, and is governed by strict laws that GMB must comply with.
Q. We are 1 month out from the NMW going to £11.44 what happens after this and do TL go up scaled or do they remain on NMW?
A. The rise in the NMW must be paid, and the TL rate will be almost swallowed up; G4S are aware of this and as per their inaction over the years, they appear to be comfortable with the erosion of the differentials with the NMW.
Q. Will the ballot papers be emailed or posted? Posting has the risk of papers being lost when returned or not received at all. Post is also a very long winded way of doing things
A. Legally ballot papers have to be posted. They are not posted by GMB, legally they are posted by an Election Company who runs the election. We agree that it is risky which is why we are being very clear about members making sure they vote and contacting us if they don’t receive a ballot.
Q. Can you strike if you’re not in GMB?
A. Yes. However if you support strike action, then without joining GMB you won’t have any say in the actual legal ballot.
Q. Who do we contact to update our membership details too because I don't know who my rep is because the GMB hasn't sent information to my site because i've not seen a rep in years?
A. If you want to confirm your details, please email with your details and membership number and it will be directed to the relevant GMB Region for action.
Q. Can we have this meeting once every month to let the company know that we are strong than what they think?
A. The LNC are agreed that we should make greater use of this timeslot to establish regular contact with members outside of this process, and into the future.
Q. Will G4S drag this to April then try to say the government enforced pay rise is our pay rise again like they did before?
A. We would not be surprised if they tried that as they have done in the past, however we have made clear that we specifically focussed on the rise in wages for the 2022/23 year, including back pay for members.
Q. Can PCS guards vote too?
A. No they cannot vote. Only GMB members are entitled to vote. They can – and should join GMB as the recognised Union who are taking action – join at any time before the last ballots are issued in order to vote in favour of strike action.
Q. Is this strike regarding solely Dec 2022-Dec2023 or is it now Dec 2022 - present?
A. No the trade dispute – which is a legal requirement – and any strike action is related to the 2022/23 pay year.
Q. What happens if I leave G4S before any back money is paid?
A. Previous advice and cases have resulted in no legal requirement to pay anyone who has left the Company. However as discussed at a previous meeting, we will definitely seek to have those members covered.
Q. Are GMB planning on a one day or a multi-day?
A. At this stage we just want to focus on securing a successful ballot result, but initial thinking is multi-day, though this will be confirmed in due course.
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
Legal Paperwork Submitted
Posted on:
Dear members,
Today we submitted the legal paperwork that allows us to proceed to a legal industrial action ballot. Apologies for the short notice but we are having a brief meeting tomorrow to update and also outline timelines going forward. I hope you can join the meeting using the link here:
Q: How long before strike day does a non-member have to join. Eg can they join the week /day before
A: Non-members can join up until the day before a strike – however if they join prior to/during balloting, they can then also help to ensure that there is a mandate for strike action.
Q: This is over December 2022 pay rise. When is the December 2023 pay rise talks. We are gonna get April 2024 government enforced minimum wage rise before any of this. This is a joke
A: We agree – the Company has delayed the process in order to try and wear members down into accepting a sub-standard offer.
Q: So are non-union members not protected if they do not work on the day if any action taken as it says different online. I have 4 staff who are not members who said they would not work if we strike.
A: If any non-members encounter any issues during the process, including during any potential strikes, as non-members they will not receive any support from GMB; and as per the reply to Lee, if they don’t join *and vote* before the ballot closes they won’t be able to have a say in the ballot outcome. Also bear in mind non-members will not be eligible for any strike pay if members ultimately take action.
Q: Do we know if G4S has got the new contract
A: We’re not aware that the new contract has been awarded.
Q: if you go for a strike, what about G4S employees no strike policy?
A: There is nothing preventing members taking action on pay and other conditions, please see separate bulletin that will be posted on the web board.
Q: What about back pay if you were made redundant due to a DWP site closing?
A: There is no legal requirement to honour any backpay to members who are made redundant, however we will attempt to negotiate that in any final agreement.
Q: What has happened to back pay when is it calculated from and when come.
A: We are seeking back payment to 1st
December 2022, something the Company refused to offer, to date of implementation.
Q: But in April if the rate is going to 11.44 what rate will we be going for. How many % from 11.44
A: We expect that over 90% of the contract will be on the new minimum wage from April, and our original claim is for RPI at December 2022, which was 13.4%.
Q: Why are we only negotiating pay rate. Our holiday allowance is piss poor, not my choice to not work on a bank holiday
A: That is what was in our original claim, but as described at the meeting, this needs to be the first step in seeking to improve working conditions across the DWP contract and Secure Solutions more widely.
Q: according with the last discussion we are unskilled workers as we have part of government contract can this to be added as skilled workers.
A: We consider DWP Guards to be skilled professionals, and as such should be treated and paid respectfully.
Q: There’s a guard here that's on this for the free ride... he is waiting for the union to fight for his pay so he don’t have to get his hands dirty or pay the membership ????
A: Bear in mind non-members will not be eligible for any strike pay if members ultimately take action.
Q: Do we get paid when we are on strike?
A: GMB Rule Book provides for payments to members who take action, though more detail, like attending picket lines etc. will be distributed following a successful ballot.
Q: We was told as a small JC that only take about 100+ customers can't strike, only bigger main JCs can... is that right?
A: No, if our ballot is successful then all members will have the right to strike, regardless of the size of their site.
Q: What happens if G4S lost the contact and we TUPE to another company do we lose the back date pay?????
A: No, any back pay that is Government funded would be payable.
Q: We should strike like the buses did and get things sorted.
A: We agree, that is why we are going to initiate the legal Industrial Action ballot process.
Q: How many votes do we need to do to get this sorted I've voted for the last 2years nothing has been sorted.
A: The legal Industrial Action Ballot process is a legal one, GMB don’t set the rules, and we have to secure the highest number of votes in favour of striking as possible.
Q: When the Ballot goes through for strike action, would guards that are not a member are they able to become members and strike, even if just a couple of days before?
A: Yes, though they will miss the chance to join and actually vote to ensure we have a strong mandate for industrial action.
Q: Do you think Allied Universal has put pressure on G4S not to do anything?
A: At the moment G4S does not actually have a ‘problem’ so they are probably happy to sit back and wait until we have balloted.
Q: Are you dragging this out so that when April comes you'll throw everything else out of the table?
A: No, we have always wanted to resolve this as quickly as possible, which is why we originally wanted to fast-track negotiations at ACAS; and the LNC have always made themselves available to meet for negotiations, it has been the Company who have delayed the process.
GMB to Begin Process for Legal Strike Ballot
Posted on:
Dear Members,
The recent GMB ballot returned a resounding rejection of the pay offer and a strong endorsement for industrial action.
This is an unprecedented result and we want to thank members for their continuing support, and means we are now able to proceed with a Legal Industrial Action Ballot.
By law, this is separate ballot that must be conducted independently by an election services company, before members can take any industrial action.
The Legal Industrial Action Ballot process is governed by very strict legislation which means GMB has to jump through a number of hoops in order to proceed.
We are now in the process of drafting a legal notice to the Company, where we are required to detail a huge amount of information on every DWP workplace, which we need to get correct before we can proceed.
Can members please ensure that your personal home address, email and mobile contact details are up to date – this can be done using the GMB website, by contacting your local Rep, emailing your GMB Region or
We have arranged an online members meeting for Wednesday 28th Feb, 9-10, please use the link below to join:
We will look to do these regularly over the course of the balloting process, and will be developing further support and advice for members with questions.
If any members are interested in getting more involved then please let us know also via
Yours in Union,
GMB DWP LNC and GMB National Officer
GMB Pay Ballot Results - Over 80% Vote for Industrial Action
Posted on:
Dear Members,
Thank you to everyone who has voted in the pay ballot.
Members have returned a resounding rejection, with over 80% rejecting the offer *and* being prepared to take industrial action.
This is a momentous result and want to thank reps, members and GMB colleagues for all their efforts.
This dispute over pay is about the dignity and respect that members deserve for doing a professional job and ensuring that your wages keep pace with the cost of living.
We will communicate the result to the Company later today and have already ensured that a meeting has been scheduled with the Company for tomorrow to discuss the result.
We hope that the Company recognises and respects the result members have delivered, the first one of this nature for many years, and is prepared to table an improved offer that we can recommend to members.
We will update members as soon as possible following the meeting.
Please share this update with any GMB members colleagues who have not received this mobile communication.
Once again, many thanks for your continued support in seeking to secure the pay rise that you deserve.
First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude for your ongoing support in these endeavours and recognise the frustration you may be experiencing. We appreciate the significant turnout at our online meeting to discuss the 2022/23 pay negotiations, with many of you posing excellent questions.
Understanding that some members couldn't participate, we thought it was important to create a Q & A sheet. This aims to provide an overview of the discussed matters and address questions raised by members, ensuring transparency and inclusivity.
1. Q. What happens if G4S are unsuccessful and do not retain the DWP contract, have the union approached other possible contractors about pay?
A. At this stage GMB’s Head of Research and Policy has advised that the DWP contract renewal notice has not yet been published, so we have not yet made any approaches to any other potential contractors.
We have written to the DWP seeking to have an input into the re-tender process on behalf of members who perform a crucial function for DWP.
Once the tender is published we’ll certainly consider approaching potential contractors as a valid action.
2. Q. Is there any truth in the rumour that G4S are not going for the contract and just kicking this around till April?
A. G4S have not given any indication that they were walking away from the DWP contract and have always stated how important the contract is to the Secure Solutions business.
3. Q. Now that ACAS have confirmed that they are unwilling to arbitrate unless the TOR is agreed, is our only option to strike?
A. No, we are presently balloting on an offer, which might be accepted. If it isn’t we will approach the Company about an enhanced offer. At that point we can consider industrial action as an option.
4. Q. How much time must someone be a union member before being eligible to participate in a strike?
A. Someone who wants to participate in strike action needs to be a union member, there is no minimum length of membership. However, if someone is not a member when the legal balloting is underway, then they will not have a say in the outcome.
5. Q. When will we start pay negotiations for 23/24 year?
A. We want to commence these as soon as possible once we conclude the current dispute.
6. Q. How did G4S Cash and Transit manage to finalise a deal within three months of the initial offer, while it appears that we are still far from reaching a resolution in our situation?
A. G4S Cash have a history of being organised and prepared to take industrial action. We have not got the same history in Secure Solutions, in part because we have believed we were constrained by a no strike clause, which is not the case.
7. Q. Is the company intentionally delaying the contract renewal, considering the uncertainty surrounding it, especially since the guards, who constitute the main income stream, are being treated poorly?
A. That is a distinct possibility; this is one of the reasons we are seeking to meet with DWP on your behalf regarding the contract renewal process.
8. Q. Are the company intentionally delaying the pay process due to possibly losing the contract?
A. Again that could be a possibility, however that tactic would be very apparent and likely to have significant reputational damage to G4S, something that we believe they would want to avoid, particularly with Government contracts.
9. Q. If we go on strike what arrangements would be put in place to reduce the burden of financial pressure on guards who take action?
A. GMB Rule Book provides for a minimum payment for members who ultimately take action, but every industrial action is considered on its merits to identify if this is appropriate.
10. Q. Where do we go from here?
A. The ballot closes on the 9th, and we have sought a meeting date with the Company in the following week to discuss the results. This meeting will likely determine our next steps. We are also going to schedule another online meeting for the w/c 19th to update members.
11. Q. Might the company take the position, once the minimum wage takes effect, that it serves as your salary increase without providing any back pay?
A. This is effectively what they have already offered by refusing to offer any increase/backpay to Dec 2022 – April 2023. This is a period of only 3 months, so represents very little cost to the Company, and we believe their refusal to make an offer reflects their view of the membership.
12. Q. Surely we are the main income stream for the contract and should receive a fair pay award accordingly?
A. Absolutely! GMB members play a crucial role in the smooth functioning and maintain the safety of DWP sites. It is a skilled role, performed by professionals with a qualified background. It is worth far more than the National Living Wage, which the majority of guards are now on.
13. Q. What happens if you leave the company before the pay claim is settled, will you still be entitled to the back pay as you would have worked through that period?
A. Legally you are not entitled to the back pay – this has been determined previously at tribunal – however we will seek to ensure that as part of any settlement that anyone who has left is paid their back pay.
14. Q. How can we preserve and enhance the pay differentials between team leaders and guards, especially considering that the current 6p per hour gap will vanish with the National Minimum Wage increase in April?
A. This is a crucial issue and why we believe that we cannot allow the erosion of the differentials to continue. G4S has the money to maintain, and even enhance the rates, and we need to ensure that we can bring enough pressure to bear to secure that outcome. At present G4S have no reason to maintain, let alone enhance rates, as they don’t believe there is an issue.
In conclusion, it is evident that sustaining the momentum is crucial as we navigate through this process.
The LNC committee urges members to engage in conversations with colleagues and encourage them to join our cause.
Our strength lies in unity, and it is in our collective best interests to persist in the struggle for equitable wages across the DWP contract.
GMB DWP LNC & GMB National Officer
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:
G4S DWP Members Meeting
Posted on:
Dear member,
Thank you to those who have voted in the ballot to date, your voice and feedback is crucial.
We are hosting an online members meeting next Wednesday, 31st Jan, from 9-10 to provide a brief update on progress.
Please feel free to drop in if you are able to.
If you haven’t yet had the chance to vote please ensure that you contact your relevant LNC Rep or GMB Officer.
This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the use of the named addressee. If you are not the named addressee , disclosure, copying, use or distribution of the information included in this email is prohibited.
Please ignore any Company messaging from Managers, letters or notices that are trying to speak for GMB.
Not only is this a desperate act but it is totally inaccurate.
GMB is clear that members are entitled to pursue industrial action on matters like pay that are covered by the dispute resolution clause.
We are not looking to pre-empt the vote of members but we want you to vote in full knowledge of your rights.
Please ensure you have your say on pay this year and encourage any other colleagues who aren’t in GMB to have their say too.
GMB LNC GMB National Officer
GMB G4S DWP - ACAS Won't Arbitrate - Company Offer 'Disrespectful' - 9 January 2024
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We again want to thank members for your resolve and patience regarding 2022 pay.
In April we called on the Company to move straight to arbitration, but it refused. Instead, it drew out the pay talks and even sought to limit the independence of the arbitrator by claiming it could only afford the following:
5.15% consolidated increase from 1st Dec 22 to 31st March 2023 rising to;
7% consolidated from April 1st
2023 until 30th Nov 2023.
On November 30th ACAS formally advised that it wouldn’t arbitrate your 2022 pay dispute if the terms of reference weren’t agreed. Then on the 7th December the LNC met and offered to ballot members on their ‘affordable’ position above. However, on the 20th
December the Company tabled an offer that is less than what they have claimed is affordable, and making it conditional on the LNC recommending it for acceptance:
5.15% with effect from 1 December 2022 and;
6.5% from 1st
April 2023
Whilst this is technically the best outcome that can be achieved by negotiation, the LNC has agreed that it cannot recommend this offer to members because it falls far too short of your claim. Put simply, tabling an offer less than what they have claimed is the limit of their affordability is utterly disrespectful to members on the DWP contract.
As such the LNC has agreed to also ask members that if they reject the offer are they prepared to take industrial action in pursuit of a better offer.
To be clear the ‘no strike’ clause in your agreement does not apply to disputes under Clause F of the agreement, which covers issues such as pay, terms and conditions etc.
Workplace balloting will now be conducted during January closing on 9th February.
It is now important that members ensure their contact details are up to date, and during the balloting process we will be looking to confirm these with members. Make sure you check in with your local GMB shop steward.
We do not expect the Company will be happy with our position on their offer, and may well table something even worse, which would be a poor reflection on them and their attitude to members.
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to vote on pay this year by joining GMB:
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
G4S DWP - Update on Arbitration of 2022 Pay Dispute - 13-12-2023
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We know that your 2022 pay dispute is still unresolved and we want to thank you for your patience. We are exceptionally disappointed at the time it has taken.
We have in part been waiting for ACAS to seek internal advice on whether it could (or would) arbitrate your 2022 pay dispute if the parties could not agree the terms of reference.
As a reminder the clause 6 of the disputes process in your Agreement states:
6. …The arbitration procedure shall be as agreed between the parties or, failing agreement, in accordance with the procedure decided upon by ACASand the outcome will be binding on both parties.
However last Friday ACAS formally confirmed that it would not arbitrate your 2022 pay dispute if the terms of reference weren’t agreed, despite the clause in your agreement above.
GMB is bitterly disappointed with this decision because as we reported, we were prepared to let ACAS arbitrate without any limitations, whilst the Company sought to limit the amount that it would agree to pay despite what ACAS determined.
As a result last Friday after receiving the advice from ACAS we informed the Company we would ballot on the Company’s position if it tabled an offer.
As of today we are still waiting.
Once an offer is received we will proceed to ballot members.
As we have said above, we know this has taken far too long, though we now have clear evidence that the arbitration provision of our Agreement is not fit for purpose, and we believe needs reviewing.
Yous in union,
G4S DWP - Trying to Limit ACAS Independence
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We hope everyone is well.
G4S have proposed arbitration terms that would limit the independence of ACAS in settling the 2022 pay dispute, by proposing to limit the amount of any award to less than 7%, and that it cannot be backdated to December 2022, only from April 2023.
The proposal directly conflicts with earlier advice from ACAS, and misses, perhaps deliberately, the whole point of arbitration, which is for an independent umpire, ACAS, to determine the pay award for 2022 without restrictions imposed by one party.
We have sought intervention from ACAS and have proposed the following:
The parties agree to pursue conventional arbitration.
The arbitrator is asked to make a determination on the pay award, at a point between the final positions each of the parties reached in conciliation:
9.2% for GMB and;
5.15% (+0.25% payable April 2023 and 0.25% payable August 2023) for the Company.
For staff covered by the G4S DWP contract for the 2022/23 annual pay period (anniversary 1st December 2022) as outlined in Company information.
The award is backdated to the start of the pay year for 2022/2023 ie December 2022.
We will update members once we receive feedback from ACAS and/or the Company.
The DWP contract is also now out for re-tender and we will be contacting the DWP to make a contribution on behalf of members, particularly in respect of the expectations of any successful service provider and their responsibilities regarding pay and conditions.
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
G4S DWP - GMB Submits Arbitration Terms to G4S - 16 October 2023
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to reiterate again our thanks to members for your patience.
As we reported previously the Company has suggested that it would take time a long time to agree the terms of reference, and who should arbitrate the dispute.
When GMB had previously agreed terms of reference etc with G4S in another business unit, it was completed quickly and simply via email.
So, on 3rd
October GMB sent an initial proposal for terms and nominating ACAS to arbitrate, and on 12th October the Company responded, though without any suggested terms, so on the 13th GMB proposed the terms below:
“The arbitrator is asked to make a determination on the pay award, at a point between the final positions each of the parties reached in conciliation, for the staff covered by the G4S DWP contract for the 2022/23 annual pay period (anniversary 1st December 2022).”
We are now waiting for a response from the Company and will advise one we receive something.
Separately we have written to Tim Kendall, G4S Secure Solutions Managing Director, out of courtesy advising that we would be looking to convene meetings with DWP, and Shadow Labour Ministers to discuss issues impacting the DWP contract, and also wider security related matters.
There is a strong chance that there will be a new UK Government so now is an appropriate time to flag to them our members’ views on a wide range of issues. We will update members following these meetings.
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
G4S DWP - GMB Union Update - Time for Arbitration 26-09-23
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to thank you once again for your patience. As reported in the last update, ACAS have agreed to arbitrate but the Company were still insisting that negotiations continue, and they requested a further meeting this week.
In order not to further delay the process we proposed a virtual meeting so that it could be done as soon as possible, where the Company offered, on top of the 5.15%:
An extra 3p an hour (0.25%) from April 2023 and;
Another 3p an hour (0.25%) from August 2023.
This offer proves that despite repeated denials over the years, G4S can dip its hand into its own pocket to pay Officers more than it receives from DWP.
Now when the Company claims that “9.2% is simply not a viable option and risks the entire future of the DWP contract.” members have every right to be sceptical that the Company paying an extra 3-4% from its own pocket is somehow going to risk a multimillion pound contract.
Since talks have commenced your LNC have adjusted your claim to the lowest measure of inflation in December 2022, CPIH 9.2%, down from RPI 13.5%, in an effort to ensure that members do not fall behind the increased cost of living and to reach agreement.
The LNC holds the view that this offer is still substantially below any cost of living measurement and falls well below members expectations as expressed in your claim, so we are once again calling on the Company to move urgently to arbitration.
It has previously only taken a few emails to agree the terms of arbitration so unlike the Company we don’t see that taking up too much time or resources.
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
GMB Union Update - ACAS Agree to Arbitration - 13/09/2023
Posted on:
Date: 13/09/2023
GMB Union Update – ACAS Agree to Arbitration
Dear GMB Members,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and we want to thank you once again for your patience.
Like you, the LNC are exceptionally frustrated by the continual delays, the Company are obviously doing everything they can to avoid participating in arbitration.
Your LNC can only guess that the Company are scared about potentially having to pay members any additional money that comes from their own pocket, not just what DWP have funded them.
However we can report some good news.
ACAS have advised that they are prepared to arbitrate on the pay for 2022/23.
But this won’t come as a surprise to members now, the Company are still trying to avoid arbitration and are seeking another meeting (18th September) to table another offer.
We cannot emphasise this enough that the Company is deliberately doing this to try and undermine your collective strength and position.
Your support is invaluable in these negotiations, and we thank you for standing together in solidarity.
If you require further information, please contact your local GMB Representative or GMB Office.
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB:
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
GMB Union Update on DWP Pay Increase 2022/23
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We hope this newsletter finds you in good spirits, despite the ongoing challenges we face in our negotiations with G4S. We want to keep you informed about recent developments and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to achieving fair terms for all our members.
We understand and share your frustration with the company's delay tactics. It's evident that they are attempting to prolong the negotiations in hopes of undermining our collective strength. However, we want to assure you that the GMB stands strong, and we won't be deterred by these tactics.
We must address G4S's offers, which fell short of our members' expectations. During the stage one negotiations, a 5.15% increase was proposed, but it did not align with members' feedback and was unanimously rejected. G4S then presented the same offer of 5.15% during stage two negotiations which was rejected by 95%of GMB members by ballot, clearly reflecting the sentiment of our members. Furthermore, during the second ACAS meeting, the company then proposed a one-off payment of £125, which our members felt was an insult given their hard work and dedication during the cost-of-living crisis.
Now, yesterday, G4S presented a two-year deal that raises serious concerns for our members. In the first year, the proposed 5.15% increase without any improved percentage or additional benefits to the offer that was rejected by GMB Members and is simply not enough to reflect your hard work and dedication. The second-year offer 4% for premium sites and 7% for standard & enhanced sites with percentages even lower than the current Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) March to May average (7.4%) is disappointing, to say the least. GMB representatives closely analysed the proposed deal and the potential impact on GMB members. We share your belief that this offer would leave many worse off, rather than improving our members' collective situation.
Low Pay Commission (LPC) estimate the National Living Wage (NLW) will need to rise next year to between £10.90 and £11.43 to reach the government’s target. LPC central estimate of the on-course rate of the NLW for 2024 is £11.16
Having analysed the company's two-year offer, your LNC (Local Negotiating Committee) representatives are actively working to relay your feedback. We are open to a further meeting with G4S at ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service) to once again reaffirm what our hardworking members believe constitutes a fair wage.
Our resolve remains firm: we firmly believe that our members deserve a living wage that reflects their contributions. We have communicated our strong stance to the company and have made it clear that arbitration remains a viable path forward.
As your union, we stand united in our commitment to achieving a fair resolution that benefits all members. Your support is invaluable in these negotiations, and we thank you for standing together in solidarity.
We will continue to push for what is right and just, and we won't back down until we achieve an outcome that uplifts our members and respects their hard work. Stay united, and let's face these challenges together.
If you require further information, please contact your local GMB Representative or GMB Office
In solidarity,
GMB National Officer
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB: Join GMB
GMB Union Update on DWP – ACAS the way forward
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We want to challenge the misinformation contained in the recent “Salary Increase Update” sent by the Company to all staff working on the DWP Contract.
It took them two full days of talks at ACAS, spread from May to June just to table an additional lump sum payment of £125. This ‘offer’ could have been tabled on May 15th, but they insisted the extra meeting as their ‘offer’ had to be ‘explained’ in person.
At no stage did the Company offer to pay the backpay element and continue to negotiate – if they had, its highly likely this element would have been accepted, and we would have continued to arbitration.
The Company is also misleading members about an ‘expectation’ for GMB to ballot members under your Agreement:
6. If the Company and the GMB fail to reach an agreement at Stage 2* then they will refer the matter to ACAS and seek their involvement in securing a negotiated agreement.
If the parties are still unable to reach agreement then they agree to use ACAS for arbitration. The arbitration procedure shall be as agreed between the parties or, failing agreement, in accordance with the procedure decided upon by ACAS and the outcome will be binding on both parties.
*We balloted members at Stage 2, and members overwhelmingly rejected the offer and endorsed a move to conciliation and arbitration. If we had received a substantially improved offer at Conciliation, we would have balloted, but a £125 lump sum does not come close, and falls well below the £1,500 lump sum DWP civil servants will receive.
The Company also admitted in Conciliation that it chooses not to contribute any money towards the pay of Officers, with the Government funding the entire pay bill – this is why we are calling on G4S Secure Solutions to put its hand in its own pocket for once.
We are now seeking to initiate the binding arbitration process and are actively pursuing a suitable date to ensure that unnecessary delays are avoided.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We remain committed to representing your best interests and will provide updates as soon as they become available.
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
Please ensure you share this update with non-members and encourage them to voice their opinions on pay by joining GMB: Join GMB
Posted on:
Dear GMB Members,
We are writing to provide you with an update on the ACAS conciliation meeting that took place on 22June 2023. The purpose of this meeting was to address the ongoing dispute over pay and explore potential resolutions.
During the meeting, the company provided additional information, and clarified that the DWP fully fund Officer pay, with the company not contributing any money at all.
Your claim was that members’ wages should not fall behind the cost of living, particularly during this crisis, and that was the position we took into the talks.
In order to secure a deal, your Committee offered compromise where we would recommend a wage offer of 9.2% to members, which would have matched the Government’s lowest inflation measure.
This would mean members would not lose ground, and would directly benefit the 60% of frontline members who are now being paid the national minimum wage.
We also highlighted the fact that until now DWP frontline staff have always been paid above the minimum wage throughout the duration of the contract and it does not reflect the exceptional professionalism and the excellent service they provide.
Our compromise offer would have meant the company directly funding ~3.5% itself, basically costing them a few million pounds, which in the context of the entire DWP contract is hardly anything, but the company rejected this, saying they weren’t prepared to fund any pay rise themselves.
Despite our dedicated efforts throughout the entire day to secure a better deal for our members, we have determined that it is necessary to proceed to the next stage of the process, which involves binding arbitration.
We appreciate your understanding and ongoing support as we navigate through this process. Rest assured, we remain committed to representing your interests and advocating for a fair and just resolution. We will keep you informed of any further developments.
Thank you for your continued trust in the GMB.
In solidarity,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Member
Yesterday GMB DWP LNC Reps from across the country commenced conciliation i.e. further negotiations at ACAS, supported by an ACAS Conciliator, who worked with both parties throughout the day.
The Company did not table any revised and/or enhanced offer during the talks, and we expect them to claim that they cannot afford a pay increase beyond what DWP are paying them for wage rises under the contract i.e. the 5.15% average.
GMB has always believed that G4S can afford to award a decent pay rise to Officers, and ‘should dip it’s hand into its own pocket’ to pay Officers more.
That’s why we requested a wide range of Company financial information to support our claim such as:
How much profit has the Company made on DWP contract?
Have the Company had to pay penalties to DWP?
What is the Company wage bill just for Officers i.e. not Agency?
How much would our pay claim actually cost the Company in ‘pounds and pence’?
We have yet to receive the information but once we do, in order to save time, we’ll convene an online meeting with Reps to consider the information and explore any potential alternatives to our claim.
We’ll advise members when this is likely to be so that you are aware that progress is still ongoing.
Please feel free to share this bulletin or post it onto your local noticeboard.
Yours in union
GMB LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Member
Just to give you a brief update on the G4S DWP 2022 pay talks.
Following our advice to the Company that members have rejected the Company offer, G4S management have asked us to contact ACAS to commence the next stage of conciliation and/or arbitration.
GMB’s offer to fast track the ACAS process and go straight to arbitration has not yet been accepted by the Company.
We have now contacted ACAS requesting we commence the collective conciliation stage, and they are also now contacting the Company too.
We are currently awaiting a response and suitable dates to meet in person from ACAS.
If we are unable to negotiate an improvement, we will move to the final stage of binding arbitration.
We will of course continue to keep you updated on progress.
Please make sure you share this bulletin at your workplace and encourage anyone not in GMB to have their say on pay by joining GMB:
Yours in union
GMB LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Member
Thank you for participating in the recent ballot for the G4S DWP pay offer 2022 and supporting the recommendation made by the LNC committee to reject the Company offer.
We have formally notified the Company of the outcome of the ballot.
In order to speed up resolution of the pay dispute, we have proposed to the Company that we move straight to binding arbitration with ACAS – we will update members when we receive a response.
It is clear that the Company offer fell short of a realistic offer, particularly in light of the fantastic contribution members make to ensure the safety and security of all who work and visit the JCP’S and the excessive increases to the cost of living experienced last year.
The next and final stage of the process is to meet with G4S at ACAS. If the Company reject our proposal to go straight to arbitration, then we will have further negotiations or ‘conciliation’ with a view to securing an improved offer from Company.
If there is no improvement then we will seek to move to the final stage, binding arbitration.
We will keep members updated as we move forward and encourage everyone to ensure that all colleagues are GMB members.
Yours in union
GMB LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
Thank you for your patience to date with the pay talks for 2022.
Yesterday we attended a Stage 2 Dispute meeting to discuss the pay offer that was rejected by your LNC.
We were hopeful that the Company had managed to secure more funds from DWP to enhance the original offer of 5.15%.
Unfortunately, the Treasury rejected the request for additional funds so the Company tabled it’s full and final offer:
The pay offer will be backdated to the 1st December 2022.
All pay rates will increase by an average of 5.15%
For the period 1st December 2022 to 31st March 2023 all pay rates will increase as follows:
From 1st April 2023, all pay rates will remain the same except for ASO Standard, ASO Enhanced and Reception Standard which will further increase by:
What is clear is that this offer reflects the basic contractual requirements agreed with DWP and the legal requirements relating to the April increase in the National Living Wage.
What is disappointing is that amidst the greatest cost of living crisis in recent memory, the Company has not offered to contribute any additional funds to support a wage increase beyond the contract and legal minimums.
Your LNC are unanimous that they don’t believe the offer is anywhere near sufficient for members, particularly following the feedback you gave regarding the impact of the cost of living on you and your families.
On that basis the LNC is recommending that members reject the offer and give authority to pursue this dispute to conciliation and then arbitration.
We will commence balloting shortly so please ensure that you return your vote to your local Rep by midday 17th March.
We will update members on the results shortly afterwards.
Please also ensure that you share this bulletin at your workplace and encourage anyone not in GMB to have their say on pay by joining GMB:
Yours in union,
GMB DWP LNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The GMB ballot on the 2021 pay offer has now closed.
GMB members have voted to accept the pay offer as follows:
To Accept: 65%
To Reject: 35%
We have informed the company and requested the uplift in pay be implemented as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Roger Jenkins
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
You will shortly be receiving your ballot paper for the 2021 pay award. The final offer is set out on the ballot paper and GMB members will vote on this offer.
Firstly thankyou for your patience during the pay negotiations. The delay in reaching this stage was mainly down to the wait for ministerial sign off from the government. Once this had been received the offer was made to GMB which was rejected by your negotiating committee.
Further discussions were held resulting in an improved offer and what we believe is the best that can be achieved through negotiation.
If accepted by GMB members the pay offer will be backdated to the 1st December 2021. The following pay increases will be implemented from the 1st December 2021 bringing the minimum Security Officer rate up to £9.80 Per Hour
ASO Ass Manager
With a further increase for the enhanced rates in April 2022 which will bring this group in line with the premium increases of 5.1%
Enhanced 1st April
All ballot papers must be received by the GMB by no later than Midday on the 25th February 2022. If you have not received your ballot paper please contact your GMB representative immediately.
Roger Jenkins
GMB National Officer
Date: 17.12.2021
Dear GMB Member
GMB have today been informed that due to the spread of the new covid strain, safe minimum levels will be introduced with immediate effect.
New schedules are now being put together and members will be informed of their new working schedules over the next few days.
Any days that members are not required to work will still be paid at full contractual hours. G4S have requested that where officers are stood down at least part of this time can be used to complete any outstanding online training
As previously agreed any Covid absence will attract full Covid Sick Pay.
Your GMB negotiating committee met again with G4S to discuss the 2021 pay uplift. We have been informed that ministerial sign off has still not been given and therefore the company are unable to give a final offer at this time. It is possible that the government department will give the OK at some point next week and GMB negotiators have agreed to make themselves available should this be achieved.
We are all aware of new starters being offered an hourly rate of £9.80, this was never agreed or supported by GMB, these Officers have been employed on this rate from November 2021 and in many locations is above the rates of current employees.
GMB have been clear with G4S that this is unacceptable and throughout this time have been clear that any pay increase would need to be backdated to the 1st November 2021 to put right this injustice.
We have today been informed that the DWP will not agree to the backdating, and we have informed G4S that whatever the final pay offer, without the backdating, we will be recommending rejection of that offer and registering a formal dispute.
Roger Jenkins
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 24-09-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB Member
There will shortly be a communication by G4S in relation to the pay talks for this year.
Pay negotiations with G4S have started, however G4S have informed us that due to a lack of interest in the previously advertised positions, new positions will be advertised at the rate of £9.80 per hour in Standard and Enhanced areas.
GMB has been campaigning hard for a real living wage for our members on the DWP contract and our position is clear, that our members should be paid a proper living wage.
Further pay talks are planned in the coming weeks and we will be negotiating hard on behalf of GMB members to ensure that we get the best possible deal before bringing the G4S offer to ballot. We of course will keep you updated on progress.
Any offer we receive from G4S will be subject to a full ballot of GMB members.
For further information, please contact your local GMB representative or GMB office.
Please share this bulletin with any of your colleagues not yet in the GMB. Those wishing to join can do so following this link JOIN.
In Solidarity
Nadine Houghton, GMB National Security Officer
Dave Gigg, National GMB convenor, Secure Solutions
Derek Rawlings, National GMB Convenor, Secure Solutions
Noticeboard Bulletin - 29-07-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
As you will know, the GMB is campaigning for a decent pay rise for G4S's DWP guards. We want the DWP to fund the contract to ensure all guards are paid Foundation Living Wage rates as a minimum. The current living wage rates are currently £9:50ph and £10:85 in Greater London. These rates rise every year.
The current average rates of pay on the contract are £9:15 and £10:40 in Greater London.
GMB members across the DWP contract have been completing our survey, many of you have told us you have had to use food banks or rely on in-work benefits. This should be a source of shame for the DWP - the government department that seeks to help people into a job that gives them a decent standard of living. Based on our members feedback, they are failing on their own doorstep and now need to get their own house in order.
GMB representatives have recently met with MP's Jess Phillips and Jon Reynolds to talk about their concerns. Now we need you, our members, to do the same.
I attach a letter which you can edit and / or copy and paste to email to your MP to request a meeting and / or to ask them to support your campaign for a decent pay rise this year.
If you need any support with this you can contact one of your Local Negotiating Committee reps or your G4S convenors Dave Gigg 07786 255571 or Derek Rawlings 07848 108007.
Please do share with us any responses you receive by emailing
As always, if you are interested in getting more involved with your union, please let either Dave or Derek know by sending a WhatsApp or text to the numbers above.
Many thanks,
Nadine Houghton and your G4S DWP reps
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
First of all, I would like to say welcome to all our new members, it’s good to have you on board!
I also wanted to update you on the GMB's campaign for improved rates of pay for G4S guards in the DWP. Attached below is a copy of a letter I have sent on behalf of GMB members to request a meeting with Thérèse Coffey, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. I want Thérèse to meet GMB members working on the DWP contract, so she can understand the realities of our members’ working lives and the challenges you face.
Your representatives also have some action planned for the Autumn, to raise the profile of the campaign and put pressure on the Department to step up and improve wages and conditions.
Thank you to all of you who have completed our living wage survey. That G4S guards are being forced to use food banks and claim in work benefits should be a source of shame for the DWP and G4S. Once the survey has closed and we have all the responses we will be highlighting these issues to the press.
But most importantly, we cannot do this without you, the members. If you are interested in becoming more active in the GMB, either as a rep or a workplace contact, please WhatsApp Nadine on 07714239227 with your name and workplace.
On the 16th March, North American based, private equity backed security company Allied Universal received the required backing from G4S shareholders to proceed with the takeover of G4S. The takeover will mean that G4S will no longer be a company listed on the stock exchange but will instead become the largest private equity backed employer in the world. On the 6th April it was confirmed that Allied and G4S are now one company with all conditions to complete the sale having been met.
But what does this mean for G4S staff?
The GMB remains concerned about the impact of the takeover on G4S staff. Because the takeover is a 'Share' sale, as opposed to an 'Asset' sale, the protection normally available to workers in the UK under legislation called TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of Employment) does not apply. TUPE normally provides some protections when staff see their employment transfer from one employer to the other, meaning the new employer cannot simply make changes just because they have taken over. But TUPE does not apply in the G4S sale and therefore protection for G4S staff is more limited.
Without the protection of TUPE it is more important than ever that G4S workers are members of the GMB.
Even without the protection offered under TUPE, your employer must still collectively consult with the recognised trade union if they want to make changes and therefore it's imperative you and your colleagues are all in the GMB to ensure your views are represented.
In their 'offer' document to shareholders Allied indicated they may 'divest' the care and justice sector of G4S. The GMB has written to the Director of Prisons Phil Copple to begin discussions on the future for these workplaces and will be meeting members of his team this month. TUPE would apply in this scenario and we would expect members' terms and conditions to be protected.
Cash is now a small part of the G4S estate following its sale to Brinks. The whole cash industry has suffered more than most during the Covid pandemic and has still not recovered. The GMB is asking for assurances from Allied that they will continue to invest in G4S Cash UK to protect jobs until the use of cash recovers and profitability of this sector returns.
What happens next?
The GMB wrote to the Chief Executive of Allied, Steven Jones, on the 2nd February to request an urgent meeting to better understand how the takeover will impact on our members. Steve confirmed he would be happy to meet us if the sale went ahead. Now it has completed, we will be writing to Steve to get this set up.
In their offer document, Allied have said they will carry out a 'Post Completion Review' where they will look at their strategy and operations moving forward. This review could have implications for our members, and we will be seeking more information on what this might involve.
The GMB will continue to keep you updated as the situation progresses.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 22-03-2021
Posted on:
The GMB is the union for Security Workers. We want to let you know about changes being made to the training you need to obtain or renew your SIA licence. It is important you are aware of these changes as failure to comply with them could leave your licence invalid and therefore unable to work.
The SIA say they are making these changes because they want to make sure people working in the industry can; keep the public safe, follow new working practices, understand changes to the law, make the best use of new technology.
The GMB believes these changes can be positive if they are not achieved at the detriment to our members. The GMB says:
Security workers should have paid time off to undertake the new training.
Employers should provide or pay for the required courses - security workers should not bear this burden themselves.
Security workers should be supported by their employers to complete the training, particularly where there are any English as a second language / barriers to learning issues.
The changes are:
'Emergency First Aid at Work' training for all new SIA applicants from the 1st April and for any licence renewals from the 1st October.
Updated 'top-up' training for licence renewals from the 1st October and from the 1st April for new applicants - this includes a classroom-based physical intervention assessment.
The GMB has concerns about this which are shared by many security employers. The concerns are:
That the requirement for classroom-based training for so many security workers is logistically challenging due to the extenuating year we have just had and from which we are still emerging.
Due to this, many security workers may not be able to access the training in time and their licences could be invalid as a result.
That physical intervention assessments are not yet appropriate in the current circumstances and could prove a Health and Safety risk to a workforce that has been one of the hardest hit by Covid.
It is for these reasons that we have written to Michelle Russell, the CEO of the SIA to request a re-think from her department and allow more time for the training to be rolled out. We will keep you updated on any progress we make with this issue.
If you have any queries, please contact your local GMB representative or local GMB office.
Many thanks,
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 10-03-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The GMB ballot on the 2020/21 pay deal has now closed.
We know that the 1.63% offer from G4S was disappointing.
The GMB did all we could politically to push the DWP on this issue but in the end the Chancellor’s comprehensive spending review meant that government department’s budgets were being restricted.
This is why the GMB LNC decided to recommend acceptance of the deal. Ultimately we felt we had done all we could to engage the DWP on this issue but eventually had to accept they were only going to offer the contractual minimum they were obliged to offer – 1.63%.
I am pleased to announce that GMB members have accepted the offer, albeit by a narrow margin; 45% to reject, 55% to accept. This shows the strength of feeling from our members and how they feel let down by G4S and the DWP on pay.
Whilst the deal on pay is a disappointing one I think it is important to remember that we have also won concessions this year, namely on the issue of sick pay for Covid absences and now also for those testing positive with a lateral flow workplace test.
Kind regards
Nadine Houghton, GMB National Officer
Dave Gigg, G4S GMB National Convenor
Derek Rawlins, G4S GMB National Convenor
And your DWP Local Negotiating Committee
Noticeboard Bulletin - 09-12-2020
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The GMB is inviting you to a mass virtual workplace meeting with the Shadow Secretary for Work and Pensions Jonathan Reynolds.
The meeting will take place 9.00 am - 9.50 am on Wednesday 16th December. You can register here:
We want you to take your case to parliament and tell Therese Coffey (the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions) that the treatment of G4S guards at the hands of the DWP is unacceptable.
This is your chance to send a message to the government about your workplace issues - low pay, extended opening hours and poor sick pay.
Please do all you can to attend; it's only for an hour and you can attend anonymously. You are the union and we need you to play your part in fighting for improvements at work.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member
There is a lot going on in the DWP contract; extended opening hours, changes to start and finish times and pay talks. We know there is a lot of confusion.
On Wednesday 2nd December 9-9:30 and Thursday 3rd December at 7-7:30pm we are hosting a webinar to support and update all our G4S DWP members on the current situation.
This will also be a good opportunity for you to ask any questions and share any campaign ideas you have with your team.
You can join the webinar on your phone or laptop, you just register with your name and email. It is completely anonymous, but you can ask questions which we can respond to directly.
We know how many of you are feeling about the imposition of Saturday (and eventually) evening working.
The GMB is opposing these changes as strongly as possible.
We have asked for the status quo to be maintained while we escalate the issue through the Disputes Resolution Procedure as per the terms of the Recognition Agreement. G4S are refusing to do this and are pressing ahead with the changes, at the request of the DWP.
When Civil Servants agreed their 'Employee New Deal' in 2016 they had many years to reach agreement on a deal that meant Civil Servants would work the extended opening hours. GMB members have been given just 90 days.
As G4S are not complying with the terms of the recognition agreement we now have no choice but to ask our members what next steps they want the GMB to take, this means holding an indicative ballot for industrial action to seek those views.
None of us want to take this course of action but we are being left with very little choice. We know the strength of feeling amongst our members on this issue and we must represent your views.
We genuinely hope we can reach a deal with G4S which incentivises volunteers to work these hours and although we believe that is still achievable, we are deeply concerned that we are less than two weeks away from the changes being imposed with very little time to negotiate.
We have also been made aware of changes to the start and finish time for some of you which is a pay cut. This is not something we have been consulted on and something we have attempted to raise with G4S.
We urge G4S to get around the table as soon as possible.
The GMB will keep you updated on any progress in talks and will share with you a letter that will be going to the Secretary of state for Work and Pensions on the issue.
Can I please remind you that if you have genuine and immediate reasons as to why you cannot work on Saturdays please raise these in writing, by grievance if necessary.
Kind regards,
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 05-11-2020
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The GMB has seen correspondence sent to staff by Alan Thresher, the G4S accounts manager, threatening dismissal of staff coming to work with Covid symptoms. The communication is deeply inflammatory, and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms.
The GMB has campaigned, since the start of the pandemic, for G4S to implement adequate Covid absence arrangements. We succeeded in pushing G4S to negotiate an agreement with the DWP that full pay would apply when someone is contacted via test, track, trace or has a positive Covid test, but we were very clear that this agreement did not go far enough; full pay for self-isolation must apply when someone has symptoms or has been in contact with someone that has symptoms / has tested positive. Applying full pay only in circumstances where someone has a positive test or contacted via test, track, trace is too little too late.
It is completely unacceptable to threaten staff with dismissal when G4S is not putting adequate policies in place to allow staff to self-isolate, i.e to pay them to do so. We will be raising this with the Minister for Work and Pensions and will continue to campaign for an improved Covid Absence Policy.
In yet another kick in the teeth for DWP guards, G4S is now intent on imposing Saturday working. The GMB have been clear; Saturday working should be voluntary and incentivised with enhanced unsocial hours payments and there should be a guarantee of consecutive days off in the week. None of these demands have been met by G4S and we will now consider our next steps, all options are on the table and the first step is now referring the issue through the Disputes Resolution Procedure (we have made a formal request for this process to start). LNC reps will be talking to our members on the DWP contract over the coming weeks. We have also raised this issue with the Secretary of State.
If you are opposed to working Saturdays and Evenings because of family / caring commitments, because of health / disability concerns or for any other reason please make sure you put this in writing to G4S. You are entitled to raise a grievance on this and your LNC rep or officer can assist you in writing and submitting this. Please copy your rep or officer into any grievances submitted so that we can understand how many are being submitted.
We will keep you updated on all of the above, however, we expect some changes to current working arrangements in light of the ever-changing lockdown rules.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
MOJ cleaners and security guards win full sick pay - now it's time DWP security guards got the same!
Posted on:
Last night the Guardian reported that security and cleaning staff working in the Ministry of Justice for private contractor OCS would receive full sick pay if their staff are self-isolating or off sick with a Covid absence backdated to the 1st April.
The GMB have been campaigning for the same arrangement for our members working for G4S on the DWP Contract. We have written to Jonathan Reynolds (the Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary) to raise the issue with him. He has offered to meet GMB members working on the DWP Contract and we will be taking him up on that offer in a bid to keep up the pressure on the department to do the right thing by its outsourced workers.
We will keep you updated as the campaign progresses.
In addition we have requested that G4S conduct a BAME Specific Risk Assessment. As many of you will know, our BAME members are more at risk from Covid and therefore we believe a specific risk assessment needs to be conducted for them with added safe guards in place. We know the DWP has done this for their directly employed staff so there is no reason this can't be done for G4S staff.
We have asked G4S to do this and we are waiting for feedback from them on this.
You will also know that we have been in ongoing discussions with G4S concerning the return to work of our members. We continue to meet weekly, however, if you have any issues you want us to raise please feed this back to your reps and regional officials.
I hope you are keeping safe and well and thank you for all you are doing as we continue to adapt to the 'new normal'.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
We have already let you know our position on sick pay and what we are doing with regards to this.
On the issue of PPE and sites reopening to the public;
We know a number of you have raised concerns regarding the face masks you have been provided with by G4S / DWP. We understand your concerns and as you would expect, this is something we have raised with G4S. To be very clear though, the face masks you have already been given are to be used in conjunction with full face visors. The face visors will be provided to you by DWP and you should keep them and reuse them.
But to be absolutely crystal clear; if you are not provided with a visor and you are being asked to carry out your duties then you are being asked to do this outside of the guidance in the risk assessment and this is clearly not acceptable to the GMB or you.
If you are not provided with a visor you must escalate this with your line manager immediately and keep yourself safe whilst you do this.
At all times you are expected to do all you can to socially distance.
We have now received the below response from G4S on specific BAME and Vulnerable Risk Assessments
“The health and safety of all G4S employees remains paramount to us and we are confident that we have robust risk assessments in place to cover all our employees.
We recognise and acknowledge the concerns all our employees have relating to Covid-19 and channels are in place for our employees to inform us if they fall into a vulnerable group.
G4S will continue to review all of our processes and procedures in line with evolving Government guidance and where necessary, communicate revised procedures to all stakeholders”
GMB will be responding to G4S's points with regards to BAME and Vulnerable specific risk assessments and we also hope to be in a position to update you on sick pay by early next week, however if you have any issues you want us to raise, please contact your local rep or regional officials.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
You will be aware that GMB has been seeking assurances that members do not suffer any detriment for COVID-19 related absence. Further to that, we have been in contact with Jonathan Reynolds (Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary) and he has tabled the following written questions to Therese Coffey, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.
To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what assessment have been made of the Coronavirus sick pay policies implemented by G4S in their contracts with the DWP including with regard to i) fair treatment of staff across the DWP estate in England and Wales ii) the public health necessity of self-isolation and household isolation for Coronavirus symptoms within the Government guidance, and iii) the impact on staff health, welfare and efficiency of work if staff members who have suffered from COVID-19 symptoms return to work before they are fit to do so.
If she will make an assessment of the Coronavirus sick pay policies implemented by G4S in their contracts with the DWP including with regard to i) fair treatment of staff across the DWP estate in England and Wales ii) the public health necessity of self-isolation and household isolation for Coronavirus symptoms within the Government guidance, and iii) the impact on staff health, welfare and efficiency of work if staff members who have suffered from COVID-19 symptoms return to work before they are fit to do so.
I will of course keep you updated on any feedback we receive on this and any information on extended opening hours, however if you have any issues you want us to raise, please contact your local rep or regional officials.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
Following months of GMB campaigning we are pleased to confirm that G4S has now reached an agreement with the DWP which will allow them to pay full pay for ten working days to staff who are identified via test, track and trace or who test positive for Covid.
G4S have now confirmed that employees who test positive for COVID-19 will continue to be paid their daily contractual hours as per their terms and conditions of employment for the 14 days of isolation up to a maximum of 10 working days on provision of confirmation of a positive test result (usually an email or text from the testing service).
G4S employees who are self-isolating as a result of being in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 (confirmed through test and trace contact) will continue to be paid their daily contractual hours as per their terms and conditions of employment for the 14 days of isolation up to a maximum of 10 working days but only on provision of a copy of the confirmed case notification.
The GMB welcomes the improvements for sick pay arrangements but believes they are limited in scope and require improvement. The complete breakdown in both the government’s test and tracing programmes will mean positive cases and those in contact with positive cases are less likely to be identified in a timely manner. The breakdown in the system clearly poses issues for staff who are required to provide evidence of a positive result in order to receive full pay.
G4S employees subject to national or local lockdown measures who have been asked by the Government or medical practitioner to self-isolate or G4S employees who have been directly instructed by DWP staff not to come to work for any other reason
related to COVID-19 will continue to be paid their daily contractual hours as per their terms and conditions of employment for the whole period of self-isolation.
Extended Working Hours:
You will be aware the extended working hours project has been in discussion as far back as 2016 and since 2018 DWP staff had their contracted work hours changed. DWP staff are now contracted to work between 0800-2000 Mon-Fri & 0845-1700 Sat.
This is now being rolled out nationally under the Extended Hours programme of work. 300 buildings across the DWP portfolio fall within in the scope of the project and are due to go live week commencing 30th November.
GMB is currently in discussions with G4S and have further meetings this week, we will keep you updated on these ongoing discussions but GMB has sought assurances that members will only be required to work beyond their contractual hours on a voluntary basis and that any hours worked above contractual hours will be paid at an enhanced rate.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
I'm writing to update you on the consultation between GMB and G4S regarding extended opening hours for Job Centre's. G4S have confirmed DWP are currently looking to open around 300 buildings for additional hours on a Saturday only, the extended evening opening times have been paused until March 2021.
GMB first asked G4S to focus on incentivising staff to work additional hours and seeking volunteers in the first instance.
Secondly, that unsocial hours should be paid and rewarded as unsocial hours, i.e. they should attract an additional payment. If you are being asked to spend extra time away from family or having to spend more of your leisure time in work, this needs to be properly compensated.
However, G4S are, at present, not willing to offer enhancements for unsocial hours (i.e. evenings, weekends or overtime).
This isn't acceptable to GMB and we are calling on G4S to renegotiate a better deal for our members with the DWP.
DWP staff agreed to work extended opening hours as part of previous pay negotiations in return for a pay rise above the public sector pay restraints at that time. DWP staff would also receive enhanced rates for working overtime hours.
GMB believe G4S staff should be appropriately compensated too.
Third, when rostering staff to work extended hours, due consideration must be given to any protected characteristics under the Equality Act (e.g. disability / religious beliefs / age).
We will also be calling on G4S to ensure a fair working pattern where staff are not excessively / repeatedly being rostered a Saturday (unless they volunteer to do so).
We will keep you updated on these ongoing negotiations and members of your local negotiating team will be visiting workplaces over the coming weeks to discuss with members in more detail.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Posted on:
GMB has been campaigning hard in G4S since the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus to ensure the health and welfare of all our members on the DWP contract has been maintained
Since the announcement by Government to reopen Job Centres, GMB has been involved with G4S in the Risk Assessment process and have agreed the following actions:
Public entrance doors will remain open, but the DWP will only be seeing a limited number of customers to maintain social distancing. However, if for any reason the local JCP Manager and the security team feel that there are not adequate controls in place, then a dynamic risk assessment will be undertaken. Local JCP Managers and G4S Officers are empowered to close and secure the doors if they believe this is necessary.
G4S officers will welcome and advise customers to wear face masks, use hand sanitiser and to make their way to the DWP triage area. The DWP will assume responsibility from thereon.
PPE - All sites will have access to PPE, face masks and visors will be available for all employees. Officers are also able to wear reusable or disposable face masks which will also be provided. Additional supplies of sanitiser and wipes are also being supplied by DWP for front of house space for use of both DWP and G4S colleagues.
The GMB will continue to seek further assurances that members do not suffer any detriment for COVID-19 related absence and that separate Risk assessments are undertaken for vulnerable, BAME and pregnant members.