GMB, the energy union, says oil and gas decommissioning must lead to jobs for UK yards.
A report by the OGUK this week forecasted firms will spend some £16.6 billion on decommissioning work over the next decade.
Ross Murdoch, GMB National Officer, said:
"Decommissioning must lead to jobs in UK yards - rather than rigs being towed halfway round the world to be broken up as they have been previously.
“If this Government is serious about levelling up, this is a perfect opportunity and will play a significant part in rebuilding the UK economy post Brexit and post Covid 19.
"So close to the end of COP 26, Ministers should also consider the environmental damage caused pumping fumes from ships transporting rigs overseas.
“The Government must put serious weight on environmental aspects of any bid when contracts go out to tender – including using the scrap from decommissioned rigs to feed Electric Arc Furnaces here in the UK to aid our ailing steel industry.”