Posted on:
Dear members,
Please see the results of the industrial action ballot that concluded this Friday at midday.
Question: Are you prepared to take part in strike action?
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot - 1217
Number of votes cast in the ballot - 718
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote - 59.00%
Number of ‘Yes’ Votes - 658 (91.77%)
Number of ‘No’ Votes - 59 (8.23%)
Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned - 1
This result gives us a legal right to notify the Company of potential strike action.
An email and SMS is also being sent out to update members.
There is pay meeting scheduled for the 25th March next week.
Your GMB NNC Reps will be in touch with updates as talks progress.
Yours in union,
GMB NNC Reps GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Members,
We hope that you are well.
Please be aware that as per the 2022 pay talks, industrial action ballots will be arriving at your postal address this week.
Your GMB NNC Reps believe that the Company have only made a marginally improved offer to delay the process.
For that reason we are continuing the legal ballot process in order to increase our bargaining strength and secure an offer that we can recommend to members in a final ballot.
Ballots will start arriving this week, please make sure you vote as soon as possible to support your NNC Reps in their efforts on your behalf to secure the best offer possible from the Company.
Strike action is always a last resort, and no decisions on taking action will be made until after the ballot is complete.
The ballot paper, a reply-paid envelope and flyer will all be contained in an orange envelope.
It is vital that you:
Vote in the ballot;
Ensure that you post your ballot at a post office, post box but *not your workplace* and;
Make sure it is returned in time before midday 21st March.
As a reminder you will know that:
Inflation for January has risen again to 3.6% (RPI) and 3.0% (CPI);
Energy costs are now forecast to rise again in April by over 6% at least;
The Company continues to make cost savings nearing £2M and;
Loomis members received a 4.6% pay increase taking two of their key wage rates to
Loomis Transport CVIT to 15.06 p/h and
Loomis RA2 roles to 13.45 p/h:
As a reminder in April the Company is legally required to pay the National Minimum Wage increase of up to 6.7%, so with all that information to hand at our last pay meeting the Company made the following offer:
Drivers, Vault, Coin Stores etc
Cashiers – Outside London
2.5% + Government National Minimum Wage increase which is 6.7% - 9.2%
Cashiers – Inside London
1.4% + Government National Minimum Wage increase which is 6.7% - 8.1%
6.35% - As Government National Minimum Wage increase is 6.7% this is an effective real pay cut of 0.35%
Couriers (~20 roles)
3.3% + Government National Minimum Wage increase which is 6.7% - 10%
Yours in Union,
GMB NNC Reps & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
We wanted to give you a quick update on pay.
We have met the Company twice recently in pursuit of a pay offer that we can recommend to members.
We have pointed out that inflation has now crept up to 3.6% (RPI) - 3% (CPI) and is likely to rise further, energy costs are forecast to rise again and the National Minimum Wage rise will eat into differentials in April.
There have been some improvements in the Company’s offer that we welcome, but like 2022 we believe they are not enough for us to recommend to members in a ballot yet.
The talks have been robust but professional and both parties will continue to meet throughout in search of a resolution.
Again like 2022 we are also proceeding with the legal industrial action ballot, which as you may recall, gives your NNC Reps a stronger bargaining hand in the lead up to Easter.
This ballot is sent by post, and an orange envelope will arrive in w/c 3rd March, and we will communicate more directly about that in the next week.
Also please ensure we have your latest address and contact details, you can update them on our website https://www.gmb.org.uk/
We will continue to be in contact with you throughout.
Yours in union,
GMB National Officer GMB National Negotiating Reps
Posted on:
Dear member,
GMB NNC today met with the Company today where we went through the ballot results in detail.
We were able to share that every Branch registered a strong rejection and support for industrial action.
When GMB was asked for further feedback the NNC Reps made very strong representations about the poor morale, disillusionment that members were experiencing, especially feeling undervalued despite the Company hitting SLA targets.
What threw them too was mentioning the treatment of Managers and their pay too, as contributing to the overall mood.
We told them that there was no mood for a two-year deal, unless it has a decent first year element, and certainly not the current offer.
We also know that some Branch Managers were trying to compare the G4S offer to the offer accepted in Loomis – to remind members Loomis accepted a CPI + 2% for their second year, which equalled 4.6%, and is significantly better than CPI + 0.5%.
The Company were surprised at the strength of the feedback across all the Branches and have asked for a week’s adjournment to so they can table a revised offer next Wednesday.
We will continue the legal industrial action process while talks continue so that we secure the strongest bargaining hand possible.
Yours in Union,
GMB National Officer GMB NNC Reps
Posted on:
Dear member,
Happy new year to you, we hope you had a safe and merry festive season.
Over the past 4 weeks we’ve been balloting on the Company offer that was submitted last year.
The ballot results are a 90% overall rejection of the offer and 81% support for industrial action.
This is another strong result, with a very clear message sent to the Company that the offer needs improving. Reps reported significant disappointment with the offer, and a general mood with members feeling that the Company is continually taking and wanting more from members, without respecting or rewarding the effort. This is despite the Company performing well and recent reports that cash usage was again increasing in the UK economy.
Yesterday the GMB NNC Reps met with GMB Officers to begin the preparations for a legal industrial action ballot, which by law is a postal ballot, so it is crucial that your contact details are up to date so that you can participate in the ballot. GMB Regions will be working to ensure that details are updated as we move forward.
As per 2022 we are always prepared to meet the Company and a meeting has been scheduled for February 5th, however our preparations will continue.
Finally if you know a colleague who doesn’t receive any electronic communications from us then please let your Local GMB Rep know so that we can assist them in updating details, and ensure that any colleagues who are not members join here: https://www.gmb.org.uk/join-gmb
Yours in union,
GMB NNC REPS & GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members,
GMB has welcomed and increase in the use of cash, which saw nearly 33 million withdrawals made from its ATMs last year, a 4.6 per cent increase on 2023 and up almost 29 per cent on 2021’s figure of 25.4 million.
We have thousands of members employed in the cash industry, who provide safe and secure services across the country, which is why we have a longstanding policy position supporting Access to Cash in the UK economy.
We also want to avoid a digital divide that results in a two tier society of services, and the continuing use and acceptance of cash in the UK economy ensures all sectors of our society remain included.
We have held a series of meetings with Management to secure a pay offer that your NNC Reps could recommend to members for acceptance, based on your pay claim aspirations. Management initially tabled an offer of 1.7%, as well as seeking changes to terms and conditions, to offset the pay offer, making frequent references to the challenge from Loomis and future increase in NI that impacted on their ability to offer any more.
However, it acknowledged during the talks and recent NNC, that the Company is profitable and performing well:
Nearly £9M profit last year and on track for another similar performance this year;
SLA’s are overwhelmingly on track for this year;
Over £400K saved over the past two years through GMB agreement to the FX trial and
Around 4000 fewer days where vehicles are off the road.
The 1.7% was rejected by Reps, who countered with examples of the savings already achieved through the FX trial and the future savings from the loss of around 50 jobs across the Company already announced this year. We also maintained that both BSO and Cashier roles are being underpaid for the work they perform; disappointingly Management had undertaken their own ‘assessment’ of the tasks without involving NNC Reps, which unsurprisingly supported the Company position that the roles are paid fairly. We also suggested we would consider a two-year offer if the ‘numbers were right’.
In April 2025 the National Minimum Wage will increase by 6.7% to £12.21, so any offer, especially for the lower paid roles, has to do more than simply meet their legal obligation. So at the last meeting Management tabled a two-year, full and final offer for 2025 pay, which they have asked the NNC Reps to recommend – please see next page.
OFFER: Year 1 - January 2025:
Present Rate for (No band)
Year 1 – Jan 2025:
% Increase
~ Cost to G4S in ££
Drivers ~ 1050 roles in total
BSO’s ~ 90 roles
Cashiers & Stores Ops~ 400 roles
Couriers ~ 25 roles
Year 2 - January 2026:
CPI + 0.5% (the average CPI rate for August, September and October 2025 as published by the ONS)
This offer does not meet members aspirations, and even though some percentages for BSO’s etc seem high, they are a relatively small number of roles, which can be seen from the actual pounds and pence that the offer costs.
As the National Minimum Wage is increasing by 6.7% in April 2025, the amounts offered to Cashiers and Couriers are in reality only 0.3% and 3.3% above the Government increase, with the BSO’s and Drivers falling behind.
The proposal for the second year, for which we have no mandate, is also not sufficient, and we would only consider a two-year proposal if the first years’ numbers were satisfactory.
GMB are unanimous in recommending rejection and are also asking members to identify their willingness to take industrial action in pursuit of their 2025 pay claim.
Please ensure you take the time to vote and support the Recommendation to reject and endorse industrial action.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC REPS GMB National Officer
G4S Cash - 2025 GMB Members Pay Claim
Posted on:
Dear members,
Thank you to everyone who completed a pay survey for 2025.
Your GMB NNC have considered the results and it was clear that members were seeking an enhancement to base rates, which we have combined with the regrading/uplifting of the rates of Cashiers and BSO’s that was based on our previous survey of members in those roles.
Based on the survey responses of our members relating to pay they identified a wide range of outcomes that they were seeking with the average claim from our members being 9% wage uplift.
In terms of Cashiers and BSO’s we are seeking the following:
An enhancement in the base Cashier pay rate at all sites;
The creation of an additional pay rate (increment) that mirrors other roles in the Cash Centres and organisation more widely and;
Enhancement to all BSO pay rates.
As per last year we want to secure a wage rise well before the anniversary date so the NNC have again determined that an additional element of the claim is for substantive talks to commence this month, including a response to our claim within a fortnight.
To summarise our claim is:
9% increase to wages and allowances;
Enhancements to the BSO and Cashier pay rates as outlined, including the creation of an additional pay rate/increment;
An initial, substantive response within a week to the claim and;
Talks to commence within a fortnight of the claim being received.
We will keep members informed on the progress and response from the Company once it has been received.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Real Living Wage - 2024 Client Micro-Uplift
Posted on:
Dear Cashier/Store Ops members,
I hope all of you are well.
Once again the Company has informed as a result of their contractual obligations, they are planning to apply a ‘micro-uplift’ of £0.10 an hour to Cashiers and Store Ops.
They are proposing to apply this from April 2024.
This increase does not impact on our regrading proposal that we have sent out separately for endorsement.
We will look to pick up this matter after April and following positive feedback from members that they want to take this forward.
I will ask for confirmation from locations to that effect.
In the interim we will advise the Company that the micro-uplift can be processed.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your local and/or NNC Rep.
Yours in Union,
G4S Cash Whistleblowing Policy Boycott
Posted on:
Dear GMB members,
At the last meeting of all NNC Reps, we briefed them on a major and significant breach of the Whistleblowing policy at the end of last year and continuing into this year.
This breach is so serious that your NNC was unanimous in agreeing to boycott the entire Whistleblowing Policy, and to advise members to pass any confidential concerns to your Senior NNC Reps to ensure that members are not targeted by Management.
The background was when a significant security breach was reported by a member, *they* were then interrogated for hours by Management, and denied trade union representation, on the advice of HR and with the full knowledge of a senior Cash Manager. Another member who had no direct involvement was also investigated by Management.
This is a totally unacceptable way to handle any confidential matters, and to make matters worse, neither member has been advised that they are no longer under investigation!
We sought an urgent, in-person, meeting with Management to raise our concerns directly, and our requests and offers to meet with senior managers, including Paul van der Knapp and the International Ethics Committee went ignored.
Even though senior HR and Operations staff were aware of the breach of policy, no one in the Company is prepared to acknowledge that the policy was misapplied; instead they are all hiding behind the grievance process to ‘identify the reasons’ for the failure.
This failure to take responsibility means we are now calling on members to boycott the policy as we seek to raise this at all levels within the Company.
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Members,
inflation figures show that inflation continues to fall and for October the CPI
rate was 4.6%.
significant contributor to the drop has been the decline of gas and energy
prices since last October.
means that as agreed the pay increase from Jan 1st 2024 will be
inflation does continue to fall as forecast, then in January 2024 the 4.6% wage
increase could actually exceed inflation.
the pay award now represents 13.1% to members across the two years.
As we
committed during visits to Cash Centres earlier this year, yesterday the NNC
and BSO/Cashier Reps spent a large amount of time analysing the consultation
replies that we received over the past number of months.
were two clear issues.
overwhelming feedback on the £0.05p/h increase (that the Company is
contractually obliged to pay) was that it was demeaning, insulting and showed
how undervalued members felt.
should not come as a surprise to the Company, the NNC warned earlier this year
that members would see this as an empty gesture, especially as it is an
initiative driven by Customers, not the Company itself.
reinforces the view of members that the Company undervalues the work they
accepts that the Company has a contractual obligation to pay this money, and
therefore it should now do so, GMB can’t stand in the way of members receiving
"free money", but this does not what resolve what we believe
is a clear grading issue.
second clear area of feedback from members was that both BSO and Cashier roles
have changed over the past number of years.
were clear and articulate about the changes to the roles over the years.
As part
of our consultation and analysis work, GMB requested the most recent job
evaluation of both roles from the Company, but they refused to share them with
us. They claimed that this was due to legal privilege, and suggests to GMB that
there may be something not quite right.
As we
committed during our visits, we have taken information and will shortly
circulate a grading proposal for BSO and Cashier members to consider.
Again, as
we said during our visits, we want to ensure that what we have put together on
behalf of BSO/Cashiers does reflect what you told us, and represents a way
forward that you support.
We will
look again to meet with members to discuss the feedback so that we can continue
to take the matters forward.
for your patience, we want to ensure we take these issues seriously in support
of members.
If you
have any questions please contact your local Rep.
in union,
Posted on:
Dear Members,
We have some exciting news to share with you! Our union has secured a seat on the G4S UK&I Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Council.
This is a fantastic opportunity for us to make a real difference and ensure that all members are heard and represented in the decision-making process.
As a union, GMB understands the importance of promoting DE&I and the positive impact it can have in the workplace, and we acknowledge there is scope for improvement in meeting the expectations of all our members regarding DE&I. We are committed to ensuring that every member feels valued and included. While the company has policies in place to promote DE&I, we understand that there may be gaps that need to be filled. Our goal is to bridge those gaps and make sure that all voices are heard. To achieve this, we encourage all members to share their concerns and provide input to the survey that will be issued by the company soon. This is an opportunity for you to have a say on matters that are important to you. We believe that it is essential to include all members in the decision-making process, and we want to ensure that your experiences and perspectives are taken into account.
Please remember that our Regional and Branch equality officers are available to listen to your concerns and offer support where needed. They are an essential part of our union, and we encourage you to reach out to them for help and guidance. Together, we can create a fair and inclusive workplace for all. We urge you to take this opportunity to have your voice heard and make a positive impact on DE&I within our union and the company.
We look forward to working with you to promote DE&I in our workplace.
Yours Sincerely,
GMB National Convenors GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Members
We want to update you on the current dispute we have with the Company regarding the proposal to implement a 0.5% = £0.05p uplift on the hourly pay of cashiers/store ops grades without any agreement.
Your Recognition Agreement is crystal clear:
3.1 Negotiation Framework
The Company will negotiate with the Union on:
Terms and conditions of employment, including:
• Pay
These negotiations will be handled by the National Negotiating Committee (NNC) ….
Changes to terms and conditions or the Recognition Agreement will not be introduced until agreement has been reached between the Company and the Union.Where appropriate, the Union will consult with their membership to obtain a mandate or gain acceptance of an offer.
We have advised the Company that this could escalate into a ‘trade dispute’, though we have twice offered to consult members on the proposal, but to date they have not replied to this offer.
In the meantime without member support, we will not agree to any change, so the status quo should be maintained until the matter is resolved.
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear Cashier/Store Ops members,
We have raised a dispute with G4S for their failure to follow our Agreement when they sought to make changes to your pay rates without your agreement.
In previous years (2019 being the last time) separate increases in the base rates due to the National Living Wage rises were negotiated as part of overall pay negotiations.
They did not seek to do that last year, or this year.
This is why we have said we need to consult affected members on the proposed changes during a series of site visits.
We will update members once we have more feedback from the Company.
Please see below our recent reply to Andy Kelly (Operations) and Karen Ross (HR):
“GMB appreciate the initial response below including a ‘pause’ in the process.
GMB is aware that in previous years there has been a clear and specific element of the pay awards negotiated with the Company relating to ‘low pay’, which have formed part of the pay ballot process.
As we understand it the last of these was in 2019 (see attached); there was certainly no mention of it during last years talks, even though the parties knew there would be a significant uplift in the NLW.
Nor is there any reference to the payment in the two most recent collective agreements following 2019, which we have just concluded updating.
This in our view, supports our position that any change in 2023 must be agreed.
We have communicated to members that we will seek to consult them, which coincides with our proposal to visit sites across the Country.
The proposed starting dates for the has slipped but we are keen to commence them, and would look to incorporate a consultation with members as part of the visits.
We look forward to hearing back from you.”
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 13-04-2023
Posted on:
FAO Cashier/Store Ops members
Based on member feedback during the pay consultations last year, at the first NNC this year your GMB NNC Reps queried whether they Company had a view on the reduction of the differential between the member’s base rates and the Government’s National Living Wage from this April.
In response at the last NNC the Company announced that they were planning to increase the base rate for Cashiers/Store Ops by 0.5% effective 1st April, advising GMB that they:
“….have systems in place to ensure that no employee is paid below NLW. In accordance with our annual commitments to our banking partners we have reviewed the cashier and stores operative roles in relation to the real living wage change in April and will be introducing an additional 0.5% increase for these roles effective 1st April 2023.”
GMB wants to be absolutely clear that this is not a negotiated increase, and we will be asking affected members for their view.
We are seeking to confirm with the Company a series of visits for NNC Reps to sites over the next coming weeks.
In the interim please pass on your views to your local Rep to feedback to the NNC.
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
Following our previous update, instead of meeting with your NNC to discuss our concerns, the Company has begun to sneak in their FX proposal at a small number of sites, which is a breach of the collective agreement for Couriers, and we have lodged a dispute notice with the Company on Monday.
While matters are in dispute members can refuse to perform any work that is above and beyond the normal FX work ie existing agreed cash levels; as per the clause below in our dispute resolution procedure:
(xiii) Pending the settlement of any grievance, the conditions that prevail prior to the grievance being raised shall continue, unless, in the Company’s opinion, this would give rise to a health and safety or security risk. The Company will discuss the health and safety or security reasons with the GMB if applicable and at the earliest opportunity on conclusion of the grievance.
If you come under any pressure to do otherwise, that constitutes bullying and harassment, and is also potentially discriminatory due to your trade union membership. If this occurs please note the time/place and who was involved, and immediately report it to your local Rep.
The Company Health and Safety team has only just reached out to GMB Health and Safety colleagues, despite having ‘assessed’ the health and safety risks weeks, if not months ago, which proves how token the effort really is.
Your NNC believe that the ultimate aim is ‘C.I.T. on the cheap’, so we are considering initiating an industrial action ballot in order to stop the spread of the practice.
We will keep you updated as matters develop.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC | GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear members
Please see the following bulletin on these two issue following the pay consultations and a recent meeting with the Company regarding their courier proposal.
Following a final day of talks your NNC have agreed to recommend the following offer to members in a ballot.
2-year offer:
1st year – an increase of 8.5% to basic rates and associated allowances with effect from 1st January 2023;
2nd year – an increase of 3.75%on basic rates and associated allowances; this can rise to a maximum of 6% depending on the CPI inflation rate at October 2023 with effect from 1st January 2024.
It is worth remembering that the first few Company offers were a combination of a partial pay freeze, seeking members' sell off conditions to fund a pay rise, 3.5% for one year and a lump sum based on contracted hours.
That makes the final offer, which has a fully consolidated increase of 12.75% (possibly rising up to 14.5%) over two years, without members trading off any terms and conditions, a significant improvement on all fronts.
Your solidarity and willingness to take industrial action has meant that your NNC has been able to negotiate this final offer on your behalf, and full credit goes to you all for your strength, patience and trust.
.While workplace meetings with your NNC Reps and balloting is taking place the industrial action is suspended and, pending a successful ballot, it will be formally withdrawn. We also want to take this opportunity to ensure that all colleagues are members, and any non-members should be encouraged to join and have their own say on the pay offer JOIN
Lastly full credit and thanks to your NNC who have been brilliant in representing members in what is often a thankless and difficult role, they have delivered a strong offer and deserve a lot of thanks and support.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 30-11-2022
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
Negotiations have been taking place over the past fortnight and have resulted in two offers being tabled today.
During the talks the NNC shared with the Company what it would recommend to members in a ballot. Following that transparency we believed that a deal was imminent, however as it transpired the Company had gone beyond the monetary remit set by the Group and had to pull back and reduce the offers as tabled below. To say this was disappointing to the NNC is an understatement.
The offer for a one year deal is as follows:
An increase of 6.5% to basic rates and associated allowances with effect from 1st January 2023.
This offer falls well below every current measure of inflation by a huge margin, and is basically the original offer from the Company only with the bonus consolidated.
The offer for a two year deal is as follows:
An increase of 8.5% to basic rates and associated allowances with effect from 1st January 2023;
A further increase of minimum 2.5%on basic rates and associated allowances, though this could rise to a maximum of 5% depending on the CPI inflation rate at October 2023.
The Company proposal to cap a rise in year two based on CPI inflation contains a large degree of uncertainty and puts all the risk on members, particularly as forecasts do not show inflation dropping to those levels. However the NNC want to highlight that when it suits the Company, they are prepared to refer to official inflation in the second year but the first year amount fails to meet even the lowest current inflation measures.
GMB has made it clear that it remains fully committed to a successful resolution, and that the NNC will ballot members on an offer that they would recommend; gone are the days of recommending offers to members that were cuts to pay, terms and conditions because we felt we had no other choice and which members felt compelled to accept.
The Company is desperate to delay any action which will impact on Christmas operations so they will try to pressure your NNC to take these offers to ballot, so they can scare members into accepting too.
The Company has been quick to raise fuel surcharges on thousands of core contracts, but when it has come to helping out its most valuable assets in their hardest moments, they have gone missing and pleaded poverty.
Your NNC is of the view that both offers fall well below the current cost of living increases that members are experiencing, and in the case of the two-year deal the Company is cherry picking when it wants to rely on inflation, thereby shifting a large amount of uncertainty and risk onto members.
Ahead of next week’s action we have submitted further dates for strike action, for Tuesday 13th December and Thursday 15th December. At this stage we believe that CWU members of the Post Office Cash Services will take strike action on the Wednesday 14th too. Remember members are not required to inform managers of your intentions.
This will be the first strike in G4S’ history, and whilst we have made the Company aware that we are available at any time to continue good faith negotiations, members should take a moment to look around themselves at the thousands of other workers around them who are also taking the huge step of going on strike in order that they, their families and communities do not continue to bear the brunt of the cost of living crisis.
Standing together is one of the most powerful things we can do as workers and humans and we look forward to fully supporting picket line across the UK.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The Company has recently made two almost identical pay proposals; the final offer is a 4.5% increase and a lump sum (still based on your *contracted hours*, but paid out equally over either 3 or 6 or 12 months). As your NNC pointed out, despite the huge cost of living impact members have experienced this year, the Company offer of 4.5% is only marginally more than your last pay award of 4%.
Your NNC has made clear to the Company that all its offers have represented a massive real pay cut for members, and Wednesday’s inflation figures (RPI – 14.2%, CPI – 11.1%) only reinforces your claim for a cost of living increase to protect members and their families from going backwards.
A meeting of the wider Reps group unanimously decided that the offer was so far below member’s claim and mandate that we would not seek to ballot on the offer and would move instead to issue strike dates. On Friday we advised the Company that members will take 48 hours strike action from:
• 03:00 (am) Monday 5th December to 02:59 (am) Wednesday 7 th December
To be clear the strike covers all shifts and working during that 48 hours from the Monday morning, all through the Tuesday until the Wednesday morning.
We know that this will be the first time that almost all our members will be taking industrial action and we understand that many members will be anxious and have questions. It is also the first strike in G4S for many years, and perhaps ever. So we are currently working with all Reps and your local GMB Officers on strike preparation including the establishment of picket lines, advice and support for members.
Based on what we see in many other employers, don’t be surprised if local managers begin a whispering campaign, trying to undermine your claim and mandate, emphasising negative messages that often aren’t true, but are basically just designed to intimidate you into accepting a pay cut. Remember you are not obliged to tell your manager/supervisor whether you are going on strike, and if you feel that you are being bullied, harassed or intimidated then you need to let your local Rep or GMB Officer know immediately as this constitutes serious discrimination and possibly gross misconduct. Ultimately this is about members standing up for yourselves and each other in the pursuit of a wage increase that enables you to keep pace with everything around you, and we are ready to stand with you in solidarity as you seek a wage rise that you deserve.
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Date: 10/11/2022
Dear GMB member,
Thanks to members for voting in the legal industrial action ballot, the 97% Yes vote in support of action and to support your NNC is a brilliant result and reinforces just how serious members are about securing a fair pay increase for 2023.
We have always maintained that we want to negotiate from the strongest possible position and the mandate to take action provides just that. We have pay meetings scheduled for next week and have devoted time from the NNC meeting this month to discuss pay.
At the previous meeting the Company tabled a pay proposal for the consideration of the NNC which had the following key elements:
A proposal to freeze members’ pay;
To pay a “here today, gone tomorrow” lump sum for 3 months instead of a wage increase and;
To self-fund part of the proposed pay rise.
Members via the cost of living/pay survey were clear that there was no willingness to trade off conditions for a pay rise, and in this current cost of living crisis there was no way the NNC could contemplate members having their pay frozen.
Lastly the amount offered was not anywhere near the claim submitted by members so the NNC have formally rejected the offer.
We are aware that it is being briefed out by Managers and whilst we don’t control what they choose to communicate, we encourage members to ask why they are being offered less money for 2023 than they received in 2022.
We remain committed to pay talks and have another meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 16th November, and for a wider Reps meeting following that to determine our next course of action dependent on what is tabled for negotiation.
Yours in solidarity,
GMB NNC GMB National Officer
Date: 03/11/2022
Dear Members
Please find below the Results of the Industrial Action Ballot held in G4S Cash Solutions (UK) Limited.
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 Section 231A
Result of Ballot – G4S Cash Solutions (UK) Limited
Further to my letter of 4th October 2022, the results of this industrial action ballot were:
Question: Are you prepared to take part in strike action?
Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot - 1156
Number of votes cast in the ballot - 665
Votes cast in the ballot as a % of individuals who were entitled to vote - 57.53%%
Number of ‘Yes’ Votes - 640 (96.53%)
Number of ‘No’ Votes - 23 (3.47%)
Number of spoilt or otherwise invalid voting papers returned - 2
This result has been sent to the Company and we will keep members advised of our position going forward.
My thanks go to the members for returning this result, which shows the strength of feeling amongst you, and to the GMB Reps and Officers for their help with this ballot.
Dear members,
Your NNC want to thank the hundreds of members who responded to the cost of living survey, the results were very sobering, especially the fact that 5% of members have been resorting to using foodbanks and pay day loans to get by.
The NNC want to acknowledge that an overwhelming majority of members are being faced with eye-watering increases in their every day costs, and your feedback has been crucial to the development of your pay claim for 2023, including
75% of members are paying between £150 – £200+ more per month on housing, transport, food and heating;
5% of members reported using foodbanks/pay day loans and;
70% are seeking a wage increase that matched RPI, which when we surveyed them was 11.7%, and is now 12.3%.
The results of the survey have provided your NNC with a clear mandate for talks this year.
We are aware that the cash industry has picked up and is increasingly likely to do so in the current economic circumstances, and we’re also aware that the Company is securing more contracts, but that the decision to make so many members redundant in recent years is impacting on operations in many areas.
We are also aware that the Bank of England have forecast inflation to reach 13.3% at the anniversary date of our agreement, with Citibank forecasting 18%.
The NNC has agreed to focus on securing the best possible increase in base salaries in order that members receive the highest increase possible.
Therefore, based on member feedback and current inflation forecasts GMB members are seeking a minimum 15% wage rise for 2023.
GMB members have also been very clear to Reps throughout the country that they want to secure a wage rise well before the anniversary date, in part because they are conscious of the strong bargaining position, they hold in the lead up to Christmas, but also because of the current cost of living crisis.
Therefore the NNC are seeking a response to your claim from Management within a fortnight and for substantive talks to begin this month.
If the NNC believe that the talks are being delayed in order to weaken the bargaining position of you, the members, then we have agreed to commence the process of consultation with members regarding their support for industrial action as soon as practicable.
We recognise that this a very strong stance that is being adopted, but it reflects the reality of your bargaining strength, which everyone knows, and we want to be absolutely transparent with the Company about how we want to proceed. We expect that the Company will seek to act in its own best interests, so it should not surprise that we will do so too.
To summarise our claim is:
• 15% minimum wage increase and;
• An initial Company response within a fortnight, with talks to commence this month.
Please make sure that any colleagues not already in GMB join JOIN in order to have a vote on any offer received from Management.
Thanks once again for your feedback and support, and please make sure your email/mobile and home addresses are up to date so that we can continue to keep you updated as talks progress.
Eamon O’Hearn GMB NNC
GMB National Officer
For the attention of Drivers
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
You will know the GMB went into dispute over the roll out of 1PATM’s last year.
However, following talks, we were close to reaching an agreement regarding 1PATM’s, so we agreed to review our position following the hearing of a grievance related to 1PATM in Edinburgh.
This grievance was heard, and the outcome and related documents were shared with the GMB’s H&S Director who then identified serious flaws in the risk assessments and SOP’s.
We have now requested an urgent meeting with G4S to review this further, we are, as you are, also very concerned about the recent increase in attacks.
Based on all of this, the GMB’s position is that the original dispute over 1PATM remains live and therefore members should not be forced to work 1PATM until the GMB is happy that safe working practices are in place.
If you have any questions please speak to your NJC or workplace representatives.
We will update you further following the meeting.
In solidarity,
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 06-12-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
The results of the workplace ballot on the company's final pay offer are now in. The offer has been accepted and are as follows:
To Accept: 79%
To Reject: 21%
The company have assured us that all efforts will be made to include the back pay in December's pay packet.
In solidarity,
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Noticeboard Bulletin - 10-11-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
By now you will all be aware that GMB members have won a 7.5% pay increase over 18 months with 3.5% back dated to July 2021.
GMB members voted for industrial action which moved the company from their starting position of 0%. This was only achieved because you, our members, took decisive action to win what you deserve. Thank you and well done.
Please do not underestimate how far your actions and your willingness to fight moved the company on this issue. Whilst we know the offer doesn't cover everything we were asking for, we are confident this is a good offer and we are recommending a strong acceptance of it.
We are keen that our members receive the 3.5% back dated to July in time for Xmas and we will therefore be running the ballot from the 15th November to midday on the 3rd December with pay roll cut off on the 8th.
G4S have agreed to allow paid release for all cash and coin staff to discuss the offer during the ballot, even if you are not a GMB member. We look forward to talking to you all about what has been achieved.
Whilst there is always more we can achieve together I hope that a back dated lump sum before Xmas helps you and your families to enjoy the holidays.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for putting your faith in your union, be proud of what you have achieved and keep sticking together!
In solidarity,
Nadine and the GMB NJC.
Noticeboard Bulletin - 03-11-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
I'd like to update you on the results of the workplace ballot on the company's latest pay offer.
The offer has (unsurprisingly) been rejected by the GMB membership.
86% Reject
14% Accept
Turnout 82%
We understand the company have already communicated this and have also stated they have contingency plans in place for any strike action. The GMB does not believe contingency plans can be convincing given the lack of staff currently, let alone in the event of a walk out.
The GMB remains open to good faith negotiations, if talks are not forthcoming, we will not hesitate to call our first round of strikes.
We will of course continue to keep you updated.
Thank you for your continued support.
Nadine Houghton and the NNC.
Noticeboard Bulletin - 01-11-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB members,
G4S cash workers vote for strike action!
Thank you to all of you that have put your faith in your NJC and given a strong vote in favour of taking industrial action to win a decent pay increase.
The results are:
Turnout: 64.2% Number of votes cast: 769
Votes in favour of strike action: 637 (83.6%) Votes against strike action: 125 (16.4%) In favour of taking action short of strike: 673 (90.1%) Against action short of strike: 74 (9.9%)
What happens next?
Your senior representatives will meet to agree strike dates and any proposed action short of strike, we will then inform the company and begin preparations.
We remain available to meet with the company and hope G4S will finally understand the strength of feeling around this issue and do the right thing for its staff.
Thank you again to all our members for taking part in this democratic process and for making your voice heard.
In solidarity,
Nadine Houghton and the GMB NJC.
Noticeboard Bulletin - 26-10-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
Thank you to all our members that have already voted in the industrial action ballot, we've had a great response so far, but there is still time to return your ballot papers. Please get them in the post this Friday - Saturday at the very latest.
We know that management have tried to deter our members from voting for industrial action and I'm sorry they have chosen to take this approach. From what I've seen and heard, the scare tactics aren't working.
GMB members have loyally supported the company over the years, now, all you are doing, is asking for fair treatment in return. This isn't too much to ask.
Management have tried to blame the NNC and even the national officer personally. But the union is the members. You put your faith in us to represent you and we are proud to do that.
The current situation is, sadly, G4S's own making.
When times were good did, they choose to put money aside for its workers? Or did they pay shareholders and send money to group? The company are now trying to blame its own workforce and your democratically elected representatives.
G4S have sold assets, they have profited from the pandemic and through all of this they refused to pay you - their loyal workforce a 'Covid' bonus, whilst instead awarding management a bonus. The GMB cannot be held responsible for any of these actions.
Please continue to support each other - you have so much strength when you pull together.
In solidarity,
Noticeboard Bulletin - 11-10-2021
Posted on:
Dear GMB member,
G4S have made a revised pay offer. The offer is:
2% from October 2021 and 2.5% from January 2022 with an increase on low value courier trips to £15k with more trips across the pavement and full roll out of 1PATM.
The GMB's pay claim was for 2021 only and it was for 7.5% on all rates of pay plus improved over time and night enhancement rates.
We have agreed to put the current offer to our membership in a workplace indicative ballot, we do this without a recommendation. It is down to you, our members to decide what happens next.
I urge you to still vote in the industrial action ballot, this is the ballot paper that will be delivered directly to your home and which you must return in the post.
If members reject the current pay offer we still need to be able to organise industrial action and we can't do this if you don't vote in the industrial action ballot.
In solidarity,
Posted on:
What happens next depends on all of you returning your ballot papers. Without this we cannot continue to fight for improvements in pay and conditions.
When will the GMB ballot open and close?
Ballot papers will be dispatched on the 11th October, the ballot stays open for three weeks. You MUST post your ballot paper no later than Friday 29th October to be sure of having your vote counted. Late votes will not be included.
What happens next is down to you. The law is very clear - if GMB members don't return their ballot paper we cannot call you out to strike.
How do I vote?
The ballot papers are sent directly to the home address the GMB holds for you. You must cast your vote and return the ballot paper in the envelope provided.
You must return your ballot paper before the ballot closes; this means it should be in the post no later than Friday 29th October.
Do I have to tell my manager how I have voted if they ask?
Absolutely not, your vote is yours and yours alone.
G4S have told me that a strike could lead to job losses, is this true?
The GMB does not believe so. The GMB believes that G4S cash has already restructured its business to the bare minimum and is struggling to recruit and maintain service levels. G4S cash need their staff, particularly at a time of mass labour shortages which show no signs of easing.
Now is exactly the time for you to be pushing for the pay increase you deserve.
My manager has told me I could get sacked for going on strike, is this true?
Your manager is talking rubbish. If enough GMB members vote to go on strike in a legally run ballot, then you are legally entitled to go on strike. It is illegal for your employer to discriminate against you for taking part in strike action. G4S would only make a bad situation worse if they took this approach.
Will I lose money by going on strike?
You will lose a day’s pay for a day’s strike action. Your GMB NNC believes this is a reasonable sacrifice when we are fighting for significant improvements in your base rates of pay and terms and conditions. Although winning is never guaranteed, if you do win, you stand to make what you have lost back and more.
Will I be asked to join a picket line if we vote for a strike?
Absolutely - we want you to vote for strike action and then come and have some fun on the picket line. Doughnuts, coffee, flags and music are a must on any GMB picket line. Joining together with your colleagues to take on your employer and fight for fair pay is not something you get to do all the time and we want you to have fun while you are doing it.
Any more questions you have can be sent directly to nadine.houghton@gmb.org.uk or talk directly to your local or NNC reps.
Date: 24/09/2021
Dear GMB member,
I wanted to write quickly to give you my assurances that GMB officials are working hard to make sure we can serve notice on G4S for the industrial action ballot and that ballot papers to be despatched reach all of our members. As soon as notice has been served, we will let you know the timetable for the ballot.
Can I also please ask that if we do not have an up-to-date mobile number and / or email address for you can you please WhatsApp or text it to 07714239227. Likewise, if you have moved house and not told us please send that over too (please include your name and branch).
Many of you may not realise but a formal ballot for industrial action is very different to the workplace ballots you will have taken part in in the past. The ballot paper must be sent to your home address and you must post it back. It will be on you to make sure your vote is cast. This is why we need your contact details up to date.
Please help us to make the ballot a success and get your details updated.
Many thanks
Nadine Houghton
National Officer
Date: 22/09/2021
Dear GMB member,
I wanted to write to update you further on this weeks 'pay talks'.
You will all by now have seen the 'offer' from the company. I want to be very clear with you on what the original 'offer' looked like. The first offer your NNC were presented with was:
1% from October 2021 and 2.5% from Jan 2022, in return for:
One weeks' notice for rosters
Cutting sick pay to 4 weeks
Introducing unpaid waiting days for sickness
Changes to the Darwin agreement, increasing to £15,000 for couriers
As you can imagine, your NNC thought they were in a comedy sketch. Following our reaction, the company made the following offer:
1% back dated to July, 2.5% from Jan 2022 and the original changes to the Darwin agreement.
Slightly less insulting, but by a very small margin.
I'm pleased that the response from our members so far has been to back the NNC's position in not putting this to the members.
Please be assured that we will update you very soon on a our industrial action ballot timetable.
Many thanks.
Date: 21/9/2021
Dear GMB member,
By now many of you will have seen what the company have referred to as a 'pay offer' - the GMB thinks it more appropriate to call it what it is, a real terms pay cut.
Based on the feedback we have already had, you will understand why your NNC would not insult GMB members by putting the offer to the reps, let alone the wider membership.
You are all acutely aware of the cost of living crisis and the increase in NI contributions, what's on the table does nothing to address these issues for our members.
GMB members must now be prepared to vote in a ballot for industrial action, the timetable for which will be communicated with you shortly.
If your wages had increased, simply in line with inflation, the GMB estimates your pay would have been at least £13.72 per hour by now.
G4S are pleading poverty and it is true there is a large deficit this year, most of which has been caused by restructuring costs, BUT G4S cash company accounts state: "Excluding restructuring the company would have delivered a profit for the year despite the difficult trading conditions"
Their accounts also state: "The company has received financial assurances from the wider group in the form of a letter of support from a parent company to provide sufficient financial assistance to the company if and when needed to enable the company to continue its operations."
GMB members have consistently supported the company by accepting low pay increases, but many are now asking - if not now, then when - for a decent pay rise.
We will be in touch shortly with more info and next steps for your pay campaign.
Thank you for your continued support.
In solidarity,
Date: 14.09.2021
Dear GMB member,
A quick update regarding this year's pay claim.
As you will know, GMB members have voted to reject the 0% pay offer and proceed with a ballot for industrial action.
The GMB is ready to ballot our members as per your instructions. However, the company have now invited us to pay talks early next week.
We believe that our members expect us to engage in those talks in good faith and this is exactly what your NNC intends on doing. We will update you on the outcome of these discussions and your NNC will meet to consider the next steps following these talks.
Thank you for your continued support.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Date: 08.09.21
Dear GMB member,
Following the phenomenal ballot results we know that GMB members are ready to take action over pay and conditions.
As the UK's labour shortages worsen with no sign of any change for possibly years to come, it is imperative that G4S moves quickly to improve pay and conditions in order to attract and retain much needed staff.
Your GMB national officer and NNC chair will meet the company on Thursday afternoon to discuss the outcome of the ballot and find out if G4S have a plan to address this crisis.
If we are not given the assurances we need, there will be no choice but to proceed with a formal ballot for industrial action.
This is not where any of us want to be, but the severity of the staffing shortages, the impact this is having on our members wellbeing and the ability of G4S to continue to provide a service to customers if this is not addressed means our members are being left with no choice.
We will update you on the outcome of the meeting.
We know this is a challenging time for everyone and thank you for the support you are showing each other and your union, it is only by working together collectively that you will win.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Date: 25.08.21
Dear GMB member,
The GMB ballot on the derisory 0% pay offer from G4S cash has now closed, the result of the ballot was:
Pay offer:
3 % Accept
97% Reject
Are you willing to take part in industrial action in the event the offer is rejected?
91% Yes
9% No
The GMB will be notifying G4S of the result and asking them what steps they now intend to take to address the issues being created by their failure to adequately address this year’s GMB pay claim.
We will keep you updated on any further talks or action.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Date: 22/07/21
Dear GMB member,
The GMB NNC this year submitted pay claim for: 7.5%, Reinstatement of the overtime rate when working more than 39 hours, Night payment qualification between 10pm and 6am.
We submitted this pay claim, despite agreeing to pause our claim this year. We did this after it came to light that management had been paid a bonus through the group bonus scheme and due to the impact of severe driver shortages on the business and the need for competitive wages to recruit.
The company responded with a 0% increase and an insulting offer of a paltry bonus worth no more than £100 if certain targets are met. The GMB are, of course, recommending a strong rejection of this offer.
G4S Cash will tell you they cannot afford a pay increase this year, but is that true?
This month RPI (the genuine cost of living) sits at 3.9% - so is what we are asking for unreasonable?
The GMB believes there may be an operating deficit in the logistics side of G4S cash. However, we do not believe this to be the case for the cash centres.
Globally, G4S cash recorded a £34m profit.
G4S globally recorded a whooping profit of £427m in 2020, Ashley Almaza, the previous G4S CEO, stands to pocket up to £15m just from the sale of G4S to Allied. It is a fallacy that there is not enough to go around.
The labour market is TIGHT - particularly for drivers. To attract and retain the right staff, G4S cash need to pay the right wages. G4S cash say they sit in the middle of their competitors, but the GMB say they need to be benchmarking against other driver jobs, not simply those in cash.
You will soon get a ballot on this offer through your workplace rep. If members vote to reject the offer and there is no increase from management, your NNC will consider its next steps.
Date: 12/07/2021
Dear GMB member,
By now you will know the company's intentions around pay. A 0% offer is on the table.
The GMB will be balloting our members on this offer with a clear recommendation to reject.
We fully understand the financial challenges facing G4S cash, we understand the state of the industry. But we also know that staff are leaving - they can get better paid jobs with less risk elsewhere.
We want G4S cash to be a successful business, but we also know that means investing - first and foremost in staff - to keep them and to deliver a quality service.
Inflation is already at 3.3% this month. Labour shortages are set to continue. It has been widely reported that Ashley Almanza, the Chief Exec of G4S could receive up to £15m after the Allied takeover. This money was made off the back of your hard work and it's reasonable to expect a fair share, even when times are tough for cash. We believe a decent pay increase this year is in fact essential for preserving the future of the business.
Further actions are planned and we will keep you updated on next steps including the ballot.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Dear GMB members,
Yesterday (Thursday 9th July), your GMB NNC met with G4S Cash management.
The GMB presented your pay claim of 7.5% and improved night and over-time rates.
The company made their presentation, setting out the poor state of the cash industry and the difficult financial position for the company in the wake of the pandemic.
The GMB explained to G4S that we fully understood the financial challenges faced by G4S Cash but that staff were leaving due to better paid opportunities elsewhere and our view is that, if G4S doesn't tackle this situation with a decent pay rise, they will be in an even worse situation.
G4S told us they will make a formal offer today (9th July) Whilst they have asked us not to share that offer until it has been made formally, I can confirm that we will be recommending a very strong rejection of the offer, frankly it's an insult.
We will ballot our members on this offer over the coming weeks and will be asking our members to take part in other actions we have planned to support our pay campaign.
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Date: 02/07/21
Dear GMB members,
I just wanted to send you a brief update.
Your GMB NNC will meet G4S next week to present this year's pay claim. We will also be discussing one-person atm's.
We will keep you fully updated on the outcome of these discussions and next steps in the pay campaign.
The GMB will be asking our reps to set up whatsapp broadcast lists so we can communicate quickly and effectively with you, if you want to be added to the broadcast list please add your local reps phone number to your contacts and drop them a text to let them know you want to be added. We appreciate that not all reps will be able to set up broadcast lists, so please bear with us while we work through where we have them and where we don't.
We are also planning a day of action in the coming weeks, we are excited to be sharing more details with you on this asap!
If you would like to be more active in the GMB, whether as an official rep or simply as a point of contact (even where a workplace rep already exists) then we want to hear from you. The GMB is only as strong as it's members, if our members are active and engaged then our union is strong. Please send a whatsapp message or text to 07714239227 with your name and branch if you want to get more involved to build the union in your workplace.
Thanks for your continued support.
Nadine Houghton
National Officer
Date: 28/06/2021
Dear GMB members,
Apologies for the length of this notice, but I wanted to make sure you were fully up to date on the current GMB position regarding One Person ATMs. Please see below for correspondence sent the company today on the issue.
Dear Karen,
Thank you for your comprehensive response to the issues raised previously by Roger. As you would expect, our interpretation of the issues differs and I will do my best to respond to your points. As I'm sure you will also appreciate, I cannot speak on behalf of Roger so I will not attempt to go over previous conversations between you and him, but I will summarise the current position as I understand it.
I have a copy of the Recognition Agreement however I am unclear if there is a separate Disputes Resolution Procedure, I couldn't see one as an appendix so I'm working on the assumption the recognition agreement covers all there is regarding any DRP?
Your responses have understandably relied heavily on the mechanics and wording of the recognition agreement with regards to your level of obligation concerning consultation and negotiation. I understand you have done this as you are responding to Roger's letter which equally relies on the agreement. However, my members dispute relates not necessarily to the breaches of our agreement but the outcomes and the fundamental issues related to the work of 1PATM's. If you require me to raise this as a separate dispute I am happy to do this and please accept this email as a triggering of such a dispute.
You have referred heavily in your letter to the level of consultation you have undertaken with regards to 1PATM's, I do not dispute there have been several consultation meetings, however the fundamental issue and the reason we remain in dispute is that, despite Health and Safety concerns raised by the GMB during these meetings, G4S has continued with the roll out of 1PATM's in a manner with which we fundamentally disagree.
You refer to a trial process as part of the roll out plan, my understanding of the term 'trial' is essentially, that of a practice run that can be halted if issues are raised as part of that trial that give cause for concern:
There have been 3 attacks over the past fortnight (since the country unlocked). With the UK and Ireland being the country with the highest level of attacks in Europe we reject the comparison with other European countries as being a justifiable argument for using 1PATM's in the UK. (The key issue though, as you know, is that we support the use of 1PATM's but not in the manner that G4S are currently utilising them.)
The attack on a G4S driver in Liverpool took place on a 1PATM in an area of high deprivation, we reject the assertion that the risk level was low due to a low level of previous attacks and believe that the process for allocating areas where 1PATM's are allocated ais flawed.
My understanding is that you have previously referred to your competitors use of 1PATM's during consultation, however it has come to our attention that the process used for 1PATM's by Loomis for example, is very different to G4S and we believe further consultation needs to take place to consider different models for the use of 1PATM's.
G4S refuses to engage with the GMB's proposal for voluntary post 7pm 1PATM's.
You state that the trial process started just as I was taking over from Roger. One of the first things I did on picking up responsibility for G4S cash from Roger was to pick up the phone to Paul Edwards and explain to him that if G4S weren't willing to reach agreement on the voluntary post 7pm issue then I would be writing to your clients to explain our concerns regarding the Health and Safety of our members. I was told this would be discussed at the introductory meeting with yourself and Andy, where I once again, explained our position. On the 24th May I wrote to Andy requesting formal confirmation that our request for post 7pm 1PATM's to be voluntary be put in writing, otherwise I would do as I said I would and write to your clients. I then wrote again to Andy on the 27th May to say I had still had no response from him so I was sharing a copy of the letter we were going to send. Andy did come back to me to confirm that our request for a formal agreement on this issue would not be met. I subsequently wrote to your clients.
You allege that the consequences of sending this letter have had an adverse impact on your negotiations with your clients, however as I have demonstrated above, the GMB gave G4S at least a month to address our members concerns on this matter, you were told what my actions would be if these concerns weren't addressed and you did nothing to address this. I will refer you to another principle in the recognition agreement; The Union’s right to represent the interests of its Members and seek improvements to conditions of employment. G4S must accept responsibility for the actions that led to this step being taken, it is disingenuous to say the least, to suggest that we have behaved in a way that has disrupted your negotiations with your clients when it is G4S that are continuing on a course of action that the union deems to be unsafe without the safeguards in place we have requested.
You have said that if GMB has any further objections to 1PATM's you will be happy to discuss them. I believe I have summarised our concerns above and look forward to discussing them with you at the earliest opportunity.
To reiterate, the GMB is formally in dispute with G4S on this issue. I notice from the recognition agreement that if a grievance is raised the status quo will prevail. As you have confirmed that the 1PATM roll out is a 'trial' can you please confirm that the status quo prior to the trial starting will remain until we have reached agreement on the issues raised.
Kind Regards,
Nadine Houghton
National Officer
Date: 21/06/2021
Dear GMB member,
Please see below for this year's pay claim. We have asked management for an urgent meeting to begin negotiations.
GMB G4S Pay Claim 2021.
The GMB had agreed to suspend our pay claim for this year due to the ongoing disruption caused to the industry by Covid. Our members had, in good faith, foregone a pay claim for 2020 too.
Despite our members sacrifice, G4S Cash management were awarded a bonus in February 2021 and had not divulged this to the GMB. This has changed the GMB’s position with regards to the suspension of this year’s claim and we are now submitting a claim for 2021 backdated to 01/01/2021.
With G4S having made mass redundancies the NNC, had at first considered showing restraint in this year's pay claim, however, the labour shortages caused by Brexit and Covid have led to higher paid driving opportunities with other employers, often without the danger of transiting cash. We believe that recruitment and retention is a major issue for G4S Cash and we do not see why our members should not be aspirational in this year's pay claim given the demand in the labour market for their skills.
We believe that the increased risk of attack brought about by the imposition of One Person ATM’s is exasperating the issue and we remain formally in dispute with G4S Cash on this issue, waiting for confirmation for the next steps of the escalation process.
With all of this in mind the GMB submits the 2021 pay claim as follows:
A 7.5% increase in basic pay and all allowances.
Reinstatement of the Overtime rate when working more than 39 hours.
Night payment qualification between 10pm – 6 am.
Kind regards
Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer
Date: 07/06/2021
Dear GMB member,
I'm writing to update you on the current position with One Person ATM's (1PATM's).
Last week the GMB wrote to G4S to confirm the NNC's collective position regarding 1PATM's. The position was (and always has been) that the GMB cannot accept the mandatory imposition of 1PATM's between 7pm and 7am. Any lone working during these hours must be done on a purely voluntary basis.
We asked G4S to confirm their agreement to this position in writing. So far, they have not done this.
We explained to G4S that if we didn't get this commitment in writing that we would be writing to the banks (G4S’ clients) to raise our concerns regarding workers health and safety directly with them.
I am writing to you today to share that letter with you, so you understand all that your union is doing to fight for your health and safety.
We have been made aware of a G4S Group 'Managers Bonus Scheme' which is being made "in recognition of the challenges faced in 2020 as a result of the COVID pandemic." This scheme was introduced as far back as FEBRUARY!
To say this is a kick in the teeth for front line G4S staff is an understatement.
Due to the redundancies across the sector your NNC decided to suspend this year's pay claim. The GMB has also consistently campaigned for a bonus or recognition payment to be made to you - front line workers - who have continued to work through the crisis, which as you know G4S have not paid.
GMB members deserve better.
The revelation that managers are being awarded a bonus for working through the pandemic means that your NNC will now be meeting to discuss this year's pay claim. We will shortly be sending out a pay survey to seek members’ views on their pay and we will be campaigning for a pay increase for our members.