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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
COVID-19 poised to send family finances to the wall with millions already living hand-to-mouth.
GMB, the union for school support staff, has called on the Department for Education to engage…
This advice is wrong, potentially dangerous and does nothing to protect staff or patients.
GMB’s hardworking ambulance members put patients first - but they shouldn’t have to risk their…
Chancellor is right that we need to work together to get through this and GMB is willing to play…
But British Airways can’t be given carte blanche to use bail out cash to line pockets of fat…
Members of GMB union in Sandwell, whose electricians won a pay dispute last month, have swept away…
Anyone getting sick will get just £94 a week - nowhere near enough to live on.