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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
Asda are trying to distract from the fact they plan to sack workers this weekend unless they sign a…
GMB, the union for school support staff, has commented on the Education Select Committee's report…
Only 5% of construction workers are BAME says GMB Union while pledging commitment to more diverse…
British Steel must be brought into public ownership to save jobs, communities and industry.
GMB member’s long running strike at Matalan was called off today after they accepted a new,…
On World Menopause Day, bosses must recognise the ‘debilitating’ symptoms which affect 70% of…
GMB, Britain’s general union, says the Government’s Brexit deal leaves the Conservatives free…
GMB says Northern Ireland will take a ‘huge leap forward’ when abortion and same sex marriage…