PH JONES - PAY 2025 OFFER - 10 February 2025
Posted on:
10 February 2025
To: All Members in PH Jones
Dear Colleague,
As you are no doubt aware, GMB have been engaged in discussions with the company over the 2025 pay offer for the last couple of months. These talks have been difficult with PH jones continuing to post losses which obviously have an impact on their ability to fund higher rates. Despite this, we have been able to secure an offer which is being recommended for acceptance by the negotiating team. This offer is above the RPI rate of inflation which is what our agreed pay claim requested.
The offer is as follows:
- 3.7% on all basic rates, overtime, standby and all rate card prices.
- For staff on the Real Living Wage, their salary will be increased to the new rate of £12.60.
- For lead agents, the 5% differential remains meaning receive a minimum of £13.23 (or 3.7% on their current rate, whichever is the greater).
- A minimum of 20 engineers retrained for NSZ Heat Pump Install and service and repair.
In terms of the offer, the fact that we have achieved our main objective of securing an above RPI deal from a loss-making part of the business means that we have secured our main objective. When compared to other parts of Centrica, this offer is higher than in some collectives but lower than in others. However, considering the nature of PH Jones and the fact that the majority of contracts only increase by CPI (which is 2.5%), this means that the cost of wages within the business will increase above the rate that can be charged back to the clients.
As a result of this, we are asking you to vote to accept the offer in order for this to be processed from 1st April.
The Ballot
We will shortly begin the ballot, which will start at 12pm on Wednesday, 12th February and close by 12pm on Wednesday, 19th February 2025. This will be an electronic ballot and the link to vote will be sent to members by SMS or email. If you do not get your ballot link, or have difficulties in accessing this ballot electronically, please contact your local rep.
Please ensure you cast your vote.
If you have any questions about this, please contact your local union rep.
Yours sincerely