A public school in Yorkshire faces strike action over an attack on GMB members’ pensions.
Almost 50 workers at William Henry Smith School, in Brihouse, are voting in a indicative ballot one whether they are ready to take industrial action.
The William Henry Smith School Trustees have decided to scrap entry to the West Yorkshire Pension Scheme for all and move everyone over to a different pension scheme.
This alternative pension scheme represents an immediate financial detriment to all those impacted.
If GMB members vote to strike in the ballot – which closes 28 July – the union will move to a fill strike ballot.
Pete Davies, GMB Senior Organiser, said:
“The Trustees of William Henry Smith School have taken the decision to attack our members pension schemes in order to balance their books.
“They are condemning their school staff to a poorer retirement in later life under the pretence that this is good for them.
“GMB will always fight tooth and nail to protect what our members have.
“Facing a cost of living crisis is bad enough, the promise of an even worse financial hit when they retire is just unthinkable.
“We are asking all members to move to a full strike action ballot because those same trustees are imposing this cut now, just in time to ruin our members summer break.
“They should hang their heads in shame.”