The BOC Gases Pay Offer for 2024/5 was accepted by both GMB and Unite.
Unfortunately, some members did not get a ballot as it was done by email and SMS. GMB Regions will be in touch with you to update your details. As well as mobile number and email you will be asked to confirm your home address and BOC bargaining unit.
BOC Framework Agreement
The employer has been in consultation with the Trad Union and employee representatives about a new negotiations and consultation framework agreement. Further consultation will take place in the autumn. The fundamental view of GMB Shop stewards is that there must be no detriment to exiting terms and conditions of employment.
I will convene a meeting of the BOC shop stewards for early next week to discuss it.
Further bulletins will follow in due course.
Kevin Brandstatter,
National Officer
BOC Pay Offer 2024/25
Posted on:
Dear Members,
Please follow the link below to read a joint statement containing BOC’s pay offer.
You have been sent a link to an electronic pay ballot. Please read the joint statement and vote in the pay ballot.
BOC - Update on Industrial Action
Posted on:
Dear GMB Union member,
Members will be aware that within BOC there are numerous 'bargaining units' where trade unions negotiate with the employer in those respective areas, and pay awards and terms and conditions do differ between the various groups.
Where individual groups of workers enter into 'trade disputes' with the employer, members in other groups may be unsure of where you stand. In the coming weeks, there may be industrial action taking place within BOC that your own collective group may not be directly involved with, so we would like to share answers to the below FAQ's to all members. We hope you find this useful.
1. How do I know if my bargaining group/occupation/site is being called on industrial action?
You would have been balloted on strike action via an independent scrutineer by post. Following legal ballot results, only certain officials within GMB can then call on you to take action in furtherance of the trade dispute. If you are still unsure if you are involved, you should speak with your rep or local/regional GMB official.
2. Can I take industrial action anyway if my group is not involved?
Under the laws of the land, no, as you have not been balloted (as the dispute does not technically affect you directly) and so you are not in scope of the dispute, so we could not lawfully call you to take any action.
3. What if there is a picket line?
The official 'Code of Practice on Picketing' states "Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether they will cross a picket line". If you decide not to cross a picket line – either when going in or going out of the workplace – you should contact your line manager to let them know, for example you felt intimidated or at risk to do so, or you could not guarantee safety.
4. What if my site/workplace is closed due to the industrial action?
If you are not in the group taking industrial action, you would still need to be paid in full, as you are available for work, but the employer can't provide any work to you, due to the impact of the action taking place.
5. What if the employer asks me to cover work for a group taking industrial action?
If you are not in a group taking industrial action, you should just 'work normally' as we would never wish to undermine other union members taking action. You should work in accordance with your normal duties and responsibilities and your contract of employment. You should not take on any additional responsibilities that are (a) not things you would normally do, and (b) have arisen due to the other group's industrial action. This includes not taking on overtime to cover for duties and responsibilities that are not normally yours. Please speak to your rep or local/regional GMB official if you are unsure.
6. How can I show my support to groups taking industrial action?
Your GMB officials will often write to the group(s) involved to express our support and solidarity with them in their dispute(s) and call on the employer to settle. GMB members may choose to donate to any hardship funds in place to support those taking action in other areas. You may wish to tell your fellow workers that you are behind them. You may wish to attend any rallies or protests outside of work time and in a personal capacity to show your support.
If you have any other queries, please speak with your local rep or GMB official.