National Gas Transmission

Last update: 21 May 2024
Latest Bulletins

National Gas Transmission Bulletin - 2024 Pay Offer - GMB Ballot Results - 21 May 2024

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Dear member

The pay & conditions ballot has now closed. The ballot papers have been counted and the result is as follows:

78% - Accept

22% - Reject

We would like to thank members for taking part in the ballot. We have informed the company of the result and asked them to confirm that the pay rise will be in the July pay run.

In Solidarity

Gary Carter

National Officer

Joint TU Statement - National Gas Transmission Pay Talks Update

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Dear Members,

Please open the link below to read a Joint Trade Union Statement containing an update on pay talks.


NGT - Travel Overtime Update - 23 October 2023

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Dear member

The company sent the joint trade unions proposals for an alternative travel overtime proposal, which is summarised below.


  • Agree a common ‘personal’ commute time (unpaid) at beginning and end of each working day for people on home start contracts.
  • All overtime outside of this agreed ‘personal’ commute time will be eligible for overtime at premium rates (1.5 / 2.0 Sunday) for delivery of work regardless of whether it is planned or unplanned.
  • ‘Personal’ commute time (unpaid) of up to 30 minutes at beginning and end of each day (total 1 hour per day).
  • Travel overtime for meetings and training remain unchanged at single time (1.0) as per the handbook.
  • All work-related journeys (with the exception of the above) would be claimable as premium time (1.5 / 2.0 Sunday)
  • The above represents no change for anyone on a site-based contract.
  • Removes the difference between what is paid for planned and unplanned work.
  • The proposal represents no change for those on a site-based contract. The proposal would require changes to the home start contract, and we calculate that GMB members would be worse off under this proposal compared to what is currently being paid, which is subject the dispute.

Whether site or home based, GMB members must not be worse off, so we have written to the company and declined the proposal.

We do however remain open to finding a negotiated settlement to the dispute.

If you’re not yet a member of GMB union, you can join online at or complete a membership form and return it to your GMB workplace rep.

We’re stronger together.

Gary Carter

National Officer

Join us and become a GMB
member today.