Wiltshire traffic wardens dish out an average of 60 tickets a day - but none were issued on strike days, a GMB investigation shows.
During the 53 days from 1 April to 23 May this year, Wiltshire traffic wardens issued 3,140 PCNS – peaking with a massive 121 on 2 April. [1]
But on May 7 and 17, when traffic wardens down tools in anger at the council’s pay cut threat, absolutely none were issued,
GMB says this means the authority could miss out on up to £200,000 in lost parking charges and fines during the forthcoming week long traffic warden strike [30 June - 7 July].
Keith Roberts, GMB Regional Organiser, explains
"Parking enforcement brings in an income of about £30,000 per day to the council, through a combination of parking fines and car park charges.
"Let us be clear, once the public realises there will very little chance of getting a ticket, a lot of people simply won't pay in council car parks on strike days.
"GMB estimates our seven day strike could cost the council about £200,000 in lost income.
"Our members are despairing – with inflation rampant out of touch council HR bureaucrats are looking to take £2,000 off traffic wardens, and £7,000 off social workers.
“To make matters worse they won’t rule out fire and rehire to make the cuts they want.
"The gloves are off as far as GMB is concerned. We will make sure the council get hit hard and meanwhile the motoring public may welcome our strike "