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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
GMB Union boss Gary Smith has issued a challenge to Labour ahead of the general election.
Men facing incontinence caused by prostate cancer can’t access sanitary bins, GMB Congress heard…
The state of the water industry shows Ofwat has failed, GMB congress has heard.
TDR Capital taking a bigger stake in Asda is bad news for shoppers and staff, GMB Union has…
GMB is balloting members at The Stonehenge School in Amesbury, Wiltshire over changes to working…
Refuse workers in South Tyneside start a vote on continuous industrial action today.
Members of GMB at Crane Building Services and Utilities have accepted a 7 per cent pay deal.
GMB has responded to Ofsted’s Big Listen project.