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GMB is stands up for members in the workplace and without our army of Workplace Representatives, we wouldn’t be able to do it.
A Barrow bin strike has been confirmed after GMB members voted for industrial action.
GMB union has respnded to the the news immigration rules will be relaxed for care workers.
A fresh group of sub-contracted workers at Heathrow Airport will get a pay rise to at least £11.05…
Workers at St George’s Hospital are to stage a protest after bosses offered to loan them money…
Workers at a forge are celebrating a massive pay win after bosses backed down at the 11th hour.
The supposed 'high-wage economy' promised by the Prime Minister is further away than ever.
Ministers cannot take a back seat on care, that’s how care workers end-up mired in a pandemic…
A bin strike will go ahead across Wiltshire after GMB members voted for industrial action.