Air Products - Bay Operators Newsletter - 19th March 2025
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- NJC 19/3/24 Membership update
The National Committee reps met with he company as part of the quarterly NJC to discuss ongoing concerns within the business, following on from the pay negotiations and successful pay ballot. The company have confirmed that the pay will be implemented in the May payroll and will be backdated to the 1st March 2025.
- Business overview
There has been a new CEO appointed and whist he is in the transition period there is no official update on the direction of the company.
Argon shortages impacted in January & February but has recovered and looking positive for March. Overall volumes have been struggling but this should level out soon. Plants are staring to run more consistently which will have a knock-on impact to the bay sites.
- Recognition agreement
There are a couple of updates re changes following the pay negotiations, once the tracked changes are received then the agreement can be signed by the National Officer.
Following the NJC previous and the request for appropriate PPE, orders have now been placed and Walkden has already taken place.
- PACK devices
The team is working on the PACK devices as part of the global issue, this work is still ongoing, and an upgrade is due shortly, but no date has been given as confirmation. The company know how frustrating this is and will keep chasing to get a date.
- Security
An IT upgrade took place, and this has caused problems across the sites, new circuit boards have been ordered to ensure the sites are secure. The NC asked for insurance to cover people’s property, the company have stated they won’t insure anyone’s personal property but will get issue resolved as a priority and put measures in place to make property secure.
- Christmas working
This was asked at the previous NJC to allow closure over 3 days, the company have said they will not agree as the competitors are open and would potentially lose business. They said they would only operate with skeleton staff, and it should only be staff that want to work those dates. The sites know now what and who they want to work so plans should be put in place asap and staff updated to allow for the time off.
- Walkden
Loading and unloading spreadsheet figures.
Recording of pallets, the company have said there is no need for these to be recorded, only the times should be recorded, and they are only looking at times, they know there is a problem with the system where its not pulling all the information through. Until this is fixed there is no concern over this being recorded as this has been accounted for.
- Forklift Truck
The diesel trucks are having major problems, and the electric one is not charging correctly. This is causing problems as sometimes only 1 truck can be used. This needs to be raised with procurement the issues that occurring as well as taking up with Linde.
- Bardon
Forklift Truck
Seating problems, there was a trail of a new seat, but no feedback has been given. This needs to be fed back up to procurement, so that they can go back to Linde to get resolutions.
Sort plate – need to have heating curtains put in place. They thought this was already in place as part of the project, they will check on this and feedback.
- Solar panels
Could this be investigated as a possible for helping to save money for the site. This will be on the agenda to investigate, but the cost of installation is prohibitive and why it has not been implemented before.
Bardon has been selected to trial a new priority cannister filling system. This is in the design process and visits to the site will be taking place over the next few weeks to get more information to feed into the design process.