New Secretary gives himself more power to hand out favours instead of putting money in workers' pockets
New Secretary of State gives himself more power to hand out favours to money-grabbing mates instead of putting money in the pockets of workers
GMB, the union for health and social care workers, has responded to the Government's new Health and Social Care Bill.
Rachel Harrison, GMB National Officer, said:
“Yesterday the Queen gave NHS staff the George Cross, whilst today the Government is publishing reforms that will further fragment and privatise our NHS.
“Ministers have again failed to sort out much needed reform for social care or tell us how they are going to get any funding down to the workers' pay packets.
“What we should be hearing from the Government is the need for restoration pay for public sector workers. Nothing less.
“The new Secretary of State seems to think giving himself more powers to private companies is more important than putting money in the pockets of those that got us through the pandemic.”