GMB, is calling for the government to invest in Britain's gas networks and new hydrogen technologies or risk missing net zero emissions target.
Renewed investment is the key to keep Britain's lights on in 2030 according to GMB, the union for energy workers.
On Monday the Government extended the energy price cap of 15m homes until the end of next year after agreeing to extend the energy price cap beyond 2020.
The union is renewing calls on the government to prioritise funding into Hydrogen technologies, and renewing the gas and energy infrastructure to secure the future of Britain's energy supply.
Cap on energy bills for 15m UK homes extended until 2021 https://t.co/XDXBkguk5K
— Guardian Business (@BusinessDesk) October 19, 2020
OFGEM, the energy regulator are seeking to cut their draft RIIO (Revenue, Incentives Innovation, and Outputs) determination, which could mean the loss of millions of pounds of investment for the network.
GMB is worried that changes may mean major cutbacks in the network that could see catastrophic delays to the UK meeting its Net Zero carbon emissions and thousands of job losses.
Gary Cater, GMB national officer said:
“If UK is to hit net zero and meet our environmental targets, then the infrastructure that carries the UK’s energy supply all needs investment and repair.
“Cutting investment would be catastrophic, leaving us unable to meet our environmental obligations and could see thousands of job losses.
“The workers in the energy sector are the unseen key workers of the Covid crisis. They have worked tirelessly throughout, but the truth is unless OFGEM and the UK government commit to renewing the energy infrastructure they face job cuts“.