
Last update: 11 Feb 2025

Business and Trade Committee Update - Letter Sent To Bidfood

Posted on:

Dear Bidfood Colleagues and GMB members,

Last week, Bidfood's top bosses received a letter from a group of MP's who make up a parliamentary body called the Business and Trade Committee.

The letter asks them to explain why they have decided to kick the trade unions out of Bidfood.

Importantly it puts Bidfood bosses on notice that they, and the bosses of their parent company Bidcorp, could be called upon to appear in parliament to face a grilling from MP's over their decision to deny Bidfood workers the right to choose whether or not they are represented by a trade union.

I've attached a copy of the letter here: 


We will soon be writing to Bidfood to formally request they recognise the trade unions; this is the first step in the process of achieving something called statutory recognition. If Bidfood refuse to engage in this process, we then approach a body called the CAC where we provide the evidence required to then hold a vote in the depots about whether Bidfood has to recognise the unions.

Please ensure, if you haven't already, that you sign the petition to support the campaign to get the unions back in Bidfood:

We will keep you updated on the next steps for the campaign.

Nadine Houghton,

GMB National Officer


Posted on:

Bidfood are trying to boot the unions out of the workplace. We believe they are doing this to attack your pay and conditions.

What Bidfood have said: The unions are only bringing forward issues from a small number of sites.

What's the reality: Over the past 18 months to two years, we have raised several issues with your employer, all of them have focused on how we can improve working conditions for our members, including; delivery point risk assessments, freezer working standards, pick rates and productivity, parking fines, risk assessments for working in the back of the wagon, annual leave allocation, issues around picking off of pallets, issues with over time and use of CCTV.

What Bidfood have said: You can talk to your line manager or people partner if you have concerns or issues you want to raise.

What's the reality: We always encourage members to raise their concerns directly with their line manager but sometimes you aren't listened to. And what if the issue is a collective one? The whole point of a union is that you have a collective voice in the workplace, it's not down to one person to raise their hand - a union means you can do it together. Your collective voice is louder than one lone voice.

What Bidfood have said: You will no longer have a say in how your pay awards are decided, instead Bidfood will 'evaluate' the business performance and decide what is 'affordable'. They will look at CPI (this does not reflect the cost-of-living increases most of our members experience) and market rates to determine your pay.

What's the reality: Do you trust Bidfood to prioritise your needs over their profit margins? Without union recognition decisions on your pay are made for you - not with you. In the past two years alone we have achieved improvements to your pay awards, including:

  • Increased pay for the lowest paying depots
  • A reduction in the working week for drivers
  • Increased pay offers

What Bidfood have said: We have made this decision (to de-recognise the unions) following direct feedback from our employees via the employee forums.

What's the reality: Employee forums are often tightly controlled by management. These forums fail to hold management accountable over important issues like your pay, health and safety and working conditions.

This all comes down to your right to choose. Your employer has robbed you of your right to choose whether or not you want to be represented by a trade union. You now have to ask yourself whether or not you trust Bidfood to make decisions with your best interests at heart or whether they will prioritise profit.

Don't let Bidfood take away your choice. Sign the petition to support the union campaign to win recognition and ensure you can make this choice for yourself - not have it made for you by Bidfood.

Sign here if you are a transport worker:

Sign here if you are a warehouse worker.

Remember - you do not need to be a union member to sign the petition and Bidfood will not know you have signed it.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton,

GMB National Officer

Urgent Storm Eowyn Update for Bidfood Workers in Scotland

Posted on:

GMB is getting reports that Bidfood are instructing drivers out on to the road in treacherous driving conditions while red weather warnings cover parts of Scotland.

We are urging our members in Scotland to think very carefully about your own personal safety and that of others. Section 44 and 100 of the employment rights act gives you protection from unfair treatment by your employer for refusing work that is unsafe.

Bidfood should not be putting their drivers in this position but equally you have a right to say NO if it's not safe.

Please look after yourselves and each other.

Bidfood - Union Derecognition Threat

Posted on:

Dear Bidfood colleague,

Bidfood are attempting to boot the unions out of the workplace, they want to drive down your terms and conditions - and they need to get rid of your union representation to do this. Don't let them.

In the past two years GMB and Unite have:

  • Secured a reduction in hours for drivers
  • Fought back against an attempt to introduce more flexibility clauses into the warehouse
  • Won improved pay awards
  • Won freezer warm up breaks
  • Improved health and safety standards for drivers
  • Fought for safer working in the back of the wagon

We are proud of what we have achieved for our members and while it may not be everything our members want, we stand behind our record of delivering for members.

If Bidfood succeed in denying you the right to representation the joint trade unions believe you can expect the following:

  • Cuts to your sick pay
  • Cuts to your annual leave entitlement
  • OT calculated monthly / banked hours
  • Greater demand for productivity
  • Increased flexibility in favour of the company
  • Declining health and safety standards

Bidfood will try to blame the union, but this has been a decision years in the making with the simple aim of wanting to squeeze more profit out of driving down your working conditions, terms and conditions and pay.

You all now have a choice, you can let them get away with this or you can take a stand.

If you pay your union subs directly from your wages or you are not a GMB member join online or fill out a form and return it to your workplace steward. You can join here:

We will be communicating next steps in the campaign soon.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton,

GMB National Officer

Bidfood - Update on GMB's Campaigns To Improve Your Working Conditions

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

I wanted to update you on several issues your union has been campaigning on to improve your working conditions:

  1. This years pay award was accepted by 60% of GMB members, this means that your back pay on all hours including over time will be paid in your December pay. Thank you to all of you who took part in the ballot.
  2. Following campaigning from GMB members, Bidfood have agreed to implement a new freezer break standard. Bidfood have agreed that adherence to the British Frozen Food industry standards on freezer breaks is the best way to ensure colleagues working in the freezer have adequate access to warm up breaks, a warm rest area and free warm drinks.

    The BFFI standards are for a 10 min break per hour (after 50 minutes of work). The break should be taken in a warm area and freezer workers should not be directed to do work elsewhere during this break. Free warm drinks should also be provided. We recognise there may be some local variations on this that align with or exceed these arrangements and where workers agree there is no reason these should not be maintained, as long as the principles of the above break schedule are adhered to. Where depots are not aligned with this approach, freezer workers can expect adjustments to their working patterns to reflect the correct way of managing warm up breaks.
  3. GMB have long been pushing for safer working in the back of the wagon. Bidfood are now drafting a risk assessment to cover this area of work, GMB reps will be involved in this risk assessment and will be making recommendations. At our recent health and safety meeting with Bidfood, GMB called for a clear demarcation in the back of the wagons to prevent pallets and cages from being loaded all the way to the back of the wagon, we want to see a clear workspace for drivers.
  4. Following our calls to further improve the safety of drivers, Bidfood will now be improving their delivery point risk assessment process. Drivers will be able to use Q Drop to identify where a delivery point requires a risk assessment. This risk assessment will be carried out in conjunction with suitable GMB representatives. Please use this function when it goes live and identify where you believe a delivery drop could be made safer.F

    In solidarity,
    Your GMB negotiating team in Bidfood.

Your Rights on Annual Leave Allocation and Booking Deadlines

Posted on:

Dear GMB Members,

It has come to our attention that Bidfood is setting a deadline of the 1st of December for employees to book their remaining annual leave and are then proposing to allocate any un-booked remaining leave between January and March.

This bulletin outlines your rights under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR) and provides guidance on how to respond.

Your Rights:

  • Bidfood must provide sufficient notice equal to twice the length of the leave period they wish you to take (e.g., 4 weeks' notice for 2 weeks' leave).
  • Any deadlines imposed by Bidfood should not undermine your ability to take your statutory leave entitlement of 5.6 weeks (28 days for full-time workers, including bank holidays).
  • Under the WTR, you cannot lose your statutory annual leave if your employer has not made reasonable efforts to allow you to take it.

What You Should Do

  • Bidfood should not be placing restrictions on your annual leave requirements that are overly restrictive or discriminatory.
  • To avoid potential issues, it is best to aim to book your leave before any deadlines set by the employer.
  • However, if you feel the deadline set by Bidfood is unreasonable or you are being pressured to take leave at inconvenient times, notify your manager or GMB representative immediately. You can also raise a grievance, particularly if you believe you are being discriminated against, for example if you have a disability of caring responsibilities.

What GMB Will Do Next

  • GMB will be raising this issue with Bidfood, including at our NJC meeting on the 21st November. Bidfood’s approach to managing annual leave this year was not brought to the GMB in advance of its publication and we are concerned there has been no consultation with your union on this important issue.
  • We would like to know what attempts have been made by local managers to support members to book their annual leave, before imposing these restrictive booking deadlines.
  • If you face issues with annual leave allocation, we can help represent your concerns to management.
  • GMB will challenge any attempts to unfairly allocate leave or force workers into taking unwanted holidays, including supporting members bringing grievances and collective grievances where necessary.
  • Annual leave is a health and safety entitlement and should be treated as such.
  • GMB expects employers to work collaboratively with staff to manage leave without imposing unreasonable measures.

If you have questions or concerns about your annual leave rights or how your employer is managing leave, please contact your GMB representative as soon as possible.

In Solidarity,

Your GMB negotiating team

Your Rights Regarding Wage Deductions for Parking Fines

Posted on:

Dear GMB Member,

It has come to our attention that Bidfood are increasingly attempting to recoup the cost of parking fines (incurred during a driver’s duties) from your wages.

GMB want you to know what your rights are on this issue.

We are advising you not to agree to pay the cost of the fine even if you are threatened with disciplinary action (unless you agree and believe you are directly responsible for incurring the fine)

We are providing you with a template letter (which you can download and complete) to use when you are asked to sign a letter consenting to the deduction from your wages to cover the cost of parking fines.

Link to template letter here: 


Your Rights

Under the Employment Rights Act 1996, employers cannot make deductions from your wages unless:

  1. It is required by law (e.g., income tax or national insurance).
  2. It is allowed by the terms of your employment contract.
  3. You have given your explicit written agreement to the deduction.

You are within your rights to refuse to sign the form if you do not agree to these deductions. Any threat of disciplinary action for refusing to sign may amount to bullying and intimidation, for which you are entitled to lodge a grievance.

Parking Fines Are a Business Expense

Parking fines incurred while conducting duties for Bidfood should be treated as an operational cost for the business, not a personal liability for drivers. It is unreasonable for the company to pass this cost onto employees when the fines arise from work-related activities.

What to Do If You Are Asked to Sign

  1. Do Not Sign: Refusing to sign is your legal right.
  2. Inform Your Manager in Writing: Clearly state that you will not agree to the deduction. Use the template provided by the union if needed.
  3. Seek Union Support: Contact your GMB representative if you feel pressured or face disciplinary action.
  4. Raise a grievance: If you feel you are being bullied or intimidated or are being subjected to disciplinary action for refusing to sign.

We Are Here to Support You

GMB is committed to protecting your rights. If you face any issues or require representation, please reach out to your local GMB branch immediately.

Yours in solidarity,


Bidfood Pay Ballot

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

Following the rejection of Bidfood's first 2024 pay offer, the joint trade unions are now in receipt of a revised pay offer.

The new offer addresses the issue of the lowest rate of pay across ten depots and for the majority of cleaners and some PI Operatives. For the rest of our members, the offer remains as it was, a 50p per hour increase.

The revised element of the offer takes the lowest rate of pay, currently £12 per hour to £12.70 per hour. An increase of nearly 6%.

This offer impacts Warehouse Operative across the following depots: Bradford, Edinburgh, Gateshead, Glasgow, Inverness, Larbert, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Oban, Penrith, Wakefield, Wolverhampton, Worthing.

In addition, PI Operatives working out of the following depots will receive the uplift to £12.70 per hour: Birmingham, Bradford, Gateshead, Lee Mill, Liverpool, Manchester, Penrith, Salisbury, Wakefield, Wolverhampton, Worthing.

GMB is recommending acceptance of the offer. The GMB ballot will run from 4-15th November.

Thank you,

Your Joint Union Negotiating Team

GMB and Unite Joint Defence Ministers Letter - Bidfood

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

We know you are frustrated by the delay in your pay award.

Your employer has decided to stop negotiating with the joint trade unions and has even gone so far as to rule out going into mediation at ACAS.

Because of this, we have written to Maria Eagle MP, she is one of the ministers covering the Ministry of Defence. You can read the letter here: 


Your work helps Bidfood deliver food to our armed forces, you are a key worker and it's important that the Labour government understand that one of its key suppliers - Bidfood - is not playing fair by addressing the issue of low pay.

We will be meeting with the defence team to raise our concerns about poverty pay in Bidfood and how this relates to the governments over all procurement strategy.

We will keep you updated.

Your joint trade union negotiating team.

Bidfood Joint Union Pay Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB and Unite members,

The joint unions met with Bidfood on Thursday 26th September.

During this meeting it was communicated to Bidfood that both trade unions had rejected this years pay offer.

Unfortunately, the company made it clear they were not prepared to engage in further talks or consider making any revised pay offer.

The joint trade unions will now meet to agree next steps. We will discuss potential options for a jointly coordinated industrial action ballot and political lobbying in relation to what is fast becoming an issue of poverty pay in Bidfood warehouses.

We will keep you updated on next steps.

Many thanks,

Your joint union negotiating team

Bidfood Pay Offer Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

We know that many of you must be feeling frustrated as you wait for an update on this years pay talks.

You will know that GMB members voted to reject this years pay offer.

We are still awaiting the results of our sister trade union Unite, as a joint union negotiating body we can not move forward with further talks until we know how Unite members have voted.

We are scheduled to meet the company this Thursday (26th September) to have further discussions.

We will update you as soon as we can.

Many thanks,

Your GMB negotiating team

Bidfood Pay Offer Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB Bidfood member,

Thank you for your patience with regards to this years pay offer, I know many of you are keen to understand what the next steps are.

As GMB and Unite are jointly recognised trade unions we need to wait for our sister trade unions ballot results before we have a joint position to communicate to the company.

I expect to have a further update on this in the next few weeks and will be in regular communication with Bidfood regarding next steps.

Please look out for additional GMB updates to follow covering several issues that have been raised by your stewards with regards to health and safety, parking fines, freezer breaks and pick rates.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton and your Bidfood NJC.

Bidfood Pay Offer 2024 - GMB Ballot Results

Posted on:


Dear GMB member,

The results of the GMB Bidfood 2024 pay ballot are as follows:

To Accept the offer - 38%

To Reject the offer - 62%

This means the offer has been rejected.

We will communicate the outcome of the ballot to the employer and provide further updates.

Many thanks,


Bidfood Pay Claim 2024-25 - 14 May 2024

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

Following our national Bidfood Reps’ conference please see attached the GMB pay claim for 2024.

This has now been sent to Bidfood and we look forward to starting pay negotiations. We will of course keep you updated on these.

We are also pleased that progress is being made in our campaign to make deliveries safer. We will be holding our first delivery point risk assessment training session for our transport stewards in June and will be looking at ways we can improve the risk assessment process that has now been established by Bidfood for deliveries, following GMB campaigning on the issue.

Our members have also been talking to us about the need for clearer freezer break guidance and have raised concern about the maintenance of equipment; both of these issues have now been raised with management and will be discussed at our next NJC meeting.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton and the Bidfood GMB NJC team Amber Wilson, Tony Scully, Gary Russell and Tony Crook.

GMB Pay Ballot 2023 - Results

Posted on:

Dear GMB Member,

Thank you to those of you that took part in the recent GMB ballot over Bidfood's 2023 pay offer.

I'm pleased to confirm the results of the ballot are:

To Accept - 65%

To Reject - 35%

Bidfood have confirmed that back pay will be paid in December's pay on or around 21st December. Bidfood are aiming to increase the hourly rates of pay from November's pay onwards and the reduction in drivers’ hours will come into effect from 1st December.

I trust that you will all have an enjoyable festive season with family and friends and thank you again for your patience during this years’ pay talks.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton, your GMB national officer and your GMB negotiating team.

GMB Letter to Labour Front Bench over Bidfood Contract and Strike Concerns - 27/09/23

Posted on:

GMB calls for urgent meeting with Labour front bench over Bidfood contract and strike concerns.

See Letter below:

Mr Shabana Mahmood, MP – Shadow Secretary of State for Justice


Mr Pat McFadden, MP – Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Houses of Parliament



By Email to

Dear Shabana and Pat,

I am writing to you as the GMB National Officer for Bidfood, a company that delivers food for the entire prison estate, to raise with you several issues regarding the company.

GMB members at Bidfood are primarily drivers and warehouse pickers and the union negotiates with the company on their pay and conditions.

Bidfood holds a lucrative contract with the Ministry of Justice, but the contract has been listed as ‘requires improvement’, and recent media reports have stated that Bidfood ‘was said to have not fully satisfied the requirement to ensure availability of food and fulfilment of orders’. We note that Labour’s national procurement plan pledges to strike off failed providers and claw back taxpayer money on failing contracts, and that this will include rewarding companies who treat their workers properly.

In addition, GMB had been engaged in pay talks with Bidfood, with members asking for a pay rise in line with inflation as part of their annual pay increase which was due on the 1st July. However, those talks broke down earlier this month and we are now preparing to ballot members for industrial action, with a ballot likely opening in October.

We are deeply concerned about the impact of any potential strike action on the health and safety of our prisons. These concerns are only heightened by the recent case of terror suspect Daniel Khaliffe, who escaped underneath a Bidfood lorry.

We are keen to meet with you to discuss our Bidfood members’ concerns and the impact of any industrial action on prisons, and also to discuss how we can work together to support Labour’s national procurement plan to ensure taxpayers are getting the best deal and that workers are being treated fairly.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely



GMB Private Services Section

Letter to Secretary of State

Posted on:

Dear Bidfood members,

Please see below a letter from the GMB sent to the secretary of state for justice regarding our health and safety concerns in light of potential industrial action by GMB members.

We will also be meeting shortly with the shadow justice secretary to outline our concerns.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton, GMB national officer

Dear Secretary of State,

Re: GMB Union Industrial Action in Bidfood

I am writing to you as the National Officer covering GMB union members working in Bidfood, who deliver food to all prisons on the Ministry of Justice estate including HM Prison Wandsworth and who will be voting on industrial action in the coming weeks.

The vote comes in light of pay negotiations with the company breaking down, and the escape of the HM Prison Wandsworth inmate Daniel Khalife under a Bidfood lorry, which has raised concerns about the safety and security of our prisons as well as our members.

Unfortunately, Bidfood are refusing to acknowledge that its loyal workforce deserves a cost of living pay increase. But any strike, as a result of this approach to industrial relations by the company, will lead to a worsening of the security situation in our prisons.

As the Ministry of Justice holds the contract with Bidfood we wanted to write to you to discuss the urgent need for intervention from you or your department, as we appreciate you will want to avoid any further deterioration of prison safety in light of events over the last few weeks.

We would be available to meet at a time that is suitable with you or anyone in your department.

Yours sincerely,



Bidfood Pay Ballot 2023 - Next Steps

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

I know many of you are keen to understand next steps following the rejection of the Bidfood 2023 pay offer by both GMB and Unite members.

The company have asked for a meeting with the trade unions on Monday, as they would like feedback following the ballot. We are happy to provide this to them, however we have been clear all along on where the offer falls short.

Following this we will be preparing to launch a full industrial action ballot following the mandate you have given us.

A meeting of GMB organisers is scheduled for next week to start preparation for this. We will notify you of the timeline for this as soon as possible.

We know how strongly you feel about this pay offer and we know you are ready to take action to fight for a better deal.

Thanks for your patience and continued support.

Nadine Houghton,

GMB National Officer

Joint Union Statement on 2023 Pay Ballot Outcome

Posted on:

Dear GMB and Unite members,

The results of the joint union ballot are now in.

The results are as follows:

Members voting to reject: 95.5%

Members voting in favour of being balloted formally for strike action: 92.5%

Clearly this is an overwhelming rejection of the company pay offer and a clear mandate to move forward with a formal ballot for strike action.

Unite and GMB representatives will now be meeting to discuss the timetable for a formal industrial action ballot.

Please be advised that due to annual leave arrangements we will be providing further updates at the beginning of September.

Thanks to all union members for your continued support and your resolve to move forward and win a pay deal that is fair for all.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton - GMB National Officer

Adrian Jones - Unite National Officer

And your joint negotiating committee reps


Posted on:

Dear Colleagues

Please see below a link to the lastest GMB Bidfood video - Bidfood Pay Ballot - Just the Facts - for your information.

In solidarity,




Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

We are advising you to vote NO to the Bidfood 2023 pay offer and YES for a formal ballot for strike action.

It is very disappointing to be coming to GMB members with a pay offer that we are strongly recommending members reject.

Unfortunately, the company just doesn't want to listen. They didn't listen when we said our members are facing the worse cost-of-living crisis in a generation and now is the time to do the right thing. They didn't listen when we said the company can afford to make an appropriate pay award after making substantial profits after tax and they didn't listen when we told them our members are fed up and ready to take action to win a pay rise.

So, we are recommending you reject the 2023 pay offer. Our reasons for recommending rejection are laid out on the opposite side of this bulletin.

We are also recommending that you vote YES for a formal ballot for strike action. Voting yes in this ballot does not mean that we will immediately move ahead with strike action, but it gives us the mandate to organise a formal ballot for industrial action.

We are also sharing with you financial research carried out by the GMB during the preparation of our pay claim. This information shows that 86 per cent of the amount that Bidfood made in after-tax profit over five years was paid out in dividends (to shareholders) over the same period (£122.7 million out of £142.1 million). Some of this money could have easily been reinvested to ensure you received a decent pay award.

The GMB ballot will now run from the 24th July to the 11th August. Please come and vote NO to the pay offer and YES for a formal ballot for strike action.

Your GMB negotiating team.


1. Why is GMB recommending rejection of the 2023 Bidfood pay offer?

Bidfood is an incredibly profitable company. It is not facing any financial difficulties and there is no good reason not to award a decent pay rise this year. GMB members working for Bidfood are experiencing the worse financial crisis in a generation. Now is the time for Bidfood to do the right thing by its workers. You have been the driving force in the company achieving this level of profitability and you deserve to benefit fairly from this.

2. The key issues we have with the offer are as follows:

  • GMB wants to see a minimum rate of pay of £12 per hour in the warehouse.
  • We cannot recommend an offer that sees drivers over time calculated on a monthly basis.
  • We cannot recommend an offer that introduces 'compulsory flexibility' to the warehouse - allowing managers to ask you to leave an hour early but then forcing you to make it up on another shift when they see fit.

3. What happens next?

The GMB will be balloting our members from the 24th July to the 11th August, this will be a workplace ballot where you cast your vote at the ballot box in the workplace.

In addition to recommending our members reject the offer by voting NO, we are asking you whether you want to be balloted formally for strike action.

If the majority of our members vote YES to a formal ballot for strike action we will move forward with a legal, formal ballot. This means that a ballot paper will be sent to your home address, and you will have to return this ballot paper yourself, in the post. We must ensure we have your up-to-date home address to do this.

But - we very much hope it doesn't come to this point; we want to secure an offer that we are able to recommend.

Please speak to your GMB representative if you have any questions and look out for your chance to vote in the GMB ballot.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton, GMB National Officer.


Posted on:

Dear GMB and Unite members,

A joint union pay claim was submitted to Bidfood in April. Following this we have had three meetings with Bidfood to discuss pay. Whilst meetings have been productive, we are disappointed that more has not been achieved.

Both initial offers from the company have been rejected by your NJC committee, they have fallen dramatically short of our members' expectations.

Given our commitment to attempting to achieve a negotiated settlement, we are meeting again on Wednesday 5th July; we are expecting Bidfood to make a full and final offer during this meeting.

Our expectation is that this offer will be sufficiently improved so we can recommend our members accept it. However, if the offer does not improve enough and it does not meet the mandate you have set us we will be recommending that you reject it.

If we find ourselves without an offer to bring to you, we have no choice but to begin the process of asking members what course of action they want to take next, clearly this could include anything up to strike action.

Any decision to move forward with an industrial action ballot is one that can only be taken by our members, and we would ask you first how you wanted to proceed.

Our aim is to agree a deal to bring to our members. We can only do this if your employer is going to engage meaningfully with our members' very reasonable pay claim.

In solidarity,



Posted on:

Dear GMB members,

I'm pleased to confirm that, following a survey of GMB members, your GMB reps have met to agree this year's pay claim. The claim has now been submitted to the company and dates have been agreed for pay talks.

The GMB pay claim is as follows:

  1. A substantial pay increase above RPI
  2. Sick pay from day one
  3. Bank / Public holidays paid at an enhanced rate
  4. Annual bonus / Profit share
  5. Reduction in the working week
  6. Annual leave entitlement to increase in line with length of service

We will keep you updated on progress during the talks and of course, any offer will be subject to a full ballot of the membership.

We will also be writing to you soon to update you on our campaigning work around improving driver delivery drops.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton (GMB national officer) and your GMB national negotiating team


Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

I am writing to update you on the discussions your GMB representatives are having with management regarding Delivery Point Risk Assessments.

You have told us about safety concerns concerning a small number of the delivery points you deliver to. We have taken this incredibly seriously and have escalated the issue swiftly to senior Bidfood management. We first raised formal concerns at our December NJC meeting, raising directly with Bidfood's Health and Safety Director.

Despite what GMB perceived as an initial reluctance to work together on this important issue, we are pleased to say we are now seeing positive steps being taken to identify how we can collectively begin the process of adequately risk assessing delivery drops that present immediate concern.

The precise process for this has yet to be fully agreed and a working group is being established to determine the next steps.

We will be organising a meeting for our transport stewards to fully discuss the issue and to ensure they are fully briefed and able to provide our members with the support they need. We will work tirelessly to ensure you are working safely and are adequately supported by your employer to do this.

We will keep you updated as we continue discussions.

Thank you for your continued support.

Nadine Houghton, GMB National Officer and your GMB National Negotiating Team.

Noticeboard Bulletin - 24-10-2022

Posted on:

Dear GMB driver members,

It has been brought to GMB's attention today that drivers are being asked to drop deliveries to sites that have potentially not been adequately risk assessed. This is particularly an issue at sites with stairs.

As a matter of safety and as an immediate precautionary measure we urge Bidfood to halt all and any deliveries where drivers are expected to use a spiral staircase.

I wanted to provide you, our members, with the following advice regarding this situation;

  1. If you arrive at a delivery where there are stairs or where you believe there is a particular risk to health and safety, GMB recommends that you ask to see a risk assessment.
  2. If one cannot be provided, you are usually advised by your employer to carry out a dynamic risk assessment.
  3. If, after carrying out the dynamic risk assessment, you believe that the work you are being asked to complete is unsafe and detrimental to your health and safety then you must advise Bidfood that this is the case. GMB recommends you do this in writing, providing photographic evidence where possible (although not essential)
  4. If the work cannot be completed safely then GMB believes you may be within your rights to refuse to complete the work, in line with section 44 of the Employment Act 1966.

We have requested an urgent meeting with Bidfood to discuss this issue.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Please work safely and raise any concerns immediately with your line managers.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton,

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 16-06-2022

Posted on:

Dear Colleagues

Thank you for your continued patience as your joint trade unions negotiate the harmonisation of pay and conditions.

We are now able to confirm the joint result of the ballot.

The result represents the total number of all union members.

The results are:

51% to reject pay harmonisation

49% to accept pay harmonisation

We have now communicated this result to the employer and look forward to reconvening talks at the earliest opportunity in the hope of getting an acceptable deal to bring back to the members.

We will keep you updated on these talks.

Thank you,

Nadine Houghton GMB

Noticeboard Bulletin - 13-06-2022

Posted on:

Dear Colleagues,

The GMB is now balloting on an offer from Bidfood over harmonisation of terms and conditions and the company pay offer for 2022.

By now, you should have all seen the detail of the offer which has been provided individually to all staff.

The offer affects different members in different ways and therefore we are not attaching a formal recommendation to accept or reject, it is down to you to decide whether this is a good deal or not. However, this is the best that can be achieved through negotiation.

We know the offer can be confusing so your GMB reps will be available to answer questions.

The ballot will run from the 18th May to the 1st June in your workplace.

It is only GMB members that are eligible to vote so if you want your say, make sure you join the GMB JOIN.

Kind regards

Simon Goodwin and the GMB Negotiating Team

Noticeboard Bulletin - 10-12-2021

Posted on:

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to all GMB members that voted in the recent GMB pay ballot. Your voice is important.

The results of the GMB 2021 enhanced pay offer ballot are as follows:



The company has been advised of the results and the pay uplift should reach this month’s pay.

Roger Jenkins

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 12-11-2021

Posted on:

Following the agreement and implementation of the 2021 pay offer we have seen a number of companies offering further incentives and bonuses putting further pressures on recruitment and retention within parts of Bidfood.

The company approached the joint Trade Unions with a proposal to increase pay and allowances at a small number of sites contrary to the National Agreement.

For GMB members, the Pay Harmonisation and Simplification was the key part of the 2021 pay agreement and any further increases need to be applied across the business to avoid widening the differentials between sites and undermining the Pay Harmonisation talks. We now have a commitment from both sides to prioritise the harmonisation discussions with a goal of agreeing final proposals by the end of January 2022.

Following further negotiations between the company and the joint Trade Unions the following is now being proposed which is fully supported by your GMB negotiators.

To apply a further additional increase to all CBU employees. As follows:

  • £250 on basic pay for all members of the CBU - backdated 1st July 2021. This is equivalent to 1% for warehouse employees and 0.7% for transport employees. Due to early payroll cut off in December this will be paid in January 2022.
  • Commitment to prioritise and commence Pay Simplification discussions; first meeting agreed as 2nd December 2021 with further meetings to take place.
  • Intention to move to Operational Routing within Paragon across the network

We are now running a consultative workplace ballot on the above pay offer. GMB reps will be conducting the ballot which closes Friday, 19 November 2021.

Roger Jenkins

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 27-08-2022

Posted on:

August Newsbrief No 4/2021

Dear Colleagues,

May we thank all union members for your participation in the GMB pay ballot. Your voice is important.

The results of the GMB 2021 pay ballot are as follows:



I have today informed the company of GMB pay ballot results and requested the pay uplift be implemented as per our discussions.

Roger Jenkins

National Officer, GMB Union

April Newsbrief No3/2021

Posted on:

Dear Colleagues,

GMB prides itself on listening to our members. GMB is a lay member led union and our members in the workplace are the backbone and collective strength of our union. It is only right that we ask members what they would like to see in any pay and conditions claim before we make our demands to the company on your behalf. Senior company managers have made it very clear that Pay & Conditions National Agreements only apply to Trade Union members that are party to the national agreement. Therefore, we will only submit a Pay and Conditions claim to the company that will now apply to Trade Union members only. GMB Union is the largest trade union in Bidfood, GMB members have a Voice in a GMB pay claim, and only GMB members get to vote on any pay offer negotiated with the company. Any new member joining GMB can also take part in the survey and subsequent ballot.

IMPORTANT: Please fully complete the survey form below, (we need your up-to-date email and mobile number so we can contact you with information about negotiations and other matters connected with your work). Fully Complete the survey please - it takes two minutes. When completed please hand back/or email a photograph or scanned copy to your Local site GMB Steward/or your GMB Regional Organiser at their Local GMB Office. The form must be returned no later than 30th April 2021, if you want your updated details and views to be counted.



Job Title:

Department: Mobile:

Email: Depot:



Please return your completed form to your GMB steward/ regional organiser before 30th April 2021.

20 April 2021

April Newsbrief No2/2021

Dear Colleagues,

Throughout the pandemic your GMB Union Full time Officials and your Local GMB Union Stewards have worked hard to ensure that the strictest safety measures are in place to help combat the spread of the Covid virus in your workplaces. GMB negotiated payments for members who had to self-isolate, or shield. Due to the downturn in business caused by Covid emergency restrictions, GMB were successful in negotiating furlough protections and a ground-breaking Temporary National Agreement to save jobs. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic and the effects it had on the business it was right that a pay freeze for 2020 was part of the Temporary National Agreement to help save jobs.

The pay anniversary is due in July 2021, and it is now time to seek the views of GMB members regards what you want to see as a member in a GMB pay and conditions claim with the company. We believe that GMB membership gives you an important voice in your workplace and your terms and conditions. It also makes the union relevant in your workplace and with the company.

Importantly for GMB members to note, it has been pointed out by senior management that the trade union national agreement that covers pay and conditions only applies to Trade Union members. Therefore, we will this year only be seeking to negotiate a pay rise and uplift on conditions to be applied to GMB Union members.

GMB Union is the lead union at Oban, Inverness, Larbet, Edinburgh, Penrith, Liverpool, Manchester, Bradford, Wakefield, Nottingham, Bicester, Stowmarket, Chepstow, Swansea, Harlow, Hoddesdon, Paddock Wood, Woking, Slough, Basingstoke, Reading and we have a number of members at other sites too.

The Pay & Conditions survey will commence at all depots starting 21st April and will close on the 30th April 2021 which will be conducted by GMB stewards/ GMB Regional Organisers where possible. Please hand back your completed Pay & Conditions Survey Form back to your GMB steward/ GMB Regional Officer.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have not received a Pay Survey Form by the 26h April you must contact your local GMB steward/ GMB Regional Organiser or the Chair of the GMB NJC Stewards Simon Goodwin by sending an email to and we will ensure you get a survey form.

As a GMB Member you can make your Voice count!! New Members can take part too!!

Have your Say on your Pay!

For and on behalf of your GMB Union and NJC Stewards

Mick Rix National Officer, GMB

22 February 2021

Dear Colleagues,

Throughout the pandemic your GMB Union reps have worked hard and encouraged collaboration with senior management to ensure that the strictest measures are in place to help combat the spread of the virus in the workplace.

We wish to raise with GMB members some concerns that you need to be aware of. The company have agreed to take part in government tests on testing by the use of Lateral Flow Tests (LFT's) which uses Lateral Flow Devices (LFD's). These were the tests that the government originally wanted to introduce into schools and colleges. Recently the Department for Education ordered that daily tests using these devices be stopped in schools and colleges. There are arguments amongst official scientists regards the use of the tests, for and against.

The renowned British Medical Journal published strong reservations after the Liverpool LFT pilot took place. It showed that 60% of people who had the virus got a "false negative result" from the Innova device, and a third of those who had high viral levels were wrongly told they were infection-free. Preliminary data used from a study of University of Birmingham students found only 3.2% of those infected with the virus were correctly given a positive result.

Angela Raffle, consultant in public health at the University of Bristol Medical School, says the further rollout of LFTs is very worrying. She points out that the manufacturers only recommend the Innova device for use by qualified medical practitioners on people with symptoms. 'For the goverment to claim that tests are accurate, reliable and "hugely successful" is dangerously misleading.'

The tests that the company are introducing are Voluntary, they are NOT Compulsory. Bidfood have decided to take part in the government trial and are using "non-medical" qualified person. Evidence published shows there is a likely increase in "False Negatives" if the test is conducted by a "non-medical" trained person.

Again, there is also evidence to suggest that people who are asymptomatic who have used these tests have been found to have the virus, which previously would have remained undetected. So, there are arguments in favour and against. Whatever you decide, please do not be lulled into a false sense of security if you have been tested and your test says you are "Covid Negative". These tests are not a silver bullet. You must still observe the Covid Procedures agreed with the company, and the published guidance and instructions from UK Government and the devolved governments.

The best and most proven methods in the fight to contain Covid and to help protect you, your workmates and your family and friends, is Wear A Mask, Maintain Social Distance, Wash Your Hands.

For and on behalf of your GMB Union and NJC Stewards
Mick Rix National Officer, GMB

Join us and become a GMB
member today.