GMB, the union for NHS workers, has described today’s figures on NHS A&E waiting times - the worst ever – as an 'avoidable tragedy' caused of 10 years of NHS cuts.
One in six patients waited longer than four hours in A&E in England during October.
The data from NHS England shows 83.6% of patients arriving at A&E were treated or admitted in four hours. The target is 95% and has not been met since July 2015.
Other targets covering cancer and routine hospital treatment are also being missed.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said:
“The devastation of our health service is an avoidable tragedy and the direct result of ten years of Conservative cuts.
“Under the Tories our health service is in crisis and close to breaking point – yet NHS workers are being gagged and told not to tell the world how bad things have got.
“Vague promises and lies about new hospitals are not going to help.
“Our NHS needs a proper rescue plan, an urgent injection of money and a proper pay rise for workers.
“We will only get that under a Labour government.”