One in three care workers at the UK’s biggest provider can’t afford to take time off, a shock survey shows.
More than 1,000 carers working for HC-One completed the poll, with one in three saying they cannot afford to take time off sick when asked 'what is your current sick pay position?’
One in three also said they would definitely or seriously consider leaving the organisation if pay does not rise to meet the challenge of costs.
Last year HC-One implemented a ground-breaking policy of paying carers sick pay from day one: the current rate is £16.67 a day.
GMB’s survey results form part of a pay claim to the company, calling on the daily sick pay rate to rise to £40 a day.
Natalie Grayson, GMB National Officer, said:
“HC-One have already shown they are leaders in the sector, by introducing day one sick pay.
“Now we are challenging them to go even further and recognise the need for sick pay at a rate that actually means carers can afford take time off when they are poorly.
"We know this is a big step – but it’s the right thing to do and HC-One has a track record of showing it cares about its workers.”