Nottingham Goose Fair faces tram strike disruption

Posted by GMB Admin
Friday 18 August 2023
GMB Trade Union - Nottingham Goose Fair faces tram strike disruption

GMB Union has announced workers on Nottingham’s tram network have began balloting for strike action.

The vote comes after Nottingham’s tram operator, Keolis, offered a real terms pay cut to staff.

Around 300 drivers, mechanics, control room and ticket office staff will join the ballot with a result expected late August.

Colin Whyatt, GMB Organiser, said:

“Striking is always a last resort, but our members have been backed into a corner by low pay.

“Tram workers are facing the harshest cost of living crisis in a generation, with many of them unable to afford to live and shop in the city they work in.

“Tram bosses have been keen to plead poverty in recent weeks, but hard working and loyal staff cannot be expected to foot the bill.

“Transport chaos in one of Nottingham’s busiest weeks is something tram bosses must act to avoid.

“Our union is always open to negotiating a solution and our door is always open.

“We’d urge tram top brass to urgently step back from the brink and bring an offer to the table that reflects the contribution our members make to Nottingham.”

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