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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
Daily testing affects tiny fraction of key workers and relying on lateral flows skews figures and…
The Eastbourne bin strike is set to spread across Sussex as GMB Union launched a consultative…
Scandal that national renewables sector gets huge subsidies from UK billpayers, yet bulk of…
Asda faces potential industrial action as GMB Union ballots workers over Asda’s failure to make a…
Daily testing affects tiny fraction of key workers and relying on lateral flows skews figures and…
Eastbourne’s bin strike is set to go ahead tomorrow after the council issued a ‘misleading’…
Eastbourne’s bin strike is set to go ahead tomorrow after the council issued a ‘misleading’…
GMB union has accused Carmarthenshire Council is playing 'Russian roulette' with residents' safety…