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Dear GMB Union Member,
It's time to Have Your Say on Pay. Your Negotiating Team are now able to present the offer for the 1st December 2024 anniversary date. Please read carefully the formal offer document from the employer which contains full details.
We are particularly pleased that BA have listened to the results of our pay survey of GMB Union members where you told us that you were keen on a Profit Share Scheme to be introduced as a high priority. All the feedback we received from members helped enormously to shape the negotiations and we thank everyone who completed the survey for all your input.
Following a meeting on Friday, your reps are unanimously recommending you consider voting to Accept this offer. Your local reps will be in touch with your ballot paper.
In summary, if accepted, the offer is for a three-year deal that will see a 4.5% pay rise backdated from 1st December 2024, and then a change to the pay anniversary date which will see further pay rises of a minimum of 3% on 1st January 2026 and a minimum of 3% on 1st January 2027. Please read the formal offer document for full details. The new Profit Share Scheme (this will not apply to Cargo where you will retain your existing bonus scheme) will see a guaranteed pay out of £1000 to you in 2025, and potential pay outs of no less than £1000 in 2026 and 2027 (should the minimum thresholds be hit). (You may receive more than £1000 in all three years should profits be high enough.) There will also be improvements around Policies and Staff Travel Benefits which are detailed in the formal letter.
Only union members will have a say on this offer. If you have any colleagues who are not yet in the union, ask them to join GMB Union today. Could you see yourself getting involved in future consultations or negotiations with the employer? If so, ask us about potentially becoming a rep. Together we are stronger.
In solidarity
Matt Roberts
National Officer for Aviation
For and On Behalf of Your GMB Union Pay Negotiating Team