The Wealden bin strike has been paused after Biffa made an eleventh hour pay offer to GMB members.
Refuse collectors across Wealden District Council were due to walk out for a week of industrial action from Monday [25 April]
The last minute offer from Biffa falls shot of workers’ expectations – but GMB members have paused the strike and consider the offer on Monday.
Gary Palmer, GMB Regional Organiser, said:
'Biffa’s offer is well short of our members expectations for sure, but we still felt it right to pause strike action whilst our members consider it.
“However, we will also issue a further week of strike dates to follow on from the still planned walk out on 2 May, in case Biffa continue to insist this is their final offer.
“Coming off the back of the long running Adur & Worthing dispute, it should be clear GMB will back our members all the way if they need to undertake a strike of attrition to get what they deserve.
"Despite Biffa closing down negotiation, GMB remains available should they wish to come back to the table if their opening and closing offer is rejected.”