How many more outbreaks until Amazon takes responsibility for its actions?
How many more outbreaks until Amazon takes responsibility for its actions?
Shocking images have emerged showing workers crammed onto buses at an Amazon warehouse where two more workers contracted the killer virus.
A total of ten workers have now tested positive for Covid-19 at Amazon’s facility in Coventry – with two of those in the past 24 hours.
An influx of new temporary workers, thought to be as many as 1,000, to handle Prime Day orders has raised alarm about the spread of coronavirus.

Workers report mask bins overflowing and spilling onto the floor as workers exit the warehouse and gather close-by to board National Express coaches, with security watching and failing to enforce social distancing.
Seats onboard the coaches were not marked for distancing and were reported to be ‘three-quarters full’ by workers at the site.
https://www.facebook.com/GMBun..." class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"> Posted by GMB Union
Amanda Gearing, GMB Senior Organiser said:
“Yesterday Amazon accused us of scaremongering for revealing their atrocious Covid-19 record.
“Today we are proven right yet again.
“They are sacrificing their terrified workers on the altar of profit, forcing people to work in unsafe conditions and refusing to use the NHS Test and Trace system.
“How many more outbreaks until Amazon takes responsibility for its actions and starts protecting its workers?”