Yer their reward for pandemic efforts is more pay cuts
It can’t be right that health workers’ reward for their pandemic efforts is yet more pay cuts, says GMB Union
NHS workers in England have lost up to £9,000 a year during a decade of Conservative led real terms pay cuts, GMB analysis shows.
Long-serving cleaners have had more than £1,000 pinched from their pay packet every year, 999 call handlers £3,500, nurses more than £6,000, midwives more than £7,500, the union’s calculations found.
Paramedic Paul Turner agrees that the NHS needs to be invested in.
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) July 22, 2021
He highlights how the NHS ambulance services aren't sticking to the response times because they are under resourced and under funded.
He says response times are currently 'well above 30 to 40 minutes.' pic.twitter.com/VMRPnjIhdy
The figures emerge after a day of chaos and confusion in Parliament yesterday which ended with NHS staff being offered a below inflation pay offer of 3%
GMB is now consulting members on the pay offer and will be recommending they say no to the ‘paltry’ response from Government.
Rehana Azam, GMB National Secretary, said:
“After ten years of pay cuts, a pandemic that saw NHS staff put all their lives at risk and now a pay offer from the Government that amounts to taking yet more cash from their pockets – it's no wonder moral among NHS workers is rock bottom.
“It can’t be right that our health workers have had their pay slashed by thousands – and it can’t be right that their reward for their pandemic efforts is yet more cuts to their pay.
“GMB will be recommending members turn down this paltry pay offer. Ministers need to think again.”