
Last update: 14 Feb 2025

Swissport Pay Ballot Results 2025

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Member,

Thank you to all members who voted in your recent pay ballot, and a big thank you to all your station reps and the external GMB organisers for all their hard work in arranging the ballot - no small task.

Every vote counts, so thank you for your patience whilst it took a little while to collect and collate all the results to give us our final total.

The outcome is that you have decided by a large margin to accept the employer's offer. The final vote was as follows:

ACCEPT - 87%

REJECT - 13%

We have now informed the employer that the offer is formally accepted.

Together we are stronger - if you have any colleagues who are not yet members, please ask them to join GMB Union online today.

Your National Negotiating Committee (NNC) is currently missing representation from a few stations. It is so important that all stations have a voice. If you have a colleague who is a natural spokesperson or leader, why not nominate them to be a rep today?

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts - National Officer for Aviation

Nathan Keightley - Swissport GMB NNC Chair

For and On Behalf of your Swissport NNC

Swissport 2025 Pay Offer Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Member,

Following our previous meetings, I can now confirm that the Company offer, which will apply to employees covered by Swissport GB Limited & GMB Collective Pay Bargaining Arrangements.

  • A General increase to Default, Basic Pay Rates and core legacy allowances.

With effect 1st January 2025 the above will be increased by 4%.

From 1st January we will ensure that the

  1. We will ensure the minimum rate at all locations is 12.41ph – which is 0.20ph above the NLW.
  2. We will ensure there is a minimum differential between all level 1 DPRs & level 1P DPRs of 0.20ph.
  3. We will ensure there is a minimum differential between all level 1P DPRs & level 2 DPRs of 0.20ph.

A further increase to level 35 of 1% from 1st May 2025. Please note this additional increase will also be applied to any level 2 DPRs that only benefited from the general increase of 4% from 1st Jan.

  • Additional Points.

During the discussion we confirmed the following points:

  • a) Introduction of a Night Shift Allowance of 0.60ph with effect 1st Jan payable for hours worked between 11pm and 6am.
    1. An increase in the above Night Shift Allowance of 0.15ph from 1st May 2025 – taking it to 0.75ph.
  • From January 2025 an improvement to the Long Service Award for colleagues on a J14 as follows
    1. A payment of 250 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 5 years’ service in 2025.
    2. A payment of 500 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 10 years’ service in 2025.
    3. A payment of 750 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 15 years’ service in 2025.
    4. A payment of 1,000 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 20 years’ service in 2025.
    5. A payment of 1,250 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 25 years’ service in 2025.

From January 2025 the introduction of a long service award for colleagues not on a J14 as follows:

  1. A payment of 250 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 15 years’ service in 2025.
  2. A payment of 500 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 20 years’ service in 2025.
  3. A payment of 750 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 25 years’ service in 2025.
  4. A payment of 1,000 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 30 years’ service in 2025.
  5. A payment of 1,250 (FTE) to any colleague who reaches 35 years’ service in 2025.

Please note the above will be payable in December 2025.

  • From January 2025 the introduction of a Death in Service Benefit of 1 x Annual Salary for those employees who do not receive this as part of their pension.
  • From April 2025 the introduction of a leave purchase scheme of up to 37.5 additional annual leave hours which can be purchased in March 2025 and will be added to annual leave balance with effect 1st April. Payment for the purchase will be deducted at 1/12th each month from April 2025 to March 2026.
  • From 2025 an enhanced Maternity Leave scheme which provides for 90% of an employee’s average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 9 weeks and a enhanced Paternity Leave scheme which provides for 90% of an employee’s average weekly earnings (before tax) for the first 3 weeks.
  • Ballot Process & New Rates.
  • It was agreed, as a gesture of goodwill, with effect 16th January, whilst waiting on the result of the ballot, all job adverts will be adjusted to reflect the proposed 2025 rates.
  • If we receive the result of the ballot on or before 4th February 2025, we will be able to process the uplifts and backpay in February 2025.
  • Next Pay Review

The next pay review will be effective from 1st January 2026.

The offer is also made on the understanding that the proposals will carry a positive recommendation for acceptance.

Matt Roberts

GMB National Officer

Swissport Update On Pay Issues

Posted on:

Dear GMB Member,

Due to the change over from Kronos to day force, approximately 10% of the workforce have been issued payslips with the wrong tax codes and have been emergency taxed. This will be rectified by the time it’s paid, and a subsequent payslip will be issued. There are also pockets of employees that are missing overtime due, this is currently being worked on by Swissport.

The company will issue further updates in due course.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer

Swissport Pay Ballot Outcome

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union member,

Thank you to all members who had your say on pay and voted in the 2024 Swissport Pay Ballot. The results are all now in and have been counted in full.

64.8% of GMB members have voted to accept the offer, with 34.9% voting to reject, and the balance being spoilt/invalid votes.

Your union will now inform the employer that the vote was to accept their final offer on pay for 2024.

We are currently looking for additional union reps in all stations. Please contact your GMB Region/Nation if you are interested in representing your colleagues/station.

Thanks again to everyone who voted on the pay deal.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts

National Officer, for and on behalf of your Swissport NNC

Swissport Pay Offer 2024

Posted on:

Following talks between GMB Union and Swissport, the company (Swissport) has made the following offer to employees covered by Swissport GB Limited & GMB National Collective Pay Bargaining Arrangements on 2024 pay.

Default & Basic Pay Rates.

Effective 1st January 2024 the following increases will be applied:

a) Increase to current Level 1 (New Starter) Default Pay Rates of 4.5%.

b) Ensure the minimum rate at all locations is 11.64 – 0.20ph above the NLW.

c) The introduction of a new post probation grade of level 1P Grade attained after successful probation / 6 months service. Level 1P will be set at Level 1 (New Starter) Default Pay Rates plus 6% (subject to a minimum uplift of 0.23ph or 450pa (FTE) or £11.87)

d) Increase to current Level 2 – Level 5 Default Pay Rates of 7%.

e) A further increase to levels 2 – 5 of 1% from 1st September 2024.

Legacy Allowances

Effective 1st January 2024 the following increase will be applied to core legacy allowances.

a) Meal Break Allowances will be increased by 7%

b) Protected Pay Supplements will be increased by 7%

c) Variable & Fixed Legacy Allowances will be increased by 7%.

These allowances along with the default pay rates will form core basic pay.

Weighting Allowances

Weighting allowances to be consolidated at their current value at their current locations.

Additional Points

a) From 2024 an increase in the premium payable for working Christmas Day from time and a half to double time.

b) From 2024 the introduction of a Long Service Award of 500 (FTE) which will be payable in December. This is applicable to all employees who started in 2014, are on a J14 contract and / or who started prior to 2014 and are not in receipt of any core legacy allowances reference in point 2.

c) From 2024 the introduction of a Death in Service Benefit of 1 x Annual Salary for those employees who do not receive this as part of their pension.

d) From 2024 the introduction of a leave purchase scheme of up to 5 additional annual leave days which may be purchased after normal leave is utilised, and subject to availability. From 2025 the leave year will move to end in March 2026 with a pro rata change in entitlement for the period. At this point additional leave may be purchased and utilised as a normal part of annual entitlement.

e) From 2024 all employees from Level 2 and above will benefit from a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice.

f) From 2024 any employee working away from their normal place of work will be entitled to a standard daily rate of £30.

In summary, most members will therefore receive a 7% pay rise if accepted. The GMB National Negotiating Committee (comprised of your elected reps in Swissport) believe this is the best offer that can be achieved by negotiation and recommend you consider acceptance.

Swissport Pay Negotiations Update (National Bargaining)

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Member,

Your Swissport NNC reps and National Officer met the employer in London for two further pay negotiations meetings on 28th and 29th November, following our initial meeting in Birmingham.

Some progress has been made on your Pay Claim for 2024. Of nine items, three of the less contentious areas have been agreed in principle, there are two areas where reasonable progress has been made, and the remaining four areas we are still some way apart, which includes the headline number on pay.

Following various lengthy discussion, proposals and counter-proposals, the talks have broken up in order for the employer to go back and do their necessary calculations before coming back to your NNC reps. A fourth negotiation session will be arranged in the next couple of weeks.

Due to the sensitivity of these critical ongoing negotiations and the usual confidentiality involved, your reps will not be able to provide any further details at this time.

We are still lacking reps and NNC reps in a number of stations, so please speak with your GMB Region or Nation to arrange nominating a rep where you work if you don't have one.

Remember - only our members will have a say on pay, so if you have colleagues who are not yet in your union, please sign them up via our website. Having more members helps deliver better outcomes in negotiations.

In solidarity

​Matthew Roberts

National Officer

GMB Union

GMB Union @ Swissport - Members Update

Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Member,

Thank you to each and every member who took the time to engage in the recent pay survey. It's so important that you have your say on your pay and conditions through your union.

Your GMB National Negotiating Team met Swissport senior management in Birmingham today to commence this year's pay negotiations ahead of the pay anniversary date of 1st January 2024.

We discussed the results of the survey and went into detail of your feedback on pay and conditions, covering a wide range of topics. The management listened to your pay claim and asked questions.

Now the employer have heard GMB members' pay claim for 2024, we will now be going into the formal negotiations, which will take place in November and December.

Please keep talking to your reps about pay and conditions and we will update members as we go through the negotiations. If you are interested in becoming a rep for your colleagues at your station please speak to your local GMB Region/Nation today.

Remember - only union members have a say on pay, so please encourage any non-members you work with to join your GMB Union at Swissport today. Every non-member weakens our case for better pay and conditions.

In solidarity,

Matt Roberts, GMB National Officer for Aviation

Your GMB NNC at Swissport


Posted on:


Dear GMB Union Members,

We would like to thank all members who took part in the democratic process and had your say on Pay in Swissport.

The result of the national all-member ballot was that, of those members who voted:

ACCEPT - 61 %

REJECT - 39 %

(We understand that your colleagues who are members of the Unite union also accepted the offer, by a larger margin than our members.)

Therefore, GMB members have accepted the offer and we will advise the company to proceed with implementing this in the new payroll cycle.

Clearly, the result was very close and there were many members who were not in favour of the offer. The views of those of you who voted to reject the offer are extremely important and we will now be visiting all the stations over the coming months to have conversations with members about pay and conditions and hear from you direct on what campaigns we need to run together to make work better in Swissport.

We have several stations with no elected workplace reps. Are you someone who has a strong sense of fairness and justice? Do you find that colleagues often confide in you with work issues? Are you the person who speaks up at work when things aren't right? Do you enjoy helping others and making sure everyone is looked after well in your team? Would you like to be more involved within Swissport, so your team has a stronger voice? If you answered yes to these questions or if you know someone who would, please get in touch and stand to be a rep.

In solidarity,

Nathan Keightley, GMB Swissport NNC Chair

Matt Roberts, GMB National Officer


Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Members,

Further to last week's update, we would like to advise members that shortly afterwards an opportunity opened up for your reps and the management to bring forward the third pay talks meeting (that was planned for the first week in January) to this week, in an effort to wrap up negotiations before Christmas. As we mentioned in our last update, both your reps and the company are keen to move forwards on pay. It is abundantly clear that pay rates needed to be improved to help our members in the cost-of-living crisis, and there is a recruitment and retention problem for the company.

After debate and discussion in which the company steadily improved their position, your reps did manage, as hoped, to reach an improved offer from the management which we feel is now appropriate to put forward to a ballot. Overall, your GMB Swissport NNC (National Negotiating Committee) have decided to recommend that you consider voting to accept the offer outlined below. That said, your NNC also noted some disappointment that a permanent increase to your holiday entitlement, which was part of our pay claim, was not agreed to be included at this time.

At the conclusion of the talks, the company's final offer is:

  • Pay increase of 10% on all base rates and default pay rates.
  • Increase of 10% on all core legacy allowances including PPS's, MBA's, VLA's and FLA's.
  • Increase in the standard company overtime rate from 1.25 (time and a quarter) to 1.33 (time and a third) - any local rates higher than this will remain at the higher rate.
  • Weighting allowances to remain at current locations at current rates until at least the next pay anniversary date (January 2024).
  • New weighting allowances for Ground Handling to be introduced to Newcastle, Glasgow, Belfast City, Luton and Heathrow.
  • Increase in weighting allowances for Belfast International Cargo, Stansted Cargo, and Manchester Ground Handling.
  • The company will guarantee 28 days' notice on planned rotas from 16th January 2023 to assist in members' work-life balance.
  • The company will guarantee a response to holiday request within 7 days of making the request from 30th January 2023 to assist in work-life balance.
  • It is confirmed as part of the pay offer that the forthcoming bank holiday for the King's Coronation in 2023 will be honoured by the company.

Your reps wanted to get this offer out to members as soon as possible for your early awareness and consideration. We will now arrange for a ballot to take place so you can have your say on pay.

Thank you for your support of this process and please continue to speak to your local reps about pay and conditions. If you are interested in becoming a rep, please get in touch.

In solidarity,

Nathan Keightley, GMB Swissport NNC Chair

Matt Roberts, GMB National Officer


Posted on:

Dear GMB Union Members,

This week, your GMB Negotiating Team met with Swissport management for a second Pay Talks meeting.

During the meeting, your reps can report that some progress has now been made towards meeting the aspirations stated in our GMB Swissport Pay Claim. However, we are not yet at an appropriate level of pay offer that we would require from the company in this current cost-of-living crisis.

Your reps will be meeting next week, without the employer present, to discuss our continuing efforts to negotiate the best possible offer for members, so please do continue to speak to your reps over the next few days to give your ongoing feedback on pay and conditions. We should all encourage any colleagues who are not yet members to join the GMB Union because together we are stronger and only members will have a say on pay.

We have arranged to meet again with the management in the first week of January. Both ourselves and the management have agreed to try to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible in January so we can put an offer on the table for you to vote on. Your Negotiating Team will provide further updates as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support, and if you would be interested in becoming a rep yourself, please get in touch.

In solidarity,

Nathan Keightley

Swissport NNC Chair / GMB Rep at East Midlands Airport

Matt Roberts

GMB National Officer


Noticeboard Bulletin - 23-12-2021

Posted on:

Dear Colleague,

Following the recent pay ballot held of GMB members in Swissport on the Company’s final pay offer, I can confirm that the results were as follows:

% of Votes to Accept - 91%

% of Votes to Reject - 9%

The Company’s offer has therefore been accepted.

We have informed the company of the result and have also been informed that Unite have also accepted the deal. As a result, the company will now be processing the pay increase and back pay to be paid in January.

Thank you to all the Reps and Regional Officers who helped in the ballot and to all GMB members for your support and patience during these negotiations.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and safe Christmas and New Year!

Yours in solidarity.



Noticeboard Bulletin - 26-05-2021

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

Please see below for a copy of an email I have sent to Liam Mcelroy, Head of Western Europe for Swissport.

The establishment of Rostering and Scheduling Committees is a key element of the agreement we reached with Swissport last year to protect jobs. Without these committees the GMB is deeply concerned that members will not be rostered fairly.

The GMB reached agreement with Swissport in good faith, to protect jobs and the business in an extremely challenging time for the industry. However, all principles of the agreement must be adhered to for fairness - this includes, of course, the establishment of rostering and scheduling committees.

If you do not have a GMB rep at your station and you would like to get more active and help us fight to get these committees set up locally then please get in touch with me directly at

Kind regards

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Email sent to Liam Mcelroy

Dear Liam,

I hope this email finds you well.

As you will be aware, as part of our mitigation agreement, Swissport agreed to establishing Rostering and Scheduling Committees to allow our reps and members to have input into rostering arrangements, to ensure accountability and prevent misinterpretation or exploitation of any of the measures agreed to save jobs and support the business.

As you can appreciate, with more of our members now returning to work, this has become a key issue for our members.

I was disappointed to hear from my reps that not one RSC has been established. You will know, of course, that you gave the trade unions your word on this issue, and it was a key component of the agreement.

I will ask my reps to keep pushing this at a local level but I'm also really hoping you can raise this with your station managers to help get the ball rolling.

Kind regards,

Nadine Houghton

Noticeboard Bulletin - 11-05-2021

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

You may now be aware that Swissport are seeking volunteers for redundancy. They have informed the GMB they are aiming to make a C. 150-180 full time equivalent reduction in staffing numbers and hope to do this by voluntary means. The GMB appreciates this announcement is causing anxiety and uncertainty for many of our members who may now be concerned about further compulsory redundancies if the VR figures are not achieved.

The continuing uncertainty caused by the government's approach to re - opening international travel means that flight schedules remain erratic and much lower than had been hoped. The limited list of 'Green Countries' and the continuing changes to travel guidance mean the aviation industry remains in a precarious position.

As you would expect, the GMB have asked for an enhanced package for those requesting VR, we have not had a formal response to this but hope that an agreement can be reached.

It is entirely your decision as to whether you volunteer and even if you do, the company do not have to accept your request. However, we hope and will be making representations to the company that, even if you are volunteering from an area where reductions are not required, that your request is strongly considered if it means preventing CR's in other areas - for example, if you work in Cargo where no reductions are needed but someone from passenger services who might otherwise be made redundant could be trained to take the Cargo position.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact your local rep or regional office.

Stay safe,

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Office

Noticeboard Bulletin - 13-11-2020

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

You may now be aware that Swissport are seeking volunteers for redundancy. They have informed the GMB they are aiming to make a C. 150-180 full time equivalent reduction in staffing numbers and hope to do this by voluntary means. The GMB appreciates this announcement is causing anxiety and uncertainty for many of our members who may now be concerned about further compulsory redundancies if the VR figures are not achieved.

The continuing uncertainty caused by the government's approach to re - opening international travel means that flight schedules remain erratic and much lower than had been hoped. The limited list of 'Green Countries' and the continuing changes to travel guidance mean the aviation industry remains in a precarious position.

As you would expect, the GMB have asked for an enhanced package for those requesting VR, we have not had a formal response to this but hope that an agreement can be reached.

It is entirely your decision as to whether you volunteer and even if you do, the company do not have to accept your request. However, we hope and will be making representations to the company that, even if you are volunteering from an area where reductions are not required, that your request is strongly considered if it means preventing CR's in other areas - for example, if you work in Cargo where no reductions are needed but someone from passenger services who might otherwise be made redundant could be trained to take the Cargo position.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact your local rep or regional office.

Stay safe,

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Office

Noticeboard Bulletin - 06-11-2020

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

You may now be aware that Swissport are seeking volunteers for redundancy. They have informed the GMB they are aiming to make a C. 150-180 full time equivalent reduction in staffing numbers and hope to do this by voluntary means. The GMB appreciates this announcement is causing anxiety and uncertainty for many of our members who may now be concerned about further compulsory redundancies if the VR figures are not achieved.

The continuing uncertainty caused by the government's approach to re - opening international travel means that flight schedules remain erratic and much lower than had been hoped. The limited list of 'Green Countries' and the continuing changes to travel guidance mean the aviation industry remains in a precarious position.

As you would expect, the GMB have asked for an enhanced package for those requesting VR, we have not had a formal response to this but hope that an agreement can be reached.

It is entirely your decision as to whether you volunteer and even if you do, the company do not have to accept your request. However, we hope and will be making representations to the company that, even if you are volunteering from an area where reductions are not required, that your request is strongly considered if it means preventing CR's in other areas - for example, if you work in Cargo where no reductions are needed but someone from passenger services who might otherwise be made redundant could be trained to take the Cargo position.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact your local rep or regional office.

Stay safe,

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Office

Noticeboard Bulletin - 03-11-2020

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

The furlough extension is a welcome relief for many of you, but for those of you whose redundancy notice started on the 31st October, the news was bittersweet.

The GMB has today agreed to an extension of the furlough agreement we reached with the company back in April, allowing Swissport to take advantage of the furlough extension. But what does this mean for those of you who left by way of compulsory redundancy on the 31st October?

We have asked Swissport to extend the employment of those staff leaving by redundancy to allow them to be furloughed. This would be cost neutral to Swissport but would offer a lifeline to those of you facing unemployment. We have written to Swissport to urge them to consider this and we await their reply.

The outlook for the aviation industry is still bleak and the GMB is still demanding targeted support for the sector; that's why, this month, we are meeting with the new Aviation and Maritime Minister, Robert Courts MP, to make the case on your behalf.

Prior to the announcement of the furlough extension the GMB had reached an agreement with Swissport regarding the Job Support Scheme, the scheme that was intended to replace furlough. The JSS has now been superseded by the furlough scheme, but when furlough ends, we expect the agreement regarding JSS to kick in. Although - as with all these things - the government may decide on something completely different by the time we get there!

We will of course keep you updated and will keep pushing Swissport to use the furlough scheme instead of pressing ahead with mass redundancies.

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 23-10-2020

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

The Chancellor's announcement yesterday, that the flexible furlough scheme will be extended, has given some hope to many workers like yourselves. Sadly, for many, the news comes too late, but we do not believe this needs to be the case for Swissport employees.

The end of the furlough scheme means many of you are due to be made redundant from the 31st October, although we know that Swissport have not yet issued redundancy notices to those leaving.

We have asked Swissport to do all they can to use the Chancellor's scheme to save jobs now - both those jobs currently at risk and any potential future redundancies. They have committed to updating us on this at the beginning of next week.

We signed a national agreement in August to mitigate C.837 job losses, Swissport have informed us that this figure is now C.720. However, the feedback we are getting from local stations is that the figure is in fact much lower. GMB members agreed to the mitigation measures to save jobs; if those jobs are not being saved many will rightly be asking why we reached agreement in the first place.

If the cost of the mitigation measures outweighs the jobs saved, we will unfortunately, consider walking away from the national agreement. We do not want to do this. We entered into agreement in good faith. We believed it was the best way to save as many jobs as possible, but as the amount of jobs saved decreases, the sacrifices no longer seem worthwhile.

GMB members have paid a heavy price; they have faced lay - off's, they have used their Annual Leave entitlement to continue accessing Furlough and they are facing redundancy. Now Swissport must do all it can to access the extended furlough scheme to save as many jobs as possible.

We will keep you updated on any progress in these discussions.

Stay safe!

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 09-10-2020

Posted on:

Your GMB representatives will soon be meeting with station managers to begin consultation on how the mitigation measures, negotiated nationally in August, will be applied at each station. This includes a 20% reduction in hours, cross utilisation of certain roles and an agreement around rostering and Scheduling.

The outcome of these talks is that a certain number of roles will be saved, however we will not be able to save every job.

Sadly, the government have been woefully lacking in providing sector specific support to the aviation industry, the Furlough scheme has sustained many of our jobs but the replacement, Job Support Scheme, does not give the support employers need to keep workers on.

This means that the mass redundancies we have been consulting on will come into effect as of the 31st October.

We continue to press government for an aviation specific bail out and are calling for a joint trade union meeting with the new Aviation Minister as soon as possible as well as a meeting with the Shadow Treasury team to talk them through the pit falls of the new Job Support Scheme and why it isn't fit for purpose for aviation employers.

Your local reps will keep you updated on the outcome of local talks once they have concluded.

Take care and stay safe.

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer


Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

Thank you to those of you that took part in the recent national ballot concerning temporary mitigation measures to save jobs.

The national ballot outcome was 58% in favour of acceptance and 42% against.

Swissport have now also confirmed they will be extending their use of the Furlough Scheme and will be allocating accrued annual leave entitlement to 'top up' the employer contributions that employers are now required to maketo continue accessing the scheme. This means that you will continue to receive 80% of your pay up until the end of October but you will also be required to use up some of your annual leave entitlement to continue to receive this. We are awaiting details from Swissport concerning how much annual leave entitlement a full-time equivalent worker is expected to make.

The time brought through continuing furlough is now essential to allow local discussions to take place meaningfully. It buys your representativesand local managers’valuable extra time; we hope this time will be used wisely. We now expect the mitigation measures agreed nationally to be used as a basis for local negotiations.

Following all of this we now await the revised job cut figures; this should include a reduced amount of compulsory redundancies once the voluntary redundancies have been announced and the mitigation measures have been considered. We expect these numbers to change following local negotiations and dependent on what mitigation measures specifically are agreed at each location.

Your local representatives and officers are best placed to keep you updated on the outcome of the local talks they will be having with your managers.

Thank you for your continued support through this difficult time. I hope that the furlough extension through to the end of October gives you some, albeit brief, certainty.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 20-07-2020

Posted on:

Dear GMB member,

I am writing to update you on the GMB's negotiations with Swissport.

As you know, the aviation industry is in turmoil, there is huge volatility which is making negotiations extremely difficult. We want to do all we can to protect jobs and keep skills in the industry for when the upturn does arrive. This is at the forefront of your negotiating teams mind.

We met with Swissport yesterday, they outlined the scale of the redundancies they are looking at, but they also made suggestions concerning measures that might be taken to save jobs and bring the overall headcount reduction down.

It is worth noting that Swissport are looking for a number of things, including 'efficiency, productivity and flexibility'. The GMB will not negotiate and recommend any proposals that we do not believe to be in the interests of our members, but we are open to putting forward proposals that we believe would allow Swissport to achieve the things they are looking for whilst protecting jobs and our members’ work life balance.

The GMB is completely committed to ongoing negotiations with Swissport and we will do so in good faith. Your negotiating team is meeting shortly to put together our proposal to protect jobs, we will share this with you once it is finalised.

So whilst the GMB is making this commitment to our members we are now looking to Swissport to make a commitment to you; Swissport must now extend the Furlough arrangements for all employees not now back at work and extend the consultation period to allow us to meaningfully engage and develop proposals. If Swissport are serious about protecting jobs and building a company fit for the future they must now commit to this.

We will continue to update you as things move forward.

Stay safe.

Nadine Houghton 

GMB National Officer

Redundancy Risk Update

Posted on:

I am writing to update you on the current redundancy situation in Swissport.

As you will know the company have announced that over 50% of its workforce are currently at risk of redundancy. Since the announcement the GMB has spoken out in the press, lobbied government, organised a demonstration outside the Scottish Parliament and in Wales we have helped secured funding for Swissport from the Welsh government to protect jobs at Cardiff airport. We have, as you would expect, also been in talks with Swissport about what happens next.

So, what does happen next? At this stage we still have more questions than we have answers. The questions we have asked so far include; how much will it cost to furlough staff into August (when employers have to pick up NI and Pension costs) What is the timeline for consultation? How much do Swissport expect Redundancy payments to cost? What are Swissport basing their modelling on?

We have had responses to some of our questions but not all, we will continue to seek answers in order to be able to consult meaningfully and ensure we have access to all the information we are entitled to during a redundancy consultation.

In addition to all of this, we are entitled to be consulted concerning the selection criteria used for selecting individuals for redundancy. This negotiation has not started yet and until this happens we do not believe that meaningful local consultation can take place and until local consultation takes place we do not yet believe that there has been enough about the consultation itself that has been meaningful to warrant the clock starts ticking on the 45 day statutory consultation period.

Clearly though we hope and aim to reach a position that mitigates against as many job losses as possible. We will fight to save every job and that means continuing to lobby government, it means both Swissport and GMB members being open minded about options to protect jobs and we of course await the results of the Voluntary Redundancy exercise.

As soon as we have more news we will update you and will be organising a FB live event at the earliest and most appropriate opportunity.

I know these are difficult times but I hope you are all keeping safe and well, GMB will continue to fight for you.

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Swissport Announcement

Posted on:

Yesterday's announcement from Swissport was devastating.

I can only begin to imagine how anxious and fearful for the future you must all be feeling right now.

I hope it goes without saying that your GMB representatives will be going above and beyond to save as many jobs as possible.

We are currently exploring what options may be available through both conversations with government and with Swissport. We are still at an early stage in the process so will keep you updated as things progress.

In the meantime though please ensure you contact your MP using the GMB Save Our Airports Campaign Page:

You must keep telling MP's what we need to see from Government if we stand a chance of saving jobs, regional airports and the aviation industry. Please make sure you share the campaign pagewith your friends and colleagues too.

We will shortly be organising a FB live Q&A and an Aviation Workers Facebook Rally too. We will keep you updated on when these will be happening.

In solidarity,

Nadine Houghton
GMB national officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 19-05-2020

Posted on:

Please see below the text of a letter sent to the head of Swissport HR regarding health and safety concerns relating to your return to work:

'Thank you for your email Pauline,

However it has done very little to alleviate my concerns, in fact it has exacerbated them.

Apologies that I've had to resort to quoting Health and Safety legislation but under the current circumstances and in light of the language you have used in your email (weekly reviews and Risk Assessments being 'shared') The GMB's view is that this simply does not comply with your obligations under various health and safety legislation.

You will notice that H&S reps have a right to inspect the workplace; our reps at LPL have been denied this opportunity, despite government guidance stating that Furloughed reps can carry out collective representation.

The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (SRSCR) 1977 apply to employers who recognise a trade union and require that they consult with officially appointed safety representatives on matters concerning health and safety for those groups of employees they represent. The function of union appointed safety representatives is to:

  • represent employees generally and when you consult them about specific matters that will affect the health, safety and welfare of the employees;
  • represent employees when Health and Safety Inspectors from HSE or local authorities consult them;
  • investigate accidents, near misses, and other potential hazards and dangerous occurrences in the workplace;
  • investigate complaints made by an employee they represent about their health, safety or welfare in the workplace;
  • present the findings of investigations to you;
  • inspect the workplace;
  • with at least one other appointed representative, request in writing that you set up a health and safety committee; and
  • attend Health and Safety Committee meetings as a representative of your employees.
  • Employees or their representatives must be given enough information to allow them to take a full and effective part in the consultation and they must have enough time to consider or express their views. You must take time to listen and consider their views before you make any decision.

I am unclear how simply 'sharing' risk assessments and having weekly briefings allow our reps to carry out the functions they are legally entitled to carry out in any meaningful sense nor how the actions Swissport are currently taking comply with your requirements as an employer with a recognised trade union.

Moreover, on a more practical note, why wouldn't you want our reps involved in the risk assessment and workplace inspections prior to a return to work; their input and expertise is invaluable and having their input helps you bring your colleagues back safely and to a more harmonious workplace, to be blunt it's in your interests to work with them.

We raised this issue with Grant Shapps yesterday and we know that Jason is appearing in front of the Transport Select Committee tomorrow, we will be asking our sponsored MP's to raise this issue directly with Jason.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Many thanks,

Nadine Houghton
GMB National Officer

Noticeboard Bulletin - 18-05-2020

Posted on:

As we prepare for a gradual return to work in aviation I wanted to write to update you on the steps your union is taking to make sure that any return is safe for you - our members.

We have this morning written to Swissport to remind them of their responsibility to work in partnership with GMB Health and Safety Representatives when planning the reopening of operations. We have asked them to make sure they are working jointly with local GMB representatives when conducting risk assessments; this is particularly important at a local station level where your union reps will have expert knowledge of the processes and jobs you do as well as the workplace itself.

The GMB supports a return to work but only if it is safe. The GMB will play a key part in making sure this is the case. Aviation workers are key workers and must be able to return to work with confidence.

The GMB is meeting with the Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps, today and we will be making our key demands clear:

  • Risk assessments carried out with GMB health and safety reps well in advance of any return to work.
  • Adequate PPE provision including for check-in and security staff.
  • Removal of the need to manually clock in / out (e.g. when using clocking in machines)
  • No to check-in staff conducting temperature checks unless fully trained, adequate PPE, increase in pay and supported by the science.
  • Hand sanitisation points throughout airport.
  • Adequate Plexi Screens in place.
  • Social Distancing signage.
  • Passengers to wear face masks.
  • Possible Anti Gen test and evidence from passenger prior to travel.
  • We support a Covid death in service payment for all key workers but recognise that the best way to spend public funds is preventing the deaths in the first place.

As always, we will keep you updated on the steps GMB is taking to protect you at work. As we return to the workplace your input and action will be essential in this and we will be asking you to get more involved in your union as this progresses.

In Solidarity,

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer

Redundancy Consultation Paused

Posted on:

Following campaigning from the GMB we are delighted to announce that Swissport have (once again) paused the redundancy consultation process that they were due to restart this week.

Swissport had previously indicated to your GMB representatives that they intended to begin consultation on redundancies this week.

But as many of you will have seen, following pressure from the GMB and other trade unions, the Chancellor has now extended the Furlough scheme until the end of October. We await detailed guidance on this, but the current reports suggest that staff will be able to work part time from July whilst also being furloughed. We are yet to discuss what this looks like with Swissport.

A gradual, tapered return to work means that the GMB will now need to consider what a 'safe' return to work looks like for aviation workers and we are working with other unions and the DfT on that. We will provide more detailed advice and guidance on this moving forward. We are concerned however that Swissport appear to have begun carrying out risk assessments without first consulting and involving GMB health and safety representatives and we will challenge them on this.

We will now also need a bespoke financial package for the aviation industry. We know that flights will not return to pre Covid levels for some time, but when flights do pick up it is essential that the industry does not lose the skilled, trained workforce it currently has. The GMB is clear; any bespoke packages MUST come with guarantees that protect workers. Taking taxpayer money while cutting terms, conditions and jobs will not be tolerated.

We will continue to keep you updated.

Take care and stay safe.

Nadine Houghton

GMB National Officer.

Furlough virtual Q&A events

Posted on:

In these difficult times, your union is ensuring we are still able to answer your questions and give you advice. We can't see you face to face as much as we'd like but we have organised two 'virtual' events for our members.

We want to answer your questions on furlough and any other employment questions you may have so we've organised the following:

*Facebook Live Event - 12:30 Tuesday 7th April*
(this will be a short talk on Furlough arrangements with time for a few questions and comments)

Click for Facebook Event

(Click the 'Get Reminder' button once on Facebook to sign up for an alert when we go live)

*Live Webinar Q&A on furlough and your rights at work - 12:30 Wednesday 8th April*
(this will be a more in depth sessions with much more time for questions and comments)

Click to register for webinar

We look forward to seeing you!

Nadine Houghton
National Officer, GMB

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member today.