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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
GMB Union says the British Steel/Jingye deal set to be signed off today is a big win for the…
There has been huge negative reaction to Wilko’s plans – the company needs to listen.
GMB has won a hat trick of legal cases against Uber in relation to workers’ rights.
The ground-breaking announcement is the latest win for GMB Union in the battle to protect workers…
GMB members are furious Wilko would turn on them and impose draconian cuts.
More than 1,700 jobs at risk if airports fold due to airline going bust.
Jobs under threat at Birmingham, East Midlands, Cardiff, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Manchester airports.
Up to 2,000 direct jobs hang in the balance after the collapse of Flybe.