National Grid Electricity Transmission

Last update: 3 Jun 2024
Latest Bulletins

National Grid - 2024 Pay Claim Bulletin - 3 June 2024

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For members in National Grid Electricity Transmission, ESO, NGV, and Corporate only

Does not include National Gas Transmission and National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) members.

Dear Member

Over the past few months, GMB & other Trade Unions have been in negotiations with National Grid about the 2024 pay claim. National Grid initially offered 4%, which has increased during negotiations to 5.25% as part of a two-year deal. Both GMB & Unison pushed Grid to improve on the offer for years one & year two, but the company has been unwilling to move on the offer. Below is a summary of the company’s final offer. Full details will follow. As it Is the final offer, GMB want members to have their say & we will be balloting members shortly.

Final Pay & Conditions Offer (two-year proposal)

  • From 1st July 2024 - A 5.25% increase on basic rates & relevant allowances.
  • From 1st July 2025, a pay rise based the CPIH inflation rate + 1% with a minimum of 2.75% and maximum of 6%. The CPIH rate will be calculated over a 12-month average from April 2024 to March 2025.

Employees whose base pay exceeds their respective salary ranges in Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a reduced pay award up to the new maximum for their grade, including those in pay protections.

Pay Progression (two-year interim proposal)

The proposal is for an interim arrangement over the next two years to enable pay progression for colleagues at Levels 6-8. The aim will be to reach a transparent agreement on a longer-term solution with objective criteria. The NGSF working group to plan our next steps, starting with meetings in early Autumn 2024.

  • Level 1 to 5 pay progression is competency based and will remain the same.
  • Levels 6 –8 colleagues, where base pay is up to the top of Core (107.5%) the salary range will be eligible for 3.5% pay progression, with an On Target or Above Target end of year rating.

A pay progression assurance for Levels 6-8 will be applied to colleagues who have been at the same grade for six years (Standard Range /Advanced Skills Range are treated as the same grade) as of July 2025 and have received a minimum of an on-target end-of-year rating, for the 2024/25 performance year. Colleagues will have their base pay increased to the top of the core (107.5%) of their salary range, effective from 1 July 2025 (Year 2).

Bonus (two-year proposal)

2024 – Employees will receive a 3% non-consolidated bonus as of 31st March 2024. The bonus will be pro-rated for part time staff and those who joined during the last performance year. There will be a minimum bonus payment of £1,000 if the 3% bonus equates to less than this figure, based on full time working hours.

2025 – Colleagues will be awarded a bonus payment based on a colleagues’ end-of-year rating as follows: -

  • 4% - Above Target, 3% - On Target, 0% - Below Target.

Colleagues who have worked the full performance year with an On Target end-of-year rating are guaranteed £1,050, based on full time working hours.

There will be simplified end of year ratings introduced for Year 2, as below.

  • New Hires: This rating reflects the initial adaptation and learning phase of colleagues who join the company on or after January 1. During this stage, colleagues are building the foundation for their role.
  • Below Target: The colleague has not met the defined objectives and/or consistently acted in line with company values. Significant improvement is needed in one or more critical areas.
  • On Target: The colleague has achieved defined objectives while acting in line with company values.
  • Above Target: The colleague has consistently exceeded all defined objectives above the established standard while consistently exemplifying company values.

Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) - Employees on a formal PIP would not be eligible for a pay increase, pay progression, or bonus unless their salary falls below the new minimum of their respective pay range. Employees who successfully complete a PIP within that Performance Year would receive the negotiated pay award effective from the completion date.

Standby Allowance - In addition to the pay increase, the standby rate for colleagues on electricity terms and conditions only, on any rostered days off, bank holidays (excluding Christmas and New Year), plus Saturday and Sunday, will increase to £80 per day.

Improvements to the Family Provisions Policy - Removal of the qualifying service requirement for colleagues eligible to receive maternity, paternity, adoption and surrogacy enhanced company pay, effective 1 July 2024.

Private Medical Insurance - A £100 contribution (pro rata new joiners) towards the annual single cover rate for private medical insurance (PMI) for the scheme year 1 December 2024 – 30 November 2025 for colleagues who buy it through the flexible benefits platform.

Appointments and Promotion / Secondment - An increase of up to 7.5% to roles at Levels 6 – 8 in accordance with the policies.

We have got the company to increase their offer. We have pushed them to improve the offer and believe the company could afford to pay more. We have reached the end of negotiations, the company have made a final offer, and its time GMB members voted on whether to accept or reject the two-year pay proposal. Details of the GMB Ballot will follow.

In Solidarity


National Officer

National Grid - Joint Trade Union Pay Claim 2024 - 5 March 2024

Posted on:



For members in National Grid Electricity Transmission, ESO, NGV, and Corporate only

Does not include National Gas Transmission and National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) members.

Dear Members,

GMB and the other joint unions submitted the following claim on 4th March 2024:


National Grid PLC and its UK operations remains a highly profitable business with a very impressive financial performance including a significant increase in pre-tax profits in 2023.

Key measures that show this from National Grid PLC accounts -

- A 17.4% increase in turnover to £21.7bn.

- A 4.3% increase of pre-tax profit from £3.4bn to £3.6bn.

- An 3.8% increase in profit per employee from £117,472 to £121,902.

Inflation since our 2023 settlement has been consistently high, and while it has fallen, the last quarter has seen that decline tail off.

We note that regular pay grew by 6.6% in nominal terms in the last three months to November 2023 according to the ONS, and that pay growth has outpaced inflation for five consecutive months in the same period.

Our Claim

For 2024 we are seeking:-

  • A consolidated above RPI inflation pay rise on salaries, pay scales and steps that reflects union members contribution to National Grids' highly successful business performance that improves year on year.
  • We are seeking this award which we believe to be fair and affordable and sees members standard of living advance ahead of the cost of living and inflation, which remains stubbornly high.
  • To secure a pay settlement the company must introduce pay progression measures where these do not already exist as part of any settlement for 2024 and agree meaningful steps to deliver an enduring solution that provides this.
  • In addition to progression, that joint work is undertaken between the company and TU side through the NGSF to identity opportunities and governance for progression to enhanced and above the ‘rate for the job’ where members L1-8 have enhanced or advanced skills or competences.
  • An improvement to the Defined Contribution pension scheme, specifically making allowances consistently pensionable consistently across DB and DC schemes, the introduction of pre-retirement leave for all members and improving employer DC contributions.
  • Improvements to shift and standby allowances beyond the negotiated salary settlement to encourage employee attraction and retention of these critical roles.
  • The re-introduction of employee private medical care.
  • A joint Company and Trade Union benchmarking working group to review all market supplements and salary levels in different grades and roles under the NSGF jurisdiction with the authority to agree improvements outside of annual pay negotiations.
  • An agreed way forward on the Ways of Working update with the clear shared understanding that this is a joint agreement and cannot be varied by either party without negotiation or agreement.
  • An improvement to the basic annual leave entitlement by an additional day.
  • Finally, with the imminent sale of the ESO, it is pivotal that these negotiations cover the ESO and that the company make every effort to ensure that these negotiations are concluded before the sale of the ESO.

First talks with company take place on 22nd March and we will keep you informed of developments.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union and want a say on your pay, then you can join online at

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

GMB National Grid Pay Survey 2024 - 8 January 2024

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National Grid –

GMB Pay Survey 2024

For members in National Grid Electricity Transmission, ESO, NGV, and Corporate only

Does not include National Gas Transmission and National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) members.

Dear members

Thanks to all GMB members for taking time to complete the pay survey. It is important that GMB members have a say on pay. We had a good response, and we will use the results to help draw up the pay claim with GMB reps and the other trade unions.

The top two issues that came up in the survey were the percentage pay rise and pay progression. The cost-of-living crisis is still hitting people hard and real price rises and increases in interest rates and rents are far higher than the headline inflation figures. From the survey it is clear that GMB members are looking for an increase that reflects this and maintains a good standard of living.

Pay talks across the energy sector are starting this month and the pay negotiations with National Grid are scheduled for the middle of January. We will keep you informed of developments as discussions progress.

If you are not yet a member of GMB Union, and you want a say on your pay, you can join online at or complete the form overleaf and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

National Grid Staff Forum Joint Statement

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National Grid Staff Forum (NGSF) Joint Statement – Future System Operator (FSO)

12 September 2023

The NGSF is comprised of representatives from Senior Management, Employee Relations along with senior union representatives including our four Full Time Officers from Prospect, Unite, UNISON and GMB.

The NGSF welcomes the Electricity System Operator (ESO) recent update to those colleagues in enabling functions welcoming them to the Future System Operator. This is a positive step as it gives colleagues (who are clearly aligned to ESO today) certainty, while also giving the opportunity for the leadership team to share with them the vision of the Future System Operator.

The NGSF and their respective local forums (Joint Services & ESO Forum) continue to have open dialogue. We jointly recognise the importance of constructive relationships as we work towards a smooth transition with appropriate assurances through the process of separating the ESO from National Grid.

The NGSF and the local forums remain committed to further engagement and consultation, where appropriate as soon as more information becomes available.

We appreciate that colleagues may have questions and we encourage you to speak to your line manager, your People Partner or contact your trade union representative.

We would like to thank you for your continued commitment

Kind regards

Nikki Jamieson – FSO Separation Director

Kayte O’Neil – Director of Transformation, ESO

Claire Crofts – Joint Secretary (Company side)

Steve Thomas – Joint Secretary (Trade Union side) Prospect, National Secretary

Matt Jones – Unite, National Officer

Matthew Lay - UNISON, National Officer

Gary Carter– GMB, National Officer

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member today.