UP to £1,600 covid bonus for outsourced hospital workers

Posted by Jon Parker-Dean
Wednesday 29 May 2024
GMB Trade Union - UP to £1,600 covid bonus for outsourced hospital workers

Outsourced NHS workers at St George’s Hospital have won a bonus of up to £1,600 for their work during the Pandemic

Members of GMB, the union for healthcare workers, have been fighting for a covid bonus that was afforded to NHS staff - but not to those who have been outsourced to private companies.

The non-consolidated bonus came after 97% of GMB members at St George’s backed action in an indicative strike ballot.

Outsourcing giant Mitie u-turned to offer the bonus to avoid strike action.

The workers will receive the payment by June 11 – and will be among the first outsourced healthcare workers in the country to do so.

Helen O’Connor, GMB Regional Organiser said: 

“This is a huge victory for NHS workers at St George’s. There cannot be a two-tiered approach to NHS workers – where those outsourced are left worse off.

“The workers themselves stayed strong and fought for what was they were owed. It shows the power of collective action.

“Cleaners, porters, and catering staff are vital to the running of the NHS and deserve to be treated with respect. The next step is to take this victory to hospitals all over the country.”

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