Johnson talks of people wanting a new approach - as if country’s problems aren’t the result of 10 years of Conservative rule
Boris Johnson talks of people wanting a new approach - as if this country’s problems aren’t the result of more than a decade of Conservative rule
GMB, Britain's general union, has described today's Queen's Speech as 'an historic missed opportunity' to level up workers' rights.
Warren Kenny, GMB Acting General Secretary, said:
“With the pandemic easing, this was the Government’s opportunity to show it could deliver for working people.
“We have been fobbed off repeatedly by Ministers with promises to level up workers’ rights with an Employment Bill. Well, the Bill is still missing in action.
"The Government promised to make the UK the best place in the world to work, while it is leaving bosses free to use nefarious tactics like fire and rehire with impunity.
"Warm words on workers’ rights are betrayed by this Government’s abject lack of leadership. This is an historic missed opportunity at a time when unscrupulous employers are exploiting the pandemic to attack good quality jobs.
“The social care system has been shown to be broken and our carers are being forgotten by government again.
“Much delayed reform can no longer wait, we need the details of a plan that will invest in the sector and workforce not more vague promises.”
“We also have concerns that the new Procurement and Subsidy Bills could represent a centralisation of powers in Westminster and pave the way for a new wave of undercutting, privatisation and levelling down our public services.
“Boris Johnson talks of people wanting a new approach - as if this country’s problems aren’t the result of more than a decade of Conservative rule.
“The Queen’s Speech shows all we can expect from him is all talk, no action.”